Since there is no ninjutsu to let me fly at will for the time being, let's use technology.

After designing on the workbench for a while, Tony combined the principles of chakra cannon and rocket thrusters, and installed a pair of chakra thrusters on the palm and soles of the armor.

Sitting on the swivel chair, Tony handed the design drawings to Jarvis to help him make it. He turned right twice and left twice, and suddenly saw something that had not been there before in a corner.

There was a table next to the entrance of the underground garage, and a teddy bear toy was placed on the table. The eyes of the toy were as bright as those of a human, which was a bit weird.

Curious, Tony got up and walked towards the teddy bear toy.

"Jarvis, how long has this little toy been here?"

Tony did not stop and asked with a gloomy face. He was sure that the eyes of the teddy bear toy must be a remote camera, placed here to monitor him.

"I don't know the exact time, sir. The villa was without power for two days when you were away. After that, the teddy bear toy has been there."

Walking to the teddy bear toy, Tony poked it hard with his fingers and pulled it. He pulled out its eyes. Several copper wires were connected to the eyeballs. It was obvious that this was a monitor.

Tony couldn't figure out who would monitor him like this. What was the other party trying to do?

Thinking back to the latest task that Yu Hui gave him, which was to solve the termites in the company, could this toy be related to this termite?

If so, the authority of this termite is too great. It can not only cut off the power supply of the villa, but also quietly place a monitor in his villa without leaving any trace.

"Jarvis, have you ever thought about who put this toy here?"

Tony asked.

"I think, sir, only Mr. Obadiah, Mr. Happy and Miss Pepper have the authority to do all this."

Jarvis's intelligent program analyzed and proposed the three people who are most capable of doing all this.

Tony rubbed his chin and carefully screened in his mind who is the most likely one among the three.

"Happy has no ambitions. Judging from his behavior when he went to the Himalayas, he is extremely loyal to me and will not do anything to monitor me."

"Although Pepper is a little ambitious, her ambition is aimed at her career, not me. She can also be ruled out..."

"As for Obadiah..."

"Hey! Tony, what are you talking about?"

Obadiah's rough voice suddenly sounded from behind Tony, and Tony's reasoning was completely disrupted. He turned around and saw that Obadiah had come in from the automatically opened door.

"What are you doing here?"

Tony didn't like his private territory to be invaded by others at will, even if he gave others the authority to enter here at will.

But seeing that it was Obadiah, he didn't think anything of it. After all, this person had taken care of him a lot so far, and there was nothing to be angry about simply entering here.

Obadiah didn't answer Tony's words immediately. He held up two glasses of red wine and handed them to Tony one by one before speaking.

"Shutting down weapons production is a hasty decision, Tony. Have you ever thought that these are your father's life's work?"

Obadiah took a sip of red wine and signaled Tony with his eyes to drink some.

Tony sniffed it quietly without attracting attention. With his sense of smell several times stronger than that of humans, he didn't notice anything wrong. Then he drank a lot because he hadn't drunk for two days.

Seeing this scene, Obadiah's mouth, which was blocked by the wine glass, curled up slightly, but was suppressed by him again.

"If he saw that his invention was stolen by terrorists and used to kill innocent civilians, I believe he would make the same decision as me."

After drinking the red wine, Tony turned around and immediately answered Obadiah's question.

"Oh! Really..."

Obadiah's eyes were vague, with some reminiscence in them.

"Yes! I think he would do the same, but have you ever thought about my opinion?"

Obadiah put down the wine glass in his hand, put his hand in his arms, and took out an infrasound transmitter while Tony didn't react.

"Attention, sir!"

As soon as Jarvis's reminder sounded, the infrasound was triggered in Tony's ear, and the numbness of his whole body overwhelmed Tony.

At the same time, Jarvis's host was also seriously affected, and all the electronic equipment in the basement emitted fierce electric light and were paralyzed on the spot.


Simple mechanical devices such as light bulbs were destroyed. It can be said that this basement was severely damaged.

Tony's eyes were wide open, his face had turned livid, and the anesthetic in the red wine took effect. His physical fitness, which was four times that of an ordinary person, was now completely exhausted.

Obadiah took out the syringe from his pocket and stabbed Tony and his thigh fiercely.

"The anesthetic should not have spread to your thigh, Tony."

Tony collapsed to the ground when the syringe stabbed him. He turned his head and his eyes were just aimed at Obadiah's figure.

Obadiah took a little blood from Tony's body and injected it into his arm without hesitation.

Like a drug addict, his eyes narrowed in enjoyment, and it was obvious that something comfortable was happening.

"You must be wondering what I'm doing, Tony. I'm surprised that you found a substance that can turn people into supermen (superhumans). Didn't you think of sharing this news with me?"

"I took a lot of effort to sneak into your basement and see your latest invention. It's really not easy..."

"Jarvis's analysis is good. This substance really has a strong infectious ability. I can feel that my body now has several times the strength of ordinary people and a warm current."

"I also know those magics. I easily entered the paralyzed Jarvis system. I studied the videos that recorded the principles of magic activation over and over again."

"Anesthetics will make you sleep for a few days. Take a good rest."

Then Obadiah got up, walked to the door, and kicked the tempered glass door hard. The glass door shattered and he left.

Tony's eyes watched Obadiah's departure. Even though his body and brain have become chaotic now, Obadiah said so much, Tony already understood that all the attacks he encountered were Obadiah's means.

Whether it was the time in Kamartiki or the time in Afghanistan.

Tony's eyes slowly closed. Now his body was completely anesthetized by anesthetics, and he didn't even have the strength to move his eyelids.


Pepper Boz, carrying a pile of documents, looked left and right in the living room of the villa. The smart girl quickly thought that Tony might be in the underground garage, fiddling with something.

She was about to raise her feet and walk towards the stairs, and saw Obadiah walking out of the stairs elegantly.

His majestic figure blocked Pepper's way, and Pepper looked up in confusion.

The possible thing was Obadiah's natural smile.

"Tony said he had some rare inspiration and didn't want anyone to disturb him. I was also driven out by him. Tell me if you have any questions."

Obadiah's face was so natural. Without any opinion on the other party, Pepper, who was unaware, naturally stopped.

Perhaps it was because the decisions of many companies were made by the seniors in front of him on weekdays, and Pepper did not make any other random guesses, but instead unfolded the information in his hand and explained it to Obadiah.

The two walked out while discussing the company's affairs.

When it came to stopping the production and sale of weapons, Obadiah decisively stated that Tony had changed his mind and everything would remain the same.

Happy, who was standing guard outside the villa, saw the two people coming out and smiled at Obadiah, and Obadiah responded with a smile.

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