"Secret Technique: Jumping Back and Forth!"

Ma Zi roared, and swung the dagger left and right, and his feet actually had afterimages.


Su Miao looked at Ma Zi who was swaying left and right in the same place speechlessly. He was a little skeptical. Was this some kind of welcoming ceremony of the cultists...


He muttered in his heart. He was very fast. "Star Color" made a buzzing sound in the friction of the air, and cut off Ma Zi's legs with one knife.


He screamed, and then fell to the ground, blood flowing on the wooden board.

"My boss is Jeff, do you know who Jeff is?!"

He held his broken leg and yelled at Su Miao, twisted like a caterpillar covered in blood.

Because of the pain in his legs, his tears flowed.

Su Miao did not speak, but stepped forward and kicked Ma Zi.


The huge force made Ma Zi's head tilt, and he saw stars. He felt that his head was kicked off. He found that his hand was grabbed by the terrifying man with blurred consciousness.

Su Miao actually smiled, pulled out the dagger that had just been inserted into the wooden wall, and gestured on Ma Zi's fingers.


The dagger cut off Ma Zi's thumb with a swish, and Ma Zi, who was kicked and confused, screamed directly.

"Boss Jeff will not let you go. He will pull out your bones and dig out your heart, hang you on the dock, and let those damn seagulls chew your damn face!"

Ma Zi cursed, and the pain made him almost lose his mind. He twisted wildly, but he couldn't get rid of Su Miao's control anyway.

"It seems that you don't know your position yet."

Su Miao spoke coldly, and then took out a weapon, "Evil Thorn Cone", which can cause great pain to the enemy. Su Miao only used it on Lucy, but not on humans.

The "Evil Thorn Cone" is a chain meteor hammer with black spikes on the hammer head, like a sea urchin hanging on it. At this moment, Su Miao had already let go of Ma Zi's hand and then swung the "Evil Thorn Cone".

The meteor hammer whimpered in the air as Su Miao swung it, and then Su Miao swung it violently and hit Ma Zi's face hard.


Ma Zi screamed in pain, and he felt unprecedented pain. The black spikes of the "sea urchin" pierced Ma Zi's face directly, and did not fall freely, but settled directly on his face.

The Evil Thorn Cone seemed to be attached to Ma Zi's face. No matter how he struggled, he could not get rid of the vicious meteor hammer, but instead stuck his hands to the meteor hammer.

"Master, I will give you everything you want. I also have 10 gold coins, and I will give them all to you!"

Ma Zi was directly scared, and he spoke vaguely.

He was originally Jeff's subordinate, and thought he was used to torture and dark means, but he didn't expect to be tortured to death.

"Do you know your position now?"

Su Miao smiled, and pulled the "Evil Thorn Cone" hard, pulling half of his face off.

"Uh ah ah!"


Accompanied by Ma Zi's laughter, he took the initiative to explain the whole story.

To put it simply, with the outbreak of the war on the Western Front, the Supreme Ruler of the Imperial City and the Losman Empire, the One True Emperor, ordered that both humans and nobles must contribute half of their population to the Western Front to fight against a certain "terrorist existence".

This matter was implemented quite well for civilians. Although most of them resisted, they were forced to participate in the battle on the Western Front under the suppression of the Losman regular army.

But it was very difficult to implement this matter at the noble level. As long as they were nobles, no one was willing to give up their current affluent living environment. As long as there was no disaster, it didn't matter even if the empire was destroyed.

Therefore, under the control of money and power, a gray industry with a semi-official background gradually emerged in the civilian area.

Human trafficking, to be precise, is to capture people in the slums, and then replace the nobles' quotas, and the poor will go to the western front instead of the nobles.

As long as money is given, the upper class will turn a blind eye to this matter. As long as the number of humans is sufficient, it doesn't matter whether they are nobles or civilians.

And Jeff is one of the underground black hands in Harmony City. In the underworld, he is famous for his cruelty.

According to Ma Zi, recently, he seems to have made connections and started a human trafficking business.

And the task he assigned to Ma Zi was to find a clever poor man and let him cause conflicts in the slums. Any excuse is fine, such as money. As long as Jeff's gang enters the slums, they can use the excuse of search to enter the slums legitimately.

ThenWhen it is announced that there are accomplices in the slums, most of these untouchables can be taken away and sold to the Western Front as soldiers in place of the nobles.

The cattle farmer was the one that Ma Zi found, and he successfully lost his purse in the slums.

The original owner of this body did not steal it, but picked it up, but he did not take the purse out on his own initiative, but hid it privately.

Of course, according to Su Miao's speculation, it would be useless even if he took it out. There were only seven or eight silver coins in the purse, and the cattle farmer said that 30 silver coins were lost. This could not be verified, and they would still have an excuse to search and forcibly take the poor away.

And the girl was the scapegoat who was beaten for Su Miao. She was caught and beaten half to death by the cattle farmer, and threatened to bring people to search tomorrow.

Regardless of whether Ma Zi lives or dies, tomorrow the Jeff gang will lead their men into the slums to capture people and sell them.

"That's all?"

Su Miao asked. If it weren't for the terrifying meteor hammer in his hand, Ma Zi would still be willing to talk. Of course, he had no choice now. It was okay if he didn't want to answer Su Miao. It was just a price...

"No more! You, you have to let me go. Even if I die, Boss Jeff will not let go of the slums, let alone you!"

Su Miao narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect Ma Zi to dare to threaten him at this time.

Originally, Su Miao was thinking of cutting off his limbs. As long as he knew his mistakes and could correct them, Su Miao didn't mind giving him a chance, but now.

He actually dared to threaten himself.

"Very good, I'll ask you one last question."

"If I want to buy weapons, they don't need to be very good, they can withstand small armed activities. Do you have any channels?"

Hearing Su Miao's question, Ma Zi was suddenly startled and said in panic: "I, how do I know this!"


Su Miao narrowed his eyes, and his murderous intent became stronger.

"Stop, stop, stop, I... forget it..."

Feeling the devil-like man, Ma Zi was finally scared. He was not as tough as he looked.

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