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Chapter 89 Rich Second Generation?

Jiang Province Airport.

Liu Huaqin was sitting in the office. The young man who was filming the live broadcast before shrugged his neck and looked at Liu Huaqin with trembling, cold sweat dripping down.

"Li Yongzhou, do you know what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Liu, I, I didn't expect things to develop to such a point... I shouldn't have started a live broadcast."

Li Yongzhou almost cried and regretted why he wanted to start the live broadcast.

Although the danger this time was detected and an air crash was avoided, it also caused the public to have great concerns about the airport's inspection work.

The social impact is too great.

Liu Huaqin shook his head and said:

"Although this incident has caused a bad social impact, it is fortunate that the above did not blame us. As long as the major media can increase the publicity of Mr. Chen in the past few days, it is best to make him a myth.

In this way, the public's attention will not be focused on our airport testing problem, and instead of losing our reputation this time, we even advertised for free once. "

"Uh" Li Yongzhou was greatly puzzled. In this case, why did Liu Huaqin call himself here?

"Xiao Li, fortunately you have typed the code this time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to save you! If there are still photos and videos on your phone, delete them for me now!"

Liu Huaqin looked at Li Yongzhou and said.

How could Li Yongzhou dare to neglect at this time? He quickly took out his mobile phone, deleted the video in the mobile phone in front of Liu Huaqin, and finally smashed the mobile phone into a mess.

If Chen Yu knew, he would definitely say that they made a big fuss...

Oriental live broadcast platform.

Xiaomei and Chunlan Qiuju were too lazy to reply to each post, so they all went back to their room and started the live broadcast.

This moment attracted a large number of spectators to watch, and they all asked:

"Anchor Xiaoju, do you know Mr. Chen?"

"Anchor Xiaochun, the names of you and several other anchors who support Mr. Chen remind me of mahjong, are you two together?"

"Anchor Xiaomei, what does that Mr. Chen look like?"


The five little girls didn't discuss it, but they all gave the same answer:

"I can only tell you that Mr. Chen is a very good person. We unconditionally believe in him. He is an amazing person."

The women's answers were also indirectly acknowledging the fact that they knew Chen Yu.


The onlookers froze for a while: But I thought that Mr. Chen had invested 10 million yuan in the semiconductor R\u0026D base and owned shares in many companies, but he borrowed an unknown name on the rich list, and this incident of betting on the inspection plane——

Isn't it amazing.

Think about it from another perspective, if the person at the airport is yourself, how many of you would dare to make a bet with a huge fortune and let the airport check it again?

Because of Chen Yu's performance and the deliberate exaggeration by major media, Chen Yu quickly became an idol in the eyes of countless people.

Cloud Province.

In recent years, the development of the economy has attracted many enterprises to settle here with policies such as tax exemption and subsidies.

In less than ten years, hundreds of listed companies have gathered in Yun Province, and Jingjing Technology and Tenglong Electronics are both in the development zone planned in the western part of Yun Province.

Zhao Quan drove his car into the development zone and quickly stopped in front of a huge building.

Chen Yu glanced at it, and there was a huge sign at the door with the words 'Jingjing Technology Company' written on it.

There were a few people standing at the door, and when they saw Zhao Quan's car approaching, they hurried up to greet him.

Zhao Quan helped Chen Yu open the car door, and then began to introduce:

"Director Ye, this is Mr. Chen Yuchen; Mr. Chen, this is Mr. Ye Qizhong, the former chairman of Jingjing Technology, and behind him are company executives."

Chen Yu glanced at Ye Qizhong and saw that Ye Qizhong was only in his early forties, and his figure was slightly fatter. The facial features are ordinary, but there is always a hint of shrewdness in his eyes.

"Chen Dong, I finally see you!"

Ye Qizhong stretched out his hand, shook hands with Chen Yu, and said with a smile:

"I have long been curious about the mysterious boss who has the courage to acquire our Jingjing Technology. Today, I have a chance to meet him. Chen Dong is young and promising, has strong assets and looks like a talent. Jingjing Technology can be acquired by you. It is our great honor. !"

He said it beautifully, but he still felt a little dissatisfied with Chen Yu's young age: Isn't he rich? So young must be a rich second generation.

"Mr. Ye has won the prize, so call me Mr. Chen in the future!"

