Starting Assets Increased By 10,000 Times

Chapter 186 Intermediate detection technique (one more for support)

Just now everyone was still thinking, what could be more shocking than learning that Mr. Chen has 2 billion Chinese yuan.

But now everyone knows: that is---Mr. Chen still has more than 2 billion yuan in cash

Cash plus real estate, isn't Mr. Chen's assets more than 4 billion Chinese dollars?


This is a number that many people can't even imagine, but he appeared on Mr. Chen!

Many small countries can't make up the assets of more than 4 billion Chinese yuan even with all the strength of the whole country!

What Wei Wei makes everyone feel good about is that Mr. Chen is from China.

Although there is no crazy long-short war in the stock market of Mann, the stock price is still rising at this time.

The main reason is that many people are buying, and those with chips are not in a hurry to sell.

By noon, most stocks had soared 50%, and some small-cap stocks even doubled directly.

In the face of Manguo's stock price at this time, all the short-selling forces turned pale. They had been preparing for more than a year, and the battle was only three days. Except for the first two days, they took a little advantage.

No, now it's not returning to its original shape, but blood loss.

In addition to buying back the chips at a high price, returning them at the agreed time also requires paying a fee.

During this time, the consumption of human and financial resources cannot be measured in money at all.

It hurts!

In a villa on a certain island, the gloomy voice sounded again:

"More than 4 billion Chinese yuan! I didn't expect that under the coverage of our huge intelligence network, such a big fish could be missed! Ask the person in charge of the intelligence department to punish me!"


"By the way, send me more people to stare at that Chen Yu. It ruins our good deeds. We must not make him too comfortable! Humph! He is still alone now. If he dies, I will see who his assets are left to."


At this time, Chen Yu was speechless as he watched his barely breaking 100,000 points.

Still careless!

There are too many transactions for a few cents in stocks. Although the use of lucky charms was later cancelled for less than 1,000 yuan, it still consumed a lot of points.

No way, in this case, if you want money, you can only lose points for lucky charms, and you can only give up transactions under 200,000 yuan if you want points.

However, in stock trading, there are only a handful of transactions that cost 200,000 yuan at a time. Chen Yu only used lucky charms for large transactions that triggered random consumption rebates, which saved a lot of points.

However, the funds were not fully recovered, and Chen Yu didn't care anymore.

Now the system has more than 2.4 billion in cash. Even if you only eat system interest every day, it is still 12 million yuan a day!

One month is 360 million yuan in income!

When he learned that he could earn 360 million yuan in interest a month, Chen Yu suddenly felt that he had completely lost interest in money.

Indeed, the amount of money to a certain extent is really just a string of numbers.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu shook his head, regardless of whether the stock market had closed, and went out of the room.

With the system watching over, Chen Yu didn't need to pay attention to it for a long time, but if he didn't hide, how could he pretend?

As soon as he left the room, several beautiful maids surrounded him, and one of the maids hurriedly took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

"Mr. Chen, are you hungry? We have prepared snacks for you."

"Mr. Chen, are you tired? The king asked us to serve you. If you need anything, feel free to speak, and we will not refuse."

"Mr. Chen"


Looking at these carefully selected and coolly dressed maids, Chen Yu could only raise his hand to block them, and said in his mouth:

"Stop, stop, I don't need anything. I'll talk to your king. If I'm fine, I'll go back to China."

These maids suddenly looked disappointed. The king had promised them before: as long as Mr. Chen could fancy any of them, they could get rich rewards.

But now, Mr. Chen seems to have no interest in them at all.

The women who were originally self-identified as having some looks, felt a deep sense of frustration for a while.

Of course Chen Yu didn't care whether these women were frustrated or not, he walked slowly to the main palace.

King Zheng Jun is generally there.

He didn't go far when he saw Zheng Jun coming up with a large group of officials.

"Hey, Brother Chen, are you hungry? I just saw that you kept the door closed and didn't dare to disturb you, so don't take offense."

"Old Zheng, don't be so polite, I'm not hungry either."

Chen Yu smiled and suddenly remembered that he had been upgraded to the intermediate detection technique, so he quietly used it on Zheng Jun:

'Character: Rama XIII (King of the Kingdom of Man), Chinese name - Zheng Jun

Age: 45

Height: 171

Weight: 65KG

Favorability: 96

Loyalty: 92

Brief introduction: The current king of the Kingdom of Man, who is smarter than the rest of the brothers since childhood and loved by his father, ascended the throne at the age of twenty-five and became the new king of the Kingdom of Man, named Rama XIII.

Rating: 94 (Grateful and worried for you, can meet all your requirements not to threaten the life and dignity of the royal family of Manchester)’

Seeing the results of this investigation, Chen Yu could only roll his eyes.

I thought that the probing technique of the intermediate level was much better than that of the primary level, but the result was that the favorability and loyalty appeared at the same time, and an introduction was added.

However, the exploration technique is only an auxiliary function, and Chen Yu no longer bothered about it. He looked directly at Zheng Jun and said:

"Old Zheng, the stock market closes at 1:30 in the afternoon, presumably your crisis has been resolved, and I have to leave and return to China."

"Brother Chen, stay for a few more days before leaving. I would like to thank you very much."

Of course, Zheng Jun didn't want to let Chen Yu leave just like that. Although the short sellers had nothing to lose, Chen Yu's hands were equivalent to pinching the economic lifeline of Manguo, and they would not let Chen Yu make any guarantees. Man Guo will not be at ease!

Chen Yu looked at Zheng Jun's speechless appearance, and immediately guessed the scruples in his heart, so he said with a smile:

"It's not necessary to stay for a few more days. It's better to take advantage of today's happiness and let's have lunch together."

"I'll order someone to prepare right away."

After Zheng Jun finished speaking, he quickly ordered his servants to prepare.

In just half an hour, Chen Yu, Zheng Jun, and senior officials of Manguo were sitting in a beautifully decorated room.

A large oval table was filled with delicious food and wine, while Chen Yu and Zheng Jun sat side by side in the upper seat.

"Brother Chen, just now the stock market closed, and all stocks rose by as much as 50%, this time thanks to you!

Our country's economy has not retreated, on the contrary, its GDP has soared on the bright side, and the public's confidence in our official government has also greatly improved. I really don't know how to thank you."

"Old Zheng, don't be so polite. Anyway, my money is invested everywhere. As long as you work hard to manage Manguo and make your country's economy develop, then my investment will be valuable."

Chen Yu also said a few hypocritically polite words. Since Lao Zheng wants to bring the topic to this, he can just follow it.

"Brother Chen, of course I should do my best to develop the economy." Zheng Jun promised first, then changed the conversation and said:

"However, Brother Chen, you are holding such a huge amount of mandarin coins and stocks in our country, which is equivalent to pinching our economic throat!

I'm afraid that one day Brother Chen will be provoked by something, if you throw out all the stocks and mangoes, we don't have a second Brother Chen to help you."

When Chen Yu heard this, he immediately felt amused, but he still tried his best to pretend to be serious and said:

"Old Zheng, don't worry, as long as your country doesn't do anything particularly excessive to our country, I can't sell any stocks or MYR for at least ten years."

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