"As an employee of the organization, you can give yourself a code name, for example, my code name is: "Hatter." "

Then he sneered a few times, as if he remembered something funny, and then said: "Believe me, you definitely don't want to be called out by the "terrible existence" in battle."

What terrible things will happen if the "terrible existence" knows your name? So the organization is used to code names...

Su Miao nodded, thought about it seriously, and then said: "The code name I gave myself is-"


"Very good." The Hatter nodded, held the brim of his hat with his hand, and said: "Next, you need to hunt a "wandering people" in person. After obtaining its head, you will be recognized by the organization and become an "official employee of the organization." "

"That's all."

The Hatter took off his half-high silk hat, put it on his chest and bowed gently.

"Then informal member "Yuan", goodbye. "

After saying this, his figure began to twist and darken, then melted into the ground, turned into a shadow, and disappeared with Lucy.

Su Miao's face was expressionless. He took out the "Klein Spirit Bottle" from his backpack, drank a drop of rational water, and completely restored his San value.

[System prompt: You have become an informal member of "B&C" and have activated the "B&C" reputation store. You can gain reputation by killing monsters or humans with a San value of less than 3. ]

Reputation store? "B&C" is indeed a hidden profession. Maybe I can get a big bargain.

"Open the reputation store." Su Miao said softly, and the system also materialized the relevant text.

Current reputation points: 6 points

"Gaseous Mercury Bottle" requires reputation points: 15

"Pure Silver Hand Axe" requires reputation points: 50

[Insufficient authority] "Caldwell Heavy Revolver" requires reputation points: 150

[Insufficient authority] "B&C-056 Research Report" requires reputation points: 100

[Insufficient authority] "Silver Wing" BC Injection Serum: requires reputation points: 500

[Insufficient authority]...

Su Miao looked at the desperate reputation points and sighed.

"There is a long way to go..."

Then he checked the properties of the black windbreaker and the gold pocket watch.

"Hatter's Black Windbreaker"

Quality: Light Purple

Properties: Movement speed +5%

"Transform into Shadow": After active activation, the movement speed increases by 20% for 10 seconds. Within ten seconds, you can activate the skill Transform into Shadow again, and after activation, you will completely transform into a shadow for 1 second. Cooling time 30 minutes.

Item Introduction: Worship the shadow, turn into the shadow, and surpass the shadow.

An agile equipment that can provide Su Miao with survivability. The active skill of turning into a shadow may avoid some high physical damage.

Then, Su Miao took out a golden pocket watch.

"B&C standard pocket watch"

Quality: dark blue

Item Introduction: Find "lesions".

What does it mean to find "lesions", or are the polluted monsters in this world called "lesions".

Su Miao put on a black windbreaker with a golden pocket watch on his chest, showing his gentlemanly demeanor.

"Then next, it's the hunting time of "Yuan". "


In the back kitchen of a restaurant in the Fog City.

The fat chef with a tall hat was cooking something in front of a big pot. He held a very long spoon and stirred the turbid soup over and over again.

"Chef, when can I become a formal chef? "A male player, who was wearing the hat of an apprentice chef, asked the fat man in front of him with a gloomy face.

The fat chef paused, his face full of fat, and he grinned with big yellow teeth: "I see a few pretty girls are working as apprentice waiters, you call one of them to the back kitchen, and leave the rest to me."

"Maybe it won't be long before you can get the official employee recognition of the supervisor. Of course, I, the chef, must agree."

The male player looked more irritable. He suddenly took out a pistol and said viciously: "Damn it, you fat man are playing with me! I have deceived 3 people for you, and you are still not satisfied!"

"Haha, do you have the guts to tell the supervisor? Or threaten me like this?" The fat man said sarcastically.

"We are grasshoppers on the same rope. If something happens to me, you can't survive."

The male player was fearless and said viciously: "Do you think I don't know what you did to those people? "

"You sacrificed them. I saw you sacrifice them to a "relief" with my own eyes!"

Hearing this, the fat chef who was making soup suddenly froze, and his greasy face became extremely hideous at this moment.

The man patted the fat chef with his gun.The fat chef said with an arrogant tone: "So, you'd better let me become a formal chef from an apprentice chef, so that I can keep your secret!"

"Haha, no problem." The fat chef smiled and hugged the male player intimately.

"I will help you become a formal chef, and you will keep my secret. This is a fair deal..." The fat chef smiled, as if they were good brothers who had not seen each other for many years.

Suddenly, he exerted force with his fat arms, and his other hand directly pressed the player's head, and stuffed his upper body directly into the boiling pot.

"Woo... woo!"

The player whimpered, and his limbs tried to struggle out, but were tied up tightly by the fat chef.

"Bang, bang!"

Two loud gunshots, these were the gunshots fired by the male player while struggling.

"Stupid, you will attract the supervisor like this!" The fat chef's face flashed a trace of panic at this moment, and he seemed to be very afraid of the supervisor.

"Squeak--" This is the sound of the door opening.

At this moment, the door of the back kitchen was opened, and the fat chef also stuffed all the players' hands and feet into the pot, covered the lid, wiped the hot sweat, and smiled back.

I saw a tall man standing in front of him, wearing a formal suit and pale.

"What's the situation?" He spoke calmly, as if he was a dead man.

"Supervisor, the ingredients are a little unruly, but don't worry, I have thrown them into the pot to stew!"

The supervisor had no expression, but suddenly said: "Is the relief still there?"

The fat chef quickly confirmed: "It's there, I hid it after the sacrifice."

The supervisor nodded and said nothing, like a ghost, leaving the kitchen. Before closing the door, he turned back and coldly warned.

"A lot of people have disappeared recently, and they have noticed it."

The supervisor stared at the fat chef coldly, making his body tremble uncontrollably: "Remember, this is the last time I will wipe your ass."

"Okay, supervisor." The fat chef's face was full of smiles.

When the supervisor left, the fat chef's smile also turned gloomy, and his face was full of gloom.

"Gululu... Bang..."

The big pot of cooking soup suddenly fell to the ground, and a lot of juice and ingredients rolled out, and a player was seriously scalded.

"Ah, ah!"

The player climbed out of the pot with a horrified roar, his body festering, and ran out with hot steam.

"Fuck, you're almost dead and you're not at peace!"

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