She was smoking all over, and the giant sword was raised high at this moment, absorbing the blood and energy of Huo Wu.

This attack would cause damage of 5 points of lost health. With nearly 50 points of health lost, it could cause 250 points of damage, which no player could resist.

This move can only be used once in each copy, and is usually used to kill elite monsters or even the final boss at the end of the level. I didn't expect it to be wasted on a player at this moment.

"Barbarian blood collapse..."


Her shouting voice suddenly stopped, and a big hole suddenly appeared between her eyebrows, and her incredible expression condensed on her face.

"Not a bad expression."

Su Miao spoke coldly, putting away the fire gun that burst out thick smoke due to firing.

This equipment is good in every way, but the smoke is too big.

Rose's vision was blocked, and she exited the optical sight and saw that the battle was still a cloud of smoke.

"Using smoke bombs to confuse my attack... How cunning..."

After waiting for about 10 seconds, the smoke dissipated, and Huo Wu was the only one in the battle.

"What's going on?"

Rose hurriedly used the optical sight to check the specific situation of the battle, and the next scene made her back cold.

Huo Wu raised the giant sword high and posed as if she was about to attack, but she was already dead. There was a bloody hole in her forehead, and a streak of blood ran across her beautiful face.

"Impossible, Huo Wu has 100 HP, and the "Barbarian Bloodline" skill has a high damage reduction! "

She couldn't believe it and could only look for the monster in a hurry. Finally, she desperately found that the player who looked like an evil ghost was behind the priest Xiao Lin.

Su Miao's figure was like a ghost, and he moved to the side of the priest girl with the help of the smoke of the musket.

The priest without the protection of the player was a lamb to be slaughtered.

The priest girl was terrified. She never thought that there would be a player who could kill two LV:10 meat shields with good physique and warriors with destructive power in 5 minutes.

Xiao Lin's sweet face was covered with tears. She hurriedly took out a bottle of blue potion from her backpack and drank it. This potion could restore some of her mana.



She hurriedly put herself in a state and prepared to run to Rose. Only in this way could she survive from the devil.

"Where do you want to go?" The voice like the devil's whisper came, and a long knife with flowing light was placed on her neck.

"Stop! "

Rose could no longer bear to see her teammates die. She dropped her heavy sniper rifle, jumped off the roof, and walked towards Su Miao.

Rose stood there in silence. She looked at the embarrassed priest girl and slowly said, "We attacked you first, but you have killed two of our teammates. We are willing to provide 5,000 game coins or equipment of equal value as compensation."

Rose did not fight to the end. Even if she lost the lives of two teammates, she did not fall into the trap of sunk costs.

Su Miao raised her eyebrows, holding the priest girl's hair with one hand and holding the long knife.

"Trade first."

Rose did not refuse, she nodded.


[System prompt: Player Rose applies for a contract transaction with you, the transaction content is as follows.]

[She will trade you 5,000 game coins. You cannot attack players "Rose" and "Xiao Lin" in this copy. Violating the contract transaction will result in the system deducting 90,000 game coins. ]

[Do you agree to this transaction? 】


Then Su Miao asked about the contract transaction, and Rose also answered.

Simply put, transactions are divided into ordinary transactions and contract transactions.

The former ordinary transaction is naturally needless to say, it is a common function when shopping with game coins.

Contract transactions can be applied for in the system interface. After submitting 100 game coins, the game coins and conditions can be traded between the two players. This transaction lasts for one copy and has the system's certification.

Su Miao behind the priest girl raised the long knife high at this moment, looking like she wanted to use the knife.

Rose saw her action and said angrily: "What are you doing! You can't violate the system's contract transaction!"

"Oh, I almost forgot..." Su Miao nodded, put down the long knife, and tapped his left hand in the void a few times.

"I choose, "No." "

In Rose's horror, a system prompt popped up in her system bar.

[System prompt: Player "God Killer" rejected your contract transaction, this service has ended. 】

Rose's eyes widened angrily, her voice trembling slightly as she said, "We are female players, you can't kill us!"

Su Miao narrowed his eyes, with no expression on his face, said: "So? What value can you bring to me?"

Rose stared at Su Miao, as if she had made up her mind. A blush reappeared on her beautiful face. She said with difficulty: "After the copy is over, I can give it to you."


Su Miao was silent. After a few seconds, his voice came slowly.


"I don't think there is any need to chat anymore."

Su Miao's long knife pressed against Xiao Lin's back, his eyes full of coldness, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Pastor Xiao Lin, his plump body stretched out his revealing clothes, and his long legs in black silk were trembling, but he still couldn't change the death that was about to happen.

"No, don't kill me, please."

Her crying and begging were so pitiful that no man could resist this pitiful plea for mercy.

Su Miao's face was as cold as a piece of iron. The long knife pierced her beautiful skin, and he spoke coldly.

"Everyone has to pay for their actions. No one will stop just because you are a female player."

When these female players attacked Su Miao, their fate was doomed when they wanted to kill him.

Now, the gears of fate began to turn.


A short sound of cutting flesh came, and Xiao Lin felt a sudden force behind her, and suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her chest.

She subconsciously looked down at her chest and saw the tip of the knife full of blood, and then her consciousness gradually blurred.

Su Miao did not torture Pastor Xiao Lin, but gave her a quick death.

Pastor Xiao Lin's chest was pierced, and the heat of her body was lost bit by bit. She lay on the ground in despair, and her pale face was full of fear.

She trembled all over, and spit out mouthfuls of bright red blood in her mouth.

"What are you doing! She is still a child!" Rose's eyes were scarlet, she took out a pistol, and emptied the magazine at Su Miao.

"Bang, bang, bang--"

Su Miao raised the "Color of Stars" to defend the key parts, and did not dodge, but let the bullets hit the shield and then bounced off.

Until 12 bullets were fired, Su Miao's 100-point shield was not broken. Su Miao put down the defensive long sword and slowly approached Rose.

Su Miao moved forward step by step, and each step sounded the death knell for Rose's death. The devil holding a long sword, this is the most appropriate way to describe Su Miao at this moment.

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