When Su Miao led many death squads to the second floor, they found that the second floor was in chaos, and many gangsters were hurriedly putting on their clothes.

"Damn, they broke in!"

"How come it's so fast? Those idiots on the first floor didn't stop them for a quarter of an hour!"

"Where are my pants! Who took my pants away!"


Su Miao had a cold face, holding the "Color of Stars", and his figure rushed forward quickly.

"Puff, puff!"

As Su Miao moved forward, he chopped two gang members to death with two knives. Their attributes were actually very good, but they were facing Su Miao who had the "Color of Stars".

Su Miao threw a few "Detection Techniques" over, and the information he obtained was similar to that of Ma Zi and Ni Gui before, and some were even worse than them.


One-arm rushed forward with Su Miao, and followed Su Miao's side to resist the sneak attacks of other gangs for him, while the other death squads behind him were responsible for the aftermath and auxiliary work.

They were like a sharp blade, tearing the entire gathering place of the gang leaders directly.

These gangs put on special leather coats one by one, picked up fine steel weapons at random, and fought with the death squad led by Su Miao.

This kind of hand-to-hand combat is bloody, basically it is a white knife in and a red knife out, the enemy's blood and our blood are splattered all over the ground, and the screams fill the whole room.

"For Jeff Gang! For women!"

The gangs roared, and the bloody fine steel long knife instantly slashed at Su Miao. Su Miao paused, immediately sideways to avoid the vertical chop, and stepped out with his right foot to quickly approach the gang.

Su Miao squinted his eyes, he smelled the body odor of these gangs, the body odor mixed with some kind of male body odor after squandering, and he didn't know how long these guys hadn't taken a shower.

He was a bit of a germophobe, and after being irritated by these dirty gangsters, his anger level rose. He stretched out his left hand and directly pinched the throat of the stinky gangster, exerting force in his hand.


The stinky gangster's throat whimpered in pain, and tears and snot flowed out all at once, looking very pitiful.

But he was facing the cold-blooded Su Miao.


Su Miao exerted force with his left hand and directly crushed the entire throat of the stinky gangster along with the spine, and blood foam and minced meat flew everywhere.

Su Miao raised his foot and kicked another gangster who was close to him away. Su Miao used 70% of his strength in this kick.

Su Miao has the title of "Orphan of the Slums", and all attributes are -10, but even so, he has a terrifying panel with all attributes of 40.

With this kick, the gangster directly smashed forward like a kite flying backwards.

The gangster who was kicked away had his internal organs shattered, his heart split into eight pieces, and he died miserably in mid-air.


His body smashed into other gangsters, and several gangsters were hit by the body, and their hands and feet were broken directly, and they screamed in pain.

Su Miao gritted his teeth, tightly grasped the "Color of Stars" and rushed over. Many gangsters felt the overwhelming killing intent coming, and saw five-colored streams of light flashing before their eyes, and then their vision began to spin, and finally they saw their own leather boots.

Su Miao looked at the four or five gangsters in front of him, and he suddenly felt a special throbbing in his heart, and then he suddenly slashed in mid-air.

He slashed horizontally on the spot, and there were no gang members within his attack range, but he had a feeling that his attack would definitely hit.


With the humming sound of the Star Color, Su Miao fiercely slashed the long sword horizontally. Almost at the same time as the slash appeared, a five-colored stream of light suddenly appeared in the air one meter away from Su Miao.

This stream of light was parallel to the trajectory of the "Star Color". As Su Miao completely slashed the long sword, the substantial stream of light suspended in the air instantly spread forward.

The small knife light at the beginning quickly expanded during the sliding process, from the initial width of one meter to 3 meters, and finally stopped at 5 meters. It was nearly 7 meters wide.

The knife light was annihilated, leaving only countless limbs and debris of tables, chairs and benches in front. Under this knife, nearly 10 gangsters died instantly, their chests and necks were cut open, and they didn't even groan.

Seven or eight gangsters with broken hands and feet cried and howled, lying on the ground and howling with the bleeding corpses.

The remaining dozen healthy gangsters were directly scared silly. Who normal human has ever seen such a terrifying knife skill? They all showed expressions of fear and could not help but step back a few steps.

Seeing their fearful eyes, Su Miao did not even turn his head and gave orders to the one-armed man and the death squad behind him.

"Capture the prisoners alive, and those who resist will be killed without mercy."

Hearing Su Miao's order, the one-armed man and the death squadHe rushed out first, holding up a tetanus knife and shouting.

"According to the commander's order, those who put down their weapons live, and those who resist die!"

Then, he started a fight with the remaining gang members. With the addition of other members of the death squad, this disparity in the battle began to become a one-sided situation.

Although the name of the death squad is fierce, they are actually some remnants who have some killing skills or retreated from the battlefield. They have lost their value and cannot find a job at the dock.

This is actually a kind of sadness. They are like rag dolls that have been used up by the noble lady and thrown into the trash can.

And now, Su Miao has reorganized them into a sharp blade, a sharp blade.

Looking at the crazy members of the death squad, they fought bravely, showed themselves, and vowed to release all the blood in their bodies.

Su Miao smiled imperceptibly.

He inspired the blood of these guys. Even though his overall strength was not as good as that of the gang members, he relied on his momentum to suppress the remaining gang members and made them cry like ghosts and wolves.

Su Miao had time to look at the system prompt sound that just popped up. This was the prompt sound that appeared after he released that strange skill.

[System prompt: Your "God Slayer" original active skill "Steel Flash" evolves according to your fighting style and decomposes into the following skills. ]

["Drawing Sword Slash", "Breaking Air Flash". ]

Su Miao frowned slightly. He didn't expect that his "Steel Flash" would become two because of his fighting style.

It seems that the "God Slayer" profession is not a fixed template, but will evolve into special skills according to each person's different performance, fighting style, fighting method, etc.

This is actually a bit similar to the "B&C Alchemist". The alchemist does not give himself a specific alchemy formula, but unlocks "Alchemy Element Affinity" and "Alchemy Energy Cycle" for himself.

"B&C Alchemist" encourages you to try different alchemical syntheses to form your own style.

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