"Strange, you are so strong, and there is no reason for the system not to invite you when such a big thing happened in the main city..."

"It's really strange, generally the stronger players went in the first batch, and only the old, weak, sick and disabled were left... It's so sad..."

Su Miao's brows slowly frowned, and his fists gradually clenched as He Zilong chattered.

This guy chattered for a long time, but he didn't say a single word accurately, which made Su Miao's anger value rise sharply.


Su Miao slapped the table, and He Zilong, who was in a "chatty" state, suddenly woke up and looked at Su Miao in panic.

"Speak to the point."

Looking at Su Miao's cold expression, He Zilong swallowed his saliva, took a sip of milk tea and nodded frantically.

And in He Zilong's words, Su Miao finally knew what happened in the main city, and finally understood why there were so few people in the main city.

According to He Zilong's description, about three days ago, the third-level player was teleported to an unknown world. This world is huge and vast, with a rich background story.

Generally speaking, the dungeons that the main city allows players to participate in are closely related to the earth. After all, in everyone's speculation, the main city is likely to be the incarnation of an ancient god on earth. He turned the invasion of the outer gods into dungeons and used players to save his world.

But the "world guardian" of that world may have fallen because of the invasion of the outer gods, or because of unknown reasons.

There is only one ending for a civilization without a "world guardian".

That is, the outer gods descended to the center of civilization and brought chaos, evil, and fear to the whole world.

Their purpose is to release their hunger and desire, plunder resources, and completely squeeze out civilization and all the value of the world.

And this world will be like chewed sugarcane, with only the remnants of civilization left.

Without guardians, this world will eventually become a hotbed for the arrival of the Outer Gods and the evil gods. Once they fully enter this world, they will grow and become stronger, which will seriously threaten the ecology of the neighboring worlds.

Unfortunately, the Earth is the closest civilization to this civilization, so the main city needs to send people to provide support.

The upper limit of the players supported by this world is level three, so the main city has drawn half of the players from the three main cities from level one to level three for support.

The remaining half of the players will give priority to handling the copies of the Outer Gods on Earth. If the processing is completed, they will jointly support this civilization that is about to collapse after 7 days.

To put it bluntly, providing support is a war with the Outer Gods, and necessities such as equipment and potions will rise with the war.

And professions such as equipment manufacturers, repairers, and alchemists will play an important role in this war.

There is a saying that the half of the players who are given priority support are elite players, while the players who are delayed for 7 days are "old, weak, sick and disabled".

Oh no, I'm old and weak...

Su Miao secretly complained about this.

After listening to He Zilong's description, he thought about it, touched his chin, and asked: "Do you have any information about the civilized world you want to support?"

Hearing Su Miao's question, He Zilong thought carefully for a while, and said: "Playing Yuanshen, no, it was a slip of the tongue..."

He smiled shyly, and then said: "Have you played games like Dark Souls, Bloodline or Elden?"

Su Miao is eighteen this year, but since he was ten years old, his mind is full of revenge. He has never touched Candy Crush, let alone these strange games.

"I don't know much, but I heard that the world view of the game is somewhat similar to that of Dark Souls. The name of that world is..."


Hearing these three words, Su Miao always felt very familiar. After carefully searching his memory in his mind, he finally remembered where the familiarity came from.

When Su Miao entered the underground cave, a demigod named "Nimue" was sealed above and below the stone platform deep in the cave.

The demigod described himself as "the demigod of the Fei clan", "the chief assistant of the only true emperor", and "the demigod of Losman".

Even in the "white phosphorus ore" that Lucy took as a snack, Su Miao also got relevant information about the Losman Empire.

White phosphorus ore will be used by Rossman civilians to make farm tools, and the nobles will use this ore to make luminous objects for lighting.

Combined with the description of the "Guardian of the World", Su Miao suspected that the desert ruins he was forced to teleport to might be "Losman".

And the dead beast king, the incomplete demigod who crawled out of the cemetery, might be the dead demigod mentioned by He Zilong, that is, the "Guardian of the World".

These pieces of information connected together allowed Su Miao to obtain a lot of useful information, at least when I enter, I won't be in the dark. This is very important information.

"Very useful information."

Su Miao was not stingy and directly traded 100 game coins to He Zilong.

[System prompt: "God Slayer" has initiated a transaction application with you. Do you accept it? ]

"Huh? No, boss, this information is free, why charge you!"

He Zilong waved his hand and directly refused the transaction.

"I'll only say it once, this is what you deserve."

Su Miao spoke coldly and mercilessly in an imperative tone.

"Uh... OK, OK..."

He Zilong was a little embarrassed. This time he chose to accept it directly.

This is not Su Miao's saint. On the contrary, he doesn't like to owe favors to others, nor does he like to have too many intersections with others.

He has no friends, and he only has a trading relationship with others, so there is no bond of friendship.

Just like he saved He Zilong and Huanying before, and Huanying and He Zilong also gave Su Miao the "First-level Arena Ticket", which was a transaction.

And He Zilong gave Su Miao the information he needed, so Su Miao traded 100 game coins to He Zilong, which was also a transaction.

The two are in a relationship of interest, and there is no friendship.

As for the first dungeon, Su Miao did save them under the pretext of killing monsters, which was also because he was inexperienced and thought that every person alive was a strength.

So, if he saw them in a dangerous situation later, he had no obligation to save or help, because everyone and Su Miao were in a transaction relationship.

In short, it was a cooperative relationship, we were not familiar with each other.

It was the same with Liu Momo before. He traded game coins to Liu Momo not because he was stupid and had a lot of money, but because he wanted to change the friendship relationship into an employer-customer relationship.

As for why Liu Momo introduced her master to Su Miao, and Su Miao refused, the reason was also very simple.

Su Miao was afraid of trouble. Instead of spending time bargaining with them to repair equipment, Su Miao might as well go to the arena to kill more people and practice swordsmanship.

So when Su Miao sold equipment, he went directly to the exchange. Although there was a handling fee, it was very worry-free and not a bit of trouble.

The main point is that the brother does not need to move, and the sister is fully automatic.

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