Both parties were very happy during the transaction. Lapu, the owner of the Old Friend Tavern, was also a trustworthy person. He directly knocked over the wine barrels on the shelf, and several rusty irons rolled out of them.

Su Miao explored it a little and got the following information.

Item name "Rusty Iron Knife (Damaged)"

Attack power: 1-3

Passive skill:

"Tetanus": There is a high probability of causing tetanus attack to the enemy, losing 1 point of blood per second for 5 seconds.

Su Miao looked at a few items and found that these weapons were rusted and had the passive skill of "Tetanus". On the contrary, those weapons that were not rusted not only had low attack power, but also had no passive skills...

These worn-out weapons were put into the wine barrels by Lapu in the tavern, and they were left to rust without caring about maintenance.

However, Su Miao did not use the weapons himself, so these rusty weapons were enough.

In the end, a total of 5 barrels of weapons, each with about 20 weapons, were purchased by Su Miao at the price of five gold coins. It must be said that the price of these rags was a bit too high.

But considering that this was the only way for Su Miao to obtain weapons at present, he was willing to spend these gold coins.

About half of the assets were divided out, and the few gold coins just looted from Ma Zi and the cattle farmer were spent, leaving 6 gold coins and more than a dozen silver coins.

When he got the gold coins, the short and fat Lapu's face was full of fat, and he was full of smiles.

"Thank you for your generosity, guest, happy cooperation!"

Lapu bowed slightly and bent his fingers together, and he made a very strange etiquette gesture.

"This is a unique friendly etiquette of Harmony City. You can take these weapons away yourself or hire someone to move them away, but you have to go through the back door."

After completing the etiquette, Lapu made a gesture of please go, and then returned to his room. At this moment, only Su Miao was left in the storage room.

It just so happened that he had a system backpack, so he naturally didn't need to hire someone to move it away.

Su Miao waved his hand, and six barrels of weapons went directly into his backpack, leaving only an empty wine rack in the storage room.

When Su Miao pushed open the door of the storage room and returned to the kitchen, the bartender was still guarding outside.

"Guest, happy trading."

The bartender spoke softly, with a neither humble nor arrogant expression, and then led Su Miao back to the front desk of the tavern.

Su Miao looked at the bartender's back, his eyes narrowed.

He felt that the owner and bartender of the tavern were not so sensitive to danger. At least Su Miao would not easily let strangers face his back, which was very dangerous for Su Miao.

He clicked on his auxiliary equipment, used the "Golden Eyes" to throw a reconnaissance spell over, and obtained some information.

Creature name: "Old Friend Tavern Bartender" (Former Royal Guard Trainer)

Level: 35

Attributes: ? ?

Active skill: "Vital piercing +5"

Passive skill: "Thrust sword mastery +7"

Creature profile: ? ?

His "Golden Eyes" is a light gold equipment, which can detect all biological information below level 30, and can also detect some biological information of level 35.

It must be said that this former Royal Guard trainer is really powerful, and his passive skill is directly +7.

If he faces this guy, judging from Su Miao's current attributes, it is estimated that he will not be able to win in a short time, but if he delays for a while, it is estimated that Su Miao can use "Star Color" to gain the upper hand.

At this moment, only the bartender and Su Miao are left in the tavern. As if sensing Su Miao's detection, the bartender who was wiping the wine glasses at the front desk suddenly glanced at Su Miao.


The two looked at each other in silence. After a few seconds, he lowered his head and continued to wipe the wine glasses, as if nothing had happened.

"Guest, we are closing..."

The bartender did not look up and began to issue an order to expel the guests.

Naturally, Su Miao was unwilling to take the initiative to conflict with the former Royal Guard trainer, and then left the old friend tavern.

At this moment, the time was close to twelve o'clock in the morning. Su Miao was wandering in the streets like a ghost. He remembered every road he had walked through in his mind.

Before making a plan, he must be fully prepared, which is to pave the way for the plan.

Of course, Su Miao also looked for Lucy by the way. After all, Su Miao really didn't know where Lucy was teleported.

In this way, Su Miao spent about four or five hours to investigate every road and every alley in the entire Harmonious City clearly.

When Su Miao finished the investigation, the sky was actually getting light. Although the sun had not come out yet, it was already white.

In the biting cold wind, Su Miao was ready to return to the slums.

When he returned to the slums again, Su Miao smelled a pungent odor. Although it was late autumn here, it was winter.The stench was coming, but the howling cold wind did not cover up the stench.

Su Miao endured the stench and returned to his dilapidated house. The injured girl was still lying on the stretcher.

However, Su Miao could tell at a glance that the girl was pretending to sleep.

"You are awake."

Su Miao suddenly spoke in the dark.

The girl's eyelashes moved slightly, as if she wanted to get up, but in the end she did not get up, still lying in that position.

"Don't pretend, the clothes are all on you."

Su Miao was speechless, and he pointed out the girl's flaws mercilessly.

"Ah? Were you discovered..."

The girl first sat up from the bed, then scratched her head and wrapped her clothes.

Do you think I am an idiot...

Su Miao complained in his heart, this girl was unexpectedly cute.

The sky gradually brightened. Although the sun had not yet come out, the sky was already very white at this moment, and Su Miao could clearly see the girl's appearance.

The girl was very thin, without any extra fat on her body, and the wind seemed to blow her down.

Her face was very white, even a little abnormally white, and under the cold white light at this moment, she looked a little gloomy and different and beautiful.

She was wearing Su Miao's casual clothes at the moment, which was a little big for her, but the white girl in men's clothes actually had a different charm.

But she still looked stupid.

"I can't wear my clothes anymore, thank you for your clothes, Yuan, you are such a good person."

She expressed her kindness to Su Miao, even if this kindness was so weird.

Su Miao suddenly found something, and then stared at the girl coldly, and he suddenly asked: "What's the matter with your injury?"

The girl first said "Ah?", and then said "Oh", and said.

"It's okay, I don't feel any pain."

Su Miao was speechless, he explained: "I mean, you were beaten half to death, and you recovered in just one night?!"

"In fact, I recovered in the early morning, because I ate the food you gave me, hehe~"

The girl still didn't answer the point, which made Su Miao a little speechless, but helpless.

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