Starting Assets Increased By 10,000 Times

Chapter 290 Ten thousand yuan is too little?

For the next two days, Chen Yu and Luo Zan Zeng Jin had a good time.

Although this is just a systematic test task for Chen Yu, and Luo Zan and Zeng Jin may not be able to remember what happened now, but Chen Yu still tries his best to repay the two buddies.

Wang Yajun rarely contacted Chen Yu again, but Lin Lin kept looking for Chen Yu, but was ignored or rejected by Chen Yu.

This made Lin Lin, who was cautious and arrogant, very unconvinced. The more Chen Yu treated her like this, it aroused her interest instead.

Chen Yu asked Zhao Quan to acquire several companies again in the past two days, and the points exceeded 500,000, but the system upgrade was still not triggered.

At this time, Chen Yu could only sigh: It seems that the possibility of this system upgrade is very small.

Think about it too, if the system upgrade is so easy, it would be impossible to give him a point for one yuan.

Since the system couldn't be upgraded, he looked away instantly: How about living freely and freely in such a world!

As for the task, just let it go, don't care about it deliberately.

In a blink of an eye, it was the first day of school, and Chen Yu, Luo Zan, and Zeng Jin arrived at the school.

The first class was taught by Professor Sun with 20 years of teaching experience.

Professor Sun is bald, with thick eyes, and of medium build. His face always has an expression of being owed hundreds of thousands. In his class, many students dare not desert or be late.

In the past, he still admired Chen Yu very much, thinking that Chen Yu could earn money to go to school and live on his own, and he studied hard.

Today was the first day of school and the first class, and he also paid more attention to Chen Yu.

If Chen Yu hadn't fallen asleep suddenly, Professor Sun might still continue to admire Chen Yu

In a daze, Chen Yu felt his arms tighten, and Luo Zan's reminder came from his ear:

"Chen Yu! Professor Chen Yusun is calling you."

Chen Yu quickly woke up and sat up straight. When he looked up, he saw Professor Sun's angry face and the students' faces looking at the show.

"Chen Yu! I didn't expect you to be able to fall asleep when you were the first one to attend class? I know your family is not well off. This time, in order to make up for tuition fees, you must be working multiple jobs and exhausted.

But if you don't listen carefully in class, what's the use of getting a diploma in the future? Which company dares to ask you after you go out? Even if I want you, how long can you hang around? "

Chen Yu didn't want to explain too much. Although Professor Sun was straightforward, he was still a good person.

So he could only nod his head and say, "Professor Sun said that he didn't have a good rest last night, so pay attention in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Zheng Jinyong say in a strange way:

"Didn't rest well last night, could it be on some woman's belly?"

This remark immediately caused a burst of laughter, and Professor Sun's face turned green instantly, and he looked directly at Zheng Jinyong and said:

"Zheng Jinyong, I know that your family is rich, and you don't worry about finding a job after graduation, but if you don't listen to the class well, don't affect other students! You don't need to study, doesn't it mean that others don't need to study either?"

Zheng Jinyong said indifferently:

"Professor Sun, you may not be clear. Chen Yu doesn't need to study either. Now that he drives a car worth more than 200 yuan and lives in a villa of more than 20,000 yuan, why does he need to work?"


Professor Sun was taken aback, and even some students who didn't know about it looked at Chen Yu in surprise.

Chen Yu sneered in his heart, waiting to see what trick Zheng Jinyong would play.

Seeing that Chen Yu didn't refute, Professor Sun obviously acquiesced to the fact that he was rich, and his face darkened immediately.

If Zheng Jinyong and Chen Yu were short of money, he could still reprimand them a few words, but when he met those who were not short of money, many students just came to university to dawdle because of their young age.

For such students, it is indeed the most troublesome.

People don't care about their studies, or even the diplomas that many people value, so what else can you do with them?

Zheng Jinyong saw that Professor Sun's face was ugly, so he took the initiative to say:

"Professor Sun, I am also very surprised that student Chen Yu suddenly became a rich man. He can change from a poor student with multiple jobs to a big boss who drives a luxury car and lives in a luxury house in a short period of time. If you don't win the lottery, you must be an investment wizard.

