Harmony City, wealthy area, No. 26, Third Street.

Old Friend Tavern.


The door of the old tavern was pushed open, and the tavern instantly became quiet when seeing the person coming.

It was a man with gray hair, wrapped in dirty and tattered leather, with messy hair and a thick beard. He rubbed his red nose with his hands.

It is worth noting that there are many scars on his face, some new and some old, like the marks of being whipped by some kind of whip.

"Hey, Mike, you have a new scar on your face." Someone took a sip of beer and teased him.

Mike didn't reply, and shouted to the bartender at the bar: "Warm a cup of ginger beer and half a plate of roast potatoes."

Seeing that Mike didn't reply, they shouted again: "You must have stolen the silverware of the nobles again and were whipped by the nobles!"

Mike was a little anxious, and he glared and said: "How can you slander someone's innocence like this..."

"Haha!" The man spitted and laughed: "What innocence? I saw with my own eyes that when you were a door-to-door chef, you stole a silver fork and were hung up and beaten by the nobles!"

Mike's face flushed, and veins on his forehead bulged. He suddenly stood up, and finally sat down slowly: "The chef's use of tableware and so on cannot be considered stealing... It's called theft!"

At this time, the bartender was wiping the cup with a rag. Seeing Mike looking at him, the bartender spread his hands helplessly.

"Sorry, old Mike, you've been on credit for a long time here. The boss said that unless you pay off the debt, you can't drink."

Mike muttered, looking at the bartender with dissatisfaction. He wanted to get angry but held back. Finally, he was ready to get up and leave the Old Friend Tavern.


A copper coin was pressed on the bar in front of Mike, and then a young man spoke to the bartender.

"A cup of warm ginger beer, half a plate of roasted potatoes."

Old Mike looked over and saw that the young man was wearing a clean leather jacket, black hair and black eyes, and he looked like an aristocrat.

"I'll treat you."

The young man was Su Miao. He had been in the Old Friend Tavern for about 2 hours, and he had learned most of the common sense in this world.

But most of the people in these taverns are uneducated rough people, usually doing laborers and porters. Most of the chats are about widows in a certain area, who has the biggest breasts on the sixth street, and who has the best job in the strip bar. Such boring topics.

Su Miao already had most of the information. He needed someone with a higher social status to supplement his knowledge of the upper class. This chef who had been in contact with the "noble master" was probably a good choice.

"Hehe," Old Mike grinned at Su Miao with his yellow teeth, saying, "Brother, I can tell you that you are the son of a noble master. You are so generous. Mike is very grateful to you."

Su Miao was not impressed by Old Mike's compliment. He took a sip of ginger beer and said to Mike.

"I am from other regions. I don't know much about the rich-poor gap and social structure of Harmony City. Can you tell me about it while drinking?"

Then Su Miao took out a few more copper coins and smiled.

"Enough beer."

Mike grinned with his teeth, and his smile became even brighter. He smiled and spoke excitedly.

"Of course, my friend."

In Mike's explanation, Su Miao gradually understood the social structure of Harmony City.

Among the cities in the Losman Empire, the largest, most majestic and most prosperous city is the Losman Imperial City, followed by the second-tier cities such as Happy City, Harmony City and Edmond City.

The Losman Imperial City is in the middle, and these affiliated second-tier cities surround the Losman Imperial City. The purpose of surrounding is to protect the Imperial City.

In the Harmony City, there is a complex community where people work, live, entertain, and conduct political and social activities.

In the city, the gap between the rich and the poor is very large.

The rich usually live in spacious houses and enjoy rich food and luxury goods.

The poor live in narrow alleys, with poor living conditions and food shortages.

Not necessarily rich people live in the rich area, there are also poor people.

In a corner of the city, there is even an area called "slums", where poor people live. Most of them have no working ability and are unable to work as porters, laborers and other jobs.

In the slums, there are generally sick, elderly, orphans who have no working ability. They worry about filling their stomachs every day.

Slums are located on the edge of the city and are mostly composed of groups of simple houses.

These houses are often built of cheap materials such as mud, straw and wood.The roof is thatched or tiled.

Each house usually has only one room, no kitchen or bathroom, and the living conditions are extremely difficult.

In the slums, people's lifestyles are also different from those of the rich. They do not have enough food and comfortable housing, and must rely on limited resources to make a living.

In general, the slums are a place of poverty, hardship, disease and frequent crime.

As for ordinary people like these dock workers or laborers in the Old Friend Bar, they all do some porter work for the nobles.

They usually do physical labor in the city, such as carrying, digging and construction, in exchange for meager wages.

Of course, if you have an old ox, you can contract the farmland of the nobles, pay a certain amount of money, and you can plant the land. The crop planted is a crop called "barley", which produces grain in winter and summer.

If you are lucky, the grain output can be divided into 30% and 70%. As long as the more land you contract and the more work you do, you will have enough food, and even the excess grain can be sold in exchange for some living supplies.

Speaking of his profession, Mike did not hide his profession, he was a family chef.

He made very satisfying meals for many nobles, and everyone who had eaten them said they were good.

But for some reason, fewer and fewer people asked him to cook, but Mike swore that it was definitely not his problem.

Su Miao asked a lot of questions, and Mike also drank a lot of ginger beer, which made him burp.

Su Miao thought about it for a while, and then asked a question.

"Recently, a farmer's money was stolen by a girl from the slums. Do you have any news?"

"Well... I heard about it."

"It seems that a girl from the slums and a young man stole the wallet of a 'cattle farmer'. The cattle farmer found the girl outside her room the next day, but the boy was nowhere to be seen. He was whipped for several days..."

Mike thought for a while and said, "Anyway, the money has not been found in the end. The girl didn't say a word when she was whipped. The girl was seriously injured. I guess she can't survive in the slums."

"In short, according to my guess, the boy should have been cheated by the girl and ran away with the money..."

After listening to Mike's guess, Su Miao took a sip of ginger beer and smiled.


For some reason, Mike suddenly shuddered. He felt that Su Miao's smile was inexplicably a little cold.

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