"Are you dumb?! Don't you understand what I said?"

"It's useless for you guys to attack my gang. All of us will be eroded by the "Phantom" army in the near future. The Western Front has completely collapsed!"

"It's better to be like me, completely indulge, and give your body and mind to desire!"

Su Miao narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't want to listen to this guy's nagging, there was a piece of information that was very important to Su Miao.

If the Western Front collapsed as Jeff said, and the Phantom was about to reach the Losman Empire from the Western Front, then his plan might have to be advanced.

Su Miao looked at Jeff and said lightly: "The Western Front has the support of a mysterious strong man, it can't collapse so quickly, you are lying."

The mysterious strong man Su Miao mentioned refers to the players of level 1-3. With the support of that group of guys, the front line can't collapse so quickly, unless the group of guys called "Phantom" are stronger than level 3 or their numbers crush the players.

"Mysterious strong man? Haha!"

Jeff repeated it first, then laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes. "Those guys are damn cowards. After the invasion of the ghosts, they were defeated step by step, and even more than half of them ran away!"

"The remaining main force of resistance is the guards of the Fei clan who are struggling to support it. They will soon collapse, otherwise why would the parliament order conscription?"

Su Miao nodded, and then asked: "So, the parliament conscripted both rich and poor people, but you secretly replaced the human nobles with poor people?"

"Of course, they don't care whether the people on the battlefield are poor or rich, they only care about enough people."

At this time, Su Miao gradually understood the context of the whole thing.

According to the information obtained in the copy, the Western Front was well controlled at the beginning, but because of the massive attack of the "ghosts", some players fled, resulting in a gap in the combat power of the Western Front.

They were struggling to resist the invasion of the ghosts, and as the gap in combat power became larger and larger, it eventually led to the total collapse of the Western Front.

Only a small number of Fei tribe warriors were left to resist, and the parliament ordered that no matter whether they were rich or poor, they needed to dispatch some people to the Western Front to resist the ghosts.

The nobles and the chaebols would definitely not be stupid enough to give up their current extravagant lives and go to the Western Front to die, so the Jeff gang was derived, and the gray industry of using the poor to replace the rich to go to the Western Front was derived.

The Fei tribe was arrogant but fair, and ordered the rich and the poor to support the Western Front together.

In other words, the Fei tribe’s parliament did not care about human lives at all. Whether they were poor or chaebols, there was no difference to them. They were all pariahs and cannon fodder to die.

But there is a saying that goes, when the country prospers, the people suffer. When the country perishes, the people suffer.

Those who suffer in the war are never the powerful. No matter how many people die, they are all cold numbers in their eyes.

If you want these dignitaries to admit their mistakes and curb their greed and desire, then there is only one possibility, which is to master weapons that threaten them.

On Earth, the nuclear weapons held by the great powers are a good example. Only countries with nuclear weapons can truly have diplomatic discourse power.

Because nuclear weapons never threaten ordinary troops or civilians of enemy countries, but the dignitaries who issue orders from the rear.

This is the nuclear threat. It only takes one nuclear weapon to hit the city where the dignitaries are located. Even if they have nuclear air-raid shelters and materials that can survive until they die of old age, they don’t want their cities to be polluted.

This is actually very ironic. If the dignitaries encounter a nuclear attack, with their power, they will basically not be fatally affected. It’s nothing more than moving from the ground to the underground.

In their eyes, whether the environment they are in is comfortable or not is more important than the lives of their own people.

This principle also applies to the human nobles of Losman. They don’t want their environment to be damaged, so they send their men to catch the poor and send them to the western front to die.

As for the upper echelons of Jeff's gang, it goes without saying that they are the dignitaries and tycoons of the Losman Empire and Harmony City.

These tycoons and dignitaries are basically concentrated in the First Street of Harmony City.

It can be said that if you kill a dog on the First Street, you can't kill it wrongly, and the dog is also guilty.

"From the way you think, have you figured it out? Haha, if you want, all the brothels on the Third Street can let you have fun, how about it?"

Jeff looked at the thinking young man and said so temptingly. To be honest, Jeff thought he was quite capable, but he always felt a creepy feeling about the young man.

Su Miao did not answer Jeff's question, but asked himHe asked a question, and he had already guessed the answer to the question, but he just wanted to confirm it.

"Are the instigators behind you the dignitaries in First Street?"

Faced with Su Miao's question, Jeff felt that there was a chance. This guy's consciousness was indeed not so firm.

He smiled and spoke in a relaxed manner.

"Of course, my backer is the dignitaries alliance of First Street. They are an alliance of 10 top chaebols. In Harmony City, they are the local emperors who have the final say, and even the Fei people don't care about them."

"Some extreme chaebols even hired several magic warriors from the Fei people at home to consolidate their rule."

"Even if you kill me and all the members of the gang, you still can't resist the top chaebols. The magic warriors of the Fei people are not something that humans can resist!"

Su Miao nodded and he smiled.

"Thank you for answering my questions. As the leader of the Harmony Guards in Harmony City, I am merciful."

"In return, I can let you choose your own way of death."

Jeff was so angry when he heard Su Miao's words that he felt like an idiot being led by the nose.

"Damn, you are so stubborn!"

Jeff roared and prepared to attack Su Miao, but Su Miao was faster than him!

"Breaking the Sky!"

Su Miao used one of the skills split from "Steel Flash". Although it did not have the slashing damage, it allowed Su Miao to move a short distance within 1-5 meters and also provided a 10-point movement speed bonus for 10 seconds.

The most important thing is that this skill only requires 5 mana to use, and there is no skill CD.

Su Miao instantly appeared 5 meters away from Jeff. Since "Breaking the Sky" provided 10 points of movement speed, his mobility was improved to a certain extent.

Su Miao took a step forward, and his body turned into a shadow and rushed straight towards the frightened Jeff.

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