It seems that this white equipment "straw sandals" gave Zhang Wei confidence, allowing him to survive the monster's pursuit, while his girlfriend Yutong was miserable.

However, his equipment "Broken Crystal Pendant" was dropped by killing monsters, but Zhang Wei didn't look like he could kill monsters, so where did this equipment come from?


Su Miao no longer thought about other things. His purpose was very simple, that is, to become stronger so that he could have enough power for revenge.

The two guys he killed were probably scapegoats, used as enemies in the open, and his real enemies were still hidden in the complex chain of interests and capital...

After opening the equipment page, Su Miao equipped this straw sandal and immediately felt a little lighter, but it was not very obvious because it only increased the movement speed by 2%, which was also expected.

Then, he opened his personal profile.

Name: Su Miao

Occupation: "God Slayer" (unlocked)

Attack power: 10-12

Defense power: 5

HP: 21/21 (100%)

MP: 6/15 (60%)

My maximum health increased to 21 points, more than double the initial attribute. I have to say that the passive of the God Slayer is really powerful. As I kill more and more monsters, my health will soon break through thousands or even tens of thousands...

It was the mana that gave Su Miao a headache for a while. He spent a little time studying the method of restoring mana, and he actually found the pattern of restoring mana.

Under normal circumstances, mana recovers by 1 point in about 5 minutes. If you calm down and notice it, it will speed up the recovery of mana, about 1 point in 3 minutes.

So, when the mana bar recovers to about 12, he is ready to set off to find other monsters.

I can't use Steel Flash so casually in the future. I only have 15 mana, and the skill consumes 10 mana, so it can only be used once in a short period of time.

At most, I can activate the "Broken Crystal Pendant" immediately after using the skill to restore mana, and I can barely use "Steel Flash" twice in a short period of time, but I don't have the skill as a trump card.

Therefore, I should practice my swordsmanship with flat attacks first, and use Steel Flash when encountering difficult monsters.

Su Miao's eyes flashed, and he put away the "Star Color" and made up his mind: "Dig as many dungeons as possible, kill monsters and become stronger!"

Su Miao made this decision for himself, and he went out immediately to hunt monsters.

If I remember correctly, these two people should have been chased here by a monster, and I might be able to find monsters from where they came.

On the way, Su Miao opened the dungeon channel.

"System warning: God Slayer has joined the chat channel."

Wu Jiang (player): Zhang Wei! Damn, you guys are not going to run away directly!

Liu Tao (player): Hey, Zhang Wei, if you see this, just reply. A group of us worked so hard to kill a monster, and we only got a piece of equipment. We gave you the equipment to lure the monster away, but why did you run away directly...

He Zilong (player): So, players who are not familiar with it should not believe it. Also, we are going to attack a small boss, an elite monster. Does anyone want to participate?

Liu Tao (player): Can I? Brother, look at me.

He Zilong (player): Not very good. We need players who are LV:2 or above or have experienced 2 dungeons. It’s not that we look down on you, but the things we are going to challenge are very dangerous, so...

Wu Jiang (player): Hehe...

Liu Tao (player): I’m funny, you see, the God Killer has appeared again, and there is a system prompt every time. It’s so cool!

Su Miao (God Killer): ...

Su Miao closed the dungeon channel.

LV level Su Miao seemed to have heard similar descriptions on TV news, but it seems that you need to go through a dungeon once before you can officially become a player and unlock the LV level.

His profession "God Slayer" (unlocked) may need to be unlocked after the first dungeon.

As for Zhang Wei's equipment "Straw Sandals", it was not a lucky thing to get this equipment. Through the conversation in the chat channel, we can know that this equipment was dropped by many people killing a monster together.

Maybe there were monsters later, and Zhang Wei wore this equipment to lure away the monsters. Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei took his girlfriend and took it directly...

Su Miao was not very clear about the price of this equipment, but according to previous news, some were sold for 100,000 yuan, and some were sold for 200,000 yuan. This white equipment may be worth 50,000-60,000 yuan.

Su Miao suddenly felt something was wrong. He stopped and looked around vigilantly.

The road was dark all around, and the street lights beside the road made a "sizzling" sound."The sound seemed to have been damaged in some way, flickering, as if it would break down in the next moment.

There was movement.

Su Miao was alert to the surroundings, holding his right hand in a fist, ready to draw out the "Color of Stars" at any time.

But after carefully observing the surroundings, he found nothing. The surroundings were empty. Although it was a bit gloomy, there was no trace of monsters.

Was it my illusion?


The leaking lamp was still shaking. When it shook to a certain angle, Su Miao's peripheral vision caught something...

Although he knew it might be a monster, he was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat!

What? !

After the lamp shook again, he saw clearly what it was!

It seemed to be a graceful girl, tall and estimated to be two meters tall, but very thin. She was standing not far from Su Miao in a weird and uncoordinated posture, without making a sound!

When did she... come here! ?

Is she a living person? Why didn't she speak, but chose to approach quietly?


The light tube shook again, and Su Miao also took a step back...


She was closer, and this time he could even see the blood stains on her body, which were cold and malicious.

Definitely not a player.

Because——she didn't walk at all, but teleported through the dark space when the light tube was shaking.

It might be a bit exaggerated to say that she teleported, but the action definitely exceeded the dynamic capture range of Su Miao's eyes and blurred into a phantom.

No wonder there was no sound.

This inhuman behavior made Su Miao have the most primitive fear, the fear of supernatural phenomena and the unknown.

Su Miao's feet and scalp were numb, and the hair on his body stood up. The blood vessels in his brain seemed to burst, and almost every part of his body was trembling, and his hands and feet became as cold as ice.

His brain was throbbing with pain, and every heartbeat put terrible pressure on his brain...



It had exposed its gums, and its bulging eyes without eyelids stared at Su Miao.

Su Miao was less than five meters away from it!

The sharp knife in his hand was dripping with sticky black blood...



Su Miao's face was cold, and he dragged "Star Color" from the air with both hands and slashed it fiercely.

The blade, like a five-color neon light, slashed through in an instant, as if the night was torn apart, but this attack had no resistance!


A black shadow attacked, and Su Miao staggered away, but found that his abdomen was cold and painful.

HP: 70%

When fighting, Su Miao changed the health value to a percentage, so that he could see his status more intuitively.

However, this "Son of the Egg" with the appearance of a strange girl holding a knife actually cut off 30% of Su Miao's health with one knife. This is too scary!

"There is no way..." He took a deep breath and held his breath.

Holding the five-color fluorescent "Star Color", he rushed forward.

His attitude was resolute, and his eyes were extremely sharp: "Next, one strike will determine the outcome."

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