Although my family doesn't have much money, I believe that I have learned a lot about business from my childhood. I want to compare investment with Chen Yu, and let Professor Sun and other students be witnesses by the way. "


Everyone looked at Chen Yu, and Professor Sun's eyes lit up, secretly praising the good idea!

Chen Yu stopped taking classes seriously when he became rich, and students like Zheng Jinyong were usually absent-minded.

It's better to facilitate this competition, so that the two of them can understand that investing is not just a matter of fooling around or the experience passed down at home.

The best of both worlds!

Thinking of this, Professor Sun nodded immediately, looked at Chen Yu and said:

"Chen Yu, I think Zheng Jinyong's suggestion is very good. We are a finance department, and we can't rely on rote memorization every day. Since you all have the conditions, why don't you conduct an investment competition.

If you perform well, I can give you extra points for your final exam! But if the investment fails, then you have to listen to the lectures in the future, and you can't be absent-minded anymore! "

Chen Yu said in a foolish manner: "Professor Sun, why did I agree to compare with him? I'm not interested in getting extra points in my studies, and my test scores are fine on my own."

Seeing that Chen Yu refused, Professor Sun couldn't say anything more. He was about to let everyone continue the class, but saw Lin Lin who was sitting in the front row and said suddenly:

"Professor Sun, I think Zheng Jinyong is right. Chen Yu should compete with Zheng Jinyong. This will not only allow us to see the investment vision of the two, but also bring some fun to our monotonous and boring academic life.

As for the investment money, if Chen Yu doesn't want to pay, I can help him out. "

help him out?

Everyone looked at Lin Lin curiously. After all, she was a new classmate, and many people didn't know that she had No. 2 villa in Beijing Capital Land.

Zheng Jinyong immediately sarcastically said:

"Chen Yu, are you a man? Could it be that you live in a house worth more than 20,000 yuan, do you need a woman to help you pay for your investment?"

Chen Yu shook his head, feeling that Zheng Jinyong really didn't know what to do, since that's the case, it's better to play with him.

It just so happens that I feel bored too, and I don't know when the system tasks will be completed.

"Zheng Jinyong," Chen Yu looked at Zheng Jinyong, showing a smile that was not a smile, "The reason why I don't agree is because I don't want to play games with you. Let's put it this way: it's not impossible to compare investment, but the amount I'm too young to be interested."

"Aren't you interested if the amount is too small?"

Zheng Jinyong sneered suddenly: I really don't believe how much money you can have!

Thinking of his allies and dad's support last night, he said confidently:

"Is an investment of 10,000 yuan enough?"

"Ten thousand yuan?"

Many students gasped!

In the competition between two students, the starting price was 10,000 yuan?

Zheng Jinyong is really rich and powerful!

It's just that when everyone looked at Chen Yu, they found that Chen Yu shook his head, obviously dissatisfied with the investment competition of 10,000 yuan:

"Zheng Jinyong, you just said that the houses I live in start at 20,000 yuan, and you asked me to compete with you for an investment of 10,000 yuan. Where do I have any interest?"


Many students couldn't help swearing when they heard Chen Yu's words.

Chen Yu is so pretentious!

10,000 yuan, hello!

The students here don't rely on their families, how many can afford 10,000 yuan?

Even Lin Lin, who owns Villa No. 2, may not be able to come up with 10,000 yuan herself!

But Chen Yu thinks it's too little?

In the corner, Wang Yajun sighed in his heart: Sure enough, he is not short of money at all now

Qi Junxiu looked at Chen Yu, his long eyelashes flickering, as if he wanted to see through Chen Yu: Is this guy really my future husband?

Bah bah, can you believe what this guy says? must have lied to me

Zheng Jinyong showed a stress-free smile and said:

"It's okay to think it's too little. Since your villa starts at 20,000 yuan, let's use 30,000 yuan to compete!"

Chen Yu still shook his head: "30,000 yuan is still too little, I'm not even interested in it as a bet, let alone start-up capital?"

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