Chen Yu smiled, disapproving of this flattery.

"Mr. Chen, don't call me Director Ye now, you can just call me Manager Ye. Let's go up and talk, don't stand here."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and made a 'please' gesture to let Chen Yu go forward.

A production-based company like Jingjing Technology will not build too tall buildings in this development zone, so few people take the elevator.

Of course, Chen Yu wouldn't care either. With his current physical fitness, he can climb more than a dozen floors in one breath.

After Ye Qizhong personally led Chen Yu upstairs, Zhao Quan took a few things from a woman and stuffed them directly to Liao Xiaofeng and Situ Wen.

These are the sunglasses and masks prepared for them, which made both Liao Xiaofeng and Situ Wen secretly praise that Zhao Quan's work is really flawless.

In the chairman's office, Chen Yu sat on the office chair, casually glanced at the surrounding decorations, and then looked at Ye Qizhong who was standing a little cautiously and said:

"Mr. Ye, although I have the title of chairman, Zhao Quan should have told you that I will not interfere too much in the management of the company. What I did in the past, I still do what I do now.

However, once I issue an order, it must be done according to my intention, such as the price reduction of all products.”

Ye Qizhong showed a wry smile and said:

"Mr. Chen, you may not be clear, we are still a little far behind Tenglong Electronics. Tenglong Electronics monopolizes half of the domestic market, and they do have their advantages.

If we just cut prices, not only will we lose a reputation for malicious competition, but many of their loyal users will not choose our products just because we cut prices. "

"Oh?" Chen Yu asked curiously: "Can't even lower prices take away their customers?"

Ye Qi sighed in the center: As expected, he is just a playboy who doesn't understand anything! Just to bring down the Huaxin Group, they spent money to acquire two companies, even the basic situation of the two companies is not clear

However, after organizing a little bit of language, he patiently explained to Chen Yu:

"It's not to say that price cuts can't take away their customers, Tenglong Electronics may also cut prices, but it's impossible to reduce prices to the same low price as ours.

And their customers, even if the price is higher than ours, will not choose us. This is all because the technical level and patent projects of Tenglong Electronics are beyond our Jingjing Technology and Huaxin Group. "

"I see! That is to admit that our company's products are not as good as Tamron Electronics."

Chen Yu seemed to say it casually, but he was a little contemptuous in his heart: It's a shame that you're worse than others for saying so smoothly.

Ye Qizhong's old face was hot, and he could only say awkwardly: "This is natural, that Teng Zhengfa is a talent. He is also lucky. Once he finds relevant talents, he will poach them with high salaries. It's shameless."

"Okay, I know."

Chen Yu was too lazy to listen to his explanation and just wanted to know the situation in R\u0026D, so he asked:

"If I provide the R\u0026D funds, how long do you expect technically to reach the current level of Tenglong Electronics?"


The only good impression of Chen Yu in the Ye Qi Center has basically disappeared. In his eyes, Chen Yu has no other advantages at all except a lot of money.

This technology and technology level, where does it mean that improvement can be improved?

If it was just a matter of lip service or a lot of money, many domestic technologies would not have been blocked by foreign countries for so many years.

"Mr. Chen, theoretically speaking, things like technology need time and money to improve."

Ye Qizhong looked at Chen Yu carefully, thinking about the wording, and continued:

"Although with you, money is not a problem. But research and development is not something that can be successful overnight. It is unrealistic to want to develop a better product than Tamron Electronics in a short period of time."

Of course, Chen Yu also knew this truth, and asking Ye Qizhong was nothing more than getting to the bottom of this newly acquired company.

Seeing Ye Qizhong's expression, you can tell that the level of this Tenglong Technology is far higher than that of Jingjing Technology and Huaxin Group.

It sounds nice, they all belong to the top three companies, but they are the first, but they are far behind the second or third.

No wonder that old dude didn't want to sell the company

He thought for a while, then asked in a different tone:

"Then, I want to know now, is there any better talent in our company's R\u0026D department? Those who are better than Tenglong Electronics can do anything."

If there is such a person, he may be able to save himself a lot of trouble and just bring such a person to Tamron Electronics.

Teng Zhengfa said that as long as he can find better talents than them in display R\u0026D, he promises to give the shares to Chen Yu and work for Chen Yu until he retires.

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