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Chapter 72 That's My Brother

"President Liu?"

Chen Yu answered the phone.

"Xiao Chen, just call me old Liu in the future. It's good to call President Liu. I have been officially promoted to the president of Huarong Bank, and the handover is basically completed. This time is also thanks to you. I want to treat you to a meal in the evening, you Is it easy to see?"


Chen Yu didn't like socializing very much, so he declined: "President Liu, I'm just helping you with a little effort, you don't need to eat, right?"

"This." Liu Enshan stuttered a little, and was silent for a few seconds, as if he had made up his mind, before he said:

"To be honest, this time it's not only me who wants to invite you to dinner, but also someone who wants to have dinner with you to resolve a misunderstanding."

"Oh? Old Liu, who is that person you're talking about?"

Chen Yu had some guesses in his heart.

"It's Zhang Yunrui, chairman of Huaxin Group, he wants to talk to you"

"Then let's go." Chen Yu immediately interrupted Liu Enshan's call and continued:

"I have worked so hard to defeat Huaxin Group. At this juncture, it is impossible for me to stop."

After listening to Chen Yu's words, Liu Enshan couldn't help but sigh, and did not dare to continue to dissuade him.

"Alright then, Xiao Chen, let's have dinner together when you are free."

"Old Liu, it's fine to eat together in the future, but I don't want to see Zhang Yunrui and his son, understand?"

"Ok, I see."

Chen Yu hung up the phone, but stared at the phone in a daze. In fact, he also understood the reason why Liu Enshan was trying to be a peacemaker.

He has just turned regular, and of course he needs some performance to solidify his position.

And Zhang Yunrui obviously made a promise to him, and the two had some deep friendships before, so Liu Enshan came to be a peacemaker.

In Liu Enshan's position, it is really difficult for him to refuse Zhang Yunrui, so Liu Enshan cannot be blamed for this.

Chen Yu shook his head and was about to put away the phone, but the phone rang again.

This time it was an unfamiliar number.

Just a little hesitation, Chen Yu answered the phone:

"Is that Mr. Chen Yu?"

There was a middle-aged man's voice over the phone.

Chen Yu carefully searched his mind, but he really didn't have the impression of this voice, so he asked lightly, "Yes, who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Lu Xingwang, chairman of Yebao Motors. I'm calling you this time to inquire about your acquisition of our company's shares."

"It turned out to be President Lu! Hello."

Chen Yu suddenly realized that these big companies are like this. It is impossible not to be nervous when they encounter such a big acquisition.

Although he also took 10% of the shares of Hongdou Mobile which was rewarded by the system, the market value of the 10% of the Hongdou Company was not more than 1% of the market value of Yebao Motors.

"Mr. Chen, I don't want to go around in circles either, let's get straight to the point." Lu Xingwang said directly:

"As for your acquisition of 5% of our Yebao Motors today, what are your plans? Do you plan to continue the acquisition in the future?"

Chen Yu couldn't help but feel amused, is this guy afraid of buying their Yebao Motor Company?

"Mr. Lu, I'm just an investor. I want to make money when I buy shares. As for continuing to buy and become a major shareholder, I'm not very interested, and I don't want to worry about management, so you can rest assured."

"That's it"

Lu Xingwang breathed a sigh of relief, then changed his tone and asked cautiously:

"Can I take the liberty to ask, is it you, the mysterious rich man who invested 10 million yuan in research and development of semiconductor projects today?"

"Oh? There really can't be any secrets."

Chen Yu's words are equivalent to an indirect admission.

Lu Xingwang was immediately excited. He thought it was the same name before, because he couldn't imagine that one person not only invested 10 million yuan at the same time on the same day, but also bought 5% of their company's shares.

The market value of Yebao Motors is a brand company with a market value of more than 10 million yuan, and the value of 5% of the shares is nearly one million yuan.

What does this mean?

It shows that Chen Yu's wealth is beyond his imagination!

Rich, willful, but not on the rich list. It's not the ten million yuan investment this time, and many people haven't even heard his name.

The Wild Leopard Company has recently been looking for the direction of transformation and the investment of large funds.

At this critical time, Chen Yu appeared, isn't it God's will?

Thinking of this, Lu Xingwang's attitude towards Chen Yu was instantly respectful:

"Mr. Chen, when are you free, can we meet?"

"This is no problem, but I've been a little tight in the last few days, just wait for a while."

Chen Yu considered that he was going to go abroad recently, and he wanted to see Teng Zhengfa again, so he dismissed it first. But he thought about Zeng Jin's work at Yebao Company, so he changed the topic and said:

"By the way, there is a team leader named Zeng Jin in your production workshop, right?"

When Lu Xingwang heard the words, his heart suddenly moved, and he quickly asked:

"Mr. Chen asked, is this Zeng Jin related to you?"

If there is a holiday, he will kill the group leader without hesitation.

Chen Yu didn't deny it either, and said directly, "That's my brother."

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Lu Xingwang was shocked. He really couldn't figure out how Chen Yu's wealth could make his brother only the team leader of the production workshop in his company.

But now I don't dare to ask, I can only nod and say:

"I see, is there anything else Mr. Chen wants?"

"No, if I can take more care of my brother, everything is easy to say. I can consider investing in any good projects in the company in the future."

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, your brother will not suffer in our company!"

Lu Xingwang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly patted his chest to assure that since Chen Yu had a brother in his company, it would be equivalent to having a middleman who was connecting with Chen Yu!

As long as you take good care of Chen Yu's brother, isn't it obvious that your company wants to transform?

Chen Yu thanked him and hung up the phone.

In Yebao Company, Lu Xingwang looked at the phone and thought about how to have a relationship with Zeng Jin.

After a while, he turned his head and said to the secretary beside him:

"Liu, help me check if there is a team leader named Zeng Jin in the production workshop, and if so, please come to the office for me."

Secretary Liu glanced at Lu Xingwang with a look of surprise. She wondered if she had heard it wrong.

The chairman wanted to see a team leader, but he used 'please' instead of directly ordering to bring it over

She didn't dare to hesitate, and went out to call to ask.

Not long after, Secretary Liu ran back to the chairman's office with an ugly face and said to Lu Xingwang:

"Mr. Lu, we do have a team leader named Zeng Jin in our production workshop. But he was absent from work yesterday and was fired by our production manager."


Lu Xingwang jumped up from his chair with a 'pump', as if his P shares were on fire.

"Hurry up and call Manager Meng for me. I'll call him directly!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately called Manager Meng of the production workshop.

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