"Wuhu! Take off!" A player in the preparation area jumped for joy.

"I finally matched with someone ranked lower than me! 9999 "God Slayer", eh, the name seems a bit strange..."

She shouted excitedly, her two playful ponytails jumping up and down.

"No matter, hehe! Bully the weak!"

Then, she clicked "Confirm the game", and a translucent portal appeared on the right side of the preparation area, with a yellow tone inside.

Without any hesitation, she jumped in.


"Portal... This is a good idea."

Su Miao has stepped through the portal and arrived at an arena similar to a desert. The venue is about 200 meters in diameter, and there are translucent shields around it as restrictions and protection.

It seems that there should be many arenas here, and the place where she teleported is one of the many arenas.

At this moment, the style of the arena is "desert".

Su Miao, who stepped into the desert arena, saw a portal about 100 meters away from him.

The two were 100 meters apart, probably to protect the long-range output player from being killed instantly. The distance of 100 meters could still be pulled.

"Wow! It's a newcomer! He doesn't even wear equipment!"

A female player less than 1.6 meters tall jumped out of the portal, wearing a leather suit and holding a dagger submachine gun in her hand.

She didn't shoot immediately, but observed Su Miao's equipment and weapons.

She smiled evilly twice, aimed the holographic sight on the dagger submachine gun at Su Miao, and prepared to pull the trigger.

"Don't move, I'm going to shoot!"

"Huh? Where's the person!"

The soft and cute Lolita, who was about to pull the trigger, was a little confused because she found that the newcomer was gone.

"There's a sound!"

The soft and cute Lolita turned around, and the three bursts of the dagger hit the ground, and three dust clouds immediately appeared on the ground.


The long knife hummed, quickly slashed across the soft and cute Lolita's neck, and beheaded her.

"Ugh... It hurts..."

She groaned, her head and body were separated, and her head rolled far away.

Su Miao shook the long knife expressionlessly, threw the blood on it into the desert, and then put away the "Color of Stars".

[System prompt: The battle is over, the player "God Killer" won, the current ranking is: 8750]

Su Miao's body slowly turned into data, gradually disappeared in the desert, and returned to the preparation area.

Soft and cute Lolita was teleported to the preparation area, holding her neck and crawling in pain.

"My neck hurts... Huh? I'm resurrected, no, how did I die?"

"That guy cheated, he killed me in less than 5 seconds for 100 meters..."

She gritted her teeth and then clicked to match again.

[System prompt: Matching successful! No. 8750 "God Slayer" VS No. 8856 "Soft Loli"]

"What's going on!"

Soft Loli was a little confused, but she still checked her equipment, adjusted her weapon to full-automatic mode, and then entered the arena.

[You have entered the "Ice" arena. ]

The cold wind was howling, and the soft loli immediately aimed her weapon at the opposite portal, and quickly fired after seeing the figure.

"Da Da Da..."

The sound of the short sword without a silencer was not small, and as the muzzle sprayed flames, countless bullets also shot at Su Miao.

Su Miao narrowed his eyes and easily dodged the bullets, and then dragged the long knife out of the air while running.

He was not faster than the bullet, it was entirely because the soft loli's attack intention was too obvious, and there was no combat skill at all.

As long as I predict the shooting trajectory of her muzzle direction, plus my own speed, it is easy to dodge.

And this player is really a bit bad, pulling the gun line is extremely slow, and the action of changing bullets is not very professional.

The bullets fired by the cute little girl followed Su Miao closely, just like Su Miao's footsteps, but none of them hit the target.


The magazine was empty, and the hammer made a weak ka-ka sound.

In less than five seconds, Su Miao had already arrived in front of the cute little girl, and then raised the long knife high.

"Bad, bad!"

The beautiful head flew up again with a knife, and the intense pain came from the cute little girl's neck.

Although the injury can be repaired for free, it does not mean that the pain can be blocked. It really hurts to be cut by the long knife!


[System prompt: The battle is over, the player "God Killer" won, and the current ranking is: 7898]

"It's still a bit slow."

The first battle ended in 13 seconds, and the second battle ended in 9 seconds. This result did not satisfy Su Miao.

The latest added attributes made the body not very adaptable, butThrough training, you can make your body and attributes perfectly integrated, which takes time.

[System prompt: Matching successful! No. 8002 "God Slayer" VS No. 8956 "Soft Loli"]

Su Miao raised his eyebrows. Why is it this guy again? Although he was a little surprised, Su Miao was not discouraged. After all, strong players must be in the top few, and such players are good for physical training.

It's just right that I can try to kill him in a shorter time.

The moment the teleportation array appeared, Su Miao had already rushed in, as fast as lightning, and ran more than 20 meters in just two seconds.

"Damn, it's this guy again!"

Although Soft Loli didn't waste time and quickly came in and aimed at Su Miao, her speed was obviously a beat slower. When she raised her gun, Su Miao had already run half the distance.

"Da Da Da!"

The dagger submachine gun turned into a dense net of bullets and rushed towards Su Miao, surrounding him.

"Three consecutive kills."

Su Miao spoke in a deep voice, dodging bullets with a sideways dash and splitting several bullets with a long sword. The long sword made a sound of iron clashing when splitting bullets.

Before the bullets of the cute little girl were all used up, Su Miao had already rushed to her nearly three meters away.

"Steel Flash."

Su Miao's running body quickly turned into a rainbow light, splitting the cute little girl's body in half. The battle was over in just 6 seconds.


"What the hell is this matching mechanism? I'm quitting. I don't want to play anymore!"

"Fuck, give me back! An arena entry ticket costs thousands of game coins! My game coins..."

The cute little girl ran out of the preparation area crying with a broken mentality. It was unknown whether she was crying because of Su Miao's beating or because she was sad about losing thousands of game coins.


[System prompt: The battle is over, player "God Killer" won, current ranking: 7386]

"Is there no stronger player..."

Su Miao sighed deeply and returned to the preparation area. He matched with the extremely weak player three times in a row. Although his fastest kill time was updated to 6 seconds, it had limited improvement on his strength.

"Continue matching."

Su Miao took a sip of the drink and continued matching. After about 5 seconds, the system prompt sounded.

[System prompt: Matching successful! No. 7386 "God Killer" VS No. 5520 "Falcon Tamer"]

More than 5,000 players, estimated to be pretty good.

The corners of Su Miao's mouth rose slightly, and he sighed: "Finally matched with a normal player."

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