"Thank you... you... big brother..."

Her voice was very soft, but also very gentle, without the previous hysteria, this poor soul finally found peace.

Su Miao had no expression, his calm eyes looked at the little girl's head, and said: "It's just a copy."

Su Miao put the little girl's head on the chest of her corpse, and suddenly found a stream of light flashing on her body.

Su Miao shook off the blood on the long knife and took the equipment card in his hand.

Tap the finger lightly, and the attribute panel of the equipment appeared.

"Skinner's Bone Shield"

Quality: Blue

Attribute: Defense +20

Introduction: Thank you, big brother with a long knife.

Su Miao had no expression on his face, put the equipment card in his backpack, he looked at the hatter fighting in the distance, and pointed at Lucy and Al.

"Lucy, Al, you go to support the hatter."

"Woof woof!"

Lucy agreed twice, looked at Su Miao, and ran towards the hatter with her tail wagging.


The raven looked at Su Miao with disdain and flew into the air without looking back.

Su Miao's fighting style was mainly melee, and he was good at using fighting skills to quickly kill the enemy. On the other hand, the hatter not far away used his high agility to distance himself from the uncle and used a cane sword and a double-barreled shotgun to fight at medium and close range.

The two had different fighting styles. If Su Miao went over, it would probably be counterproductive. Instead of letting Su Miao go over, it would be better to let the thin dog Lucy and the raven Al, who were more familiar with the hatter's fighting style, go to support.

In the thick fog, Su Miao could not see the hatter and the uncle, and could only vaguely feel that there were shadows flashing at a very fast speed.

"I will never stop fighting with you!"

The owner of the homestay screamed shrilly, and the whole fog was shaking. Unconsciously, the fog composition at this moment changed.

A cage created entirely by thick fog appeared, completely covering the hatter and Lucy, and Su Miao could not see their figures at all.

Su Miao chopped with his long knife, but it was like chopping on cotton, unable to break the cage made of fog.

"There is no way to support now..."

Su Miao sighed, holding the "Color of Stars" and slowly walked to the side of the scary clown.

At present, he needs to be alert to other dangers, and try to see if he can kill the scary clown with the "Color of Stars".

After all, his hidden task is to kill a "great thing", and the scary clown represents the "rift intervener". Before the "Mother of Mist" is found or appears, the scary clown is the most likely to let Su Miao complete the hidden task.


The fog is thick, and a girl with green all over her body walks out of the fog holding a blue torch.

She is a player of elf descent, wearing a green skirt, she has a cute braid, and her cute face has a little surprise.

"Found it!"

The elf girl was a little excited, and she shouted quickly, shouting towards the fog behind her.

"Erin, have you found the location of the mist altar?"

A charming voice sounded behind the elf girl named Erin.

When the mist dispersed a little, the owner of the voice was revealed, and it was Rose.

Behind Rose there were about 20 female players, and behind Rose were tank players holding heavy hammers and giant shields.

In the middle and on both sides of the team, there were assassins wearing tights and holding daggers, and at the end of the team were mages, priests and long-range output holding various styles of staffs.

Erin nodded excitedly and said, "It's definitely right this time. This is the location of the last altar, and you can definitely meet the "Mother of Mist." "

She raised the azure torch, and the flames became stronger as she approached the B&B.

"My elf power tells me that this B&B is definitely the hiding place of "great things." "

But for some reason, looking at the dim lights in the house and the open door, Irene suddenly shuddered. She wanted to remind Rose something, but in the end she didn't know how to start.


Rose nodded first, and then spoke to the many female players behind her:

"Everyone, although we are not in the same team, we have also signed an alliance agreement. You are all the backbone of the team. I hope that when hunting the "Mother of Mist", everyone will not hide their shortcomings. We must take care of each other."

"Everyone knows that I am the deputy leader of the "Steel Rose Group", and our team has rich experience in hunting hidden bosses. I hope that under my leadership, everyone can achieve this feat!"

A gust of wind blew, and Rose's combat uniform was blown by, slightly highlighting her proud figure. A little light mist rolled up her hair, making her look so cold.Yan.

A tank holding a giant hammer raised the hammer in his hand and shouted loudly: "Rose is right, we must take care of each other!"

"A team composed entirely of female players will hunt the hidden boss, we will break the dungeon record!" A priest girl with twin ponytails shouted excitedly.

"The "Mother of Mist" will die in my hands." An assassin wearing a tights and high ponytail spoke coldly.

Rose waved her hand and entered the homestay first with a pistol. It seems that after her heavy sniper rifle was seized by Su Miao, she had no other handy weapons.

Rose's face was cold. She only needed to lead these fools to kill the hidden boss "Mother of Mist" to get high points, enough for her to open A-level or even S-level treasure chests.

She only needed to pretend to be seriously injured and hide behind these fools to grab the last blow.

As long as she got an A+ or S-level treasure chest, it would not be a big deal even if a few middle-level players in the team died.

She could obtain most of the resources in the treasure chest, and the rest was enough to train a few more fools who would die for her.

Three mid-level players were sacrificed, but the hidden boss, the leader of the "Steel Rose Group", and the former leader of the top group, Ji Ruxue, could not say much.

In this way, everyone entered the B&B in a mighty manner.


"The structure is very strange..."

Su Miao gave up killing the horror clown. Conventional weapons could not cause any damage to it at all. When Su Miao's attack hit the clown, the horror clown actually wanted to wake up.

This made Su Miao stop in a hurry. The Hatter and Lucy estimated that they would be able to deal with the uncle soon. With the Hatter's research on the horror clown, there should be a way to restrain it.

"Tap tap tap..."

In the passage at the entrance of the basement, there were suddenly some noisy sounds.

Su Miao squinted his eyes. He heard some conversations, which should be female voices.

"Look, there is fog coming out here. It must be the altar of the "Mother of Mist"! ”

“The tanks are following, ready to attack the monsters at any time, attracting hatred, and the nurses are nursing the corresponding tanks.”

“Be alert, this place is too weird. There were no monsters from the first to the third floor, which is enough to show that it is very weird…”

Soon, a group of colorful figures entered from the entrance, led by Irene holding a blue torch.

The blue torch has the effect of dispersing fog, allowing the elf girl with elf power to see Su Miao’s face clearly.

Sure enough, Irene saw Su Miao at a glance, and suddenly froze, and asked in confusion: "Huh? Weren’t you killed by Rose and the others?"

Su Miao stood with a knife in his hand, ignoring Irene’s question, and carefully observed the positions of the people, their dress, and the weapons they held.

He felt that some mages and long-range players in the team had already pointed their weapons at him.


Su Miao’s long knife came out of his body, and he stood coldly.

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