The reporter was not aware of these situations, but they knew that the Osborn Group was the most intensive in the research of super soldiers in the United States. There were even rumors that the Osborn Group had almost gone bankrupt because of the research on this topic. They were curious about how Norman Osborn, who was likely to face bankruptcy again, would deal with this exhibition. Although they had some doubts about the Stark Group's silent research on super soldiers, they had Tony Stark, who was likely to create miracles. "Hello, Happy, does Tony have any instructions?" Pepper answered the phone and saw that it was Happy calling. She immediately thought that Tony had something to tell her. Happy didn't waste words. He explained Tony's experience clearly and proposed that Obadiah might be the mastermind behind the scenes.

Pepper's pupils immediately shrank to the size of a needle tip, because Obadiah stopped the car at the door downstairs in the direction her pupils were pointing, handed the keys to his men, and walked towards the building with his suit in order.

"What should I do?"

Pepper asked.

"Delay time and let the exhibition go wrong. We are waiting for Tony to wake up. When the time comes, we will ask about the situation and notify you immediately."

Happy quickly explained the situation and Pepper nodded.

"Then hurry up, Obadiah is here."

After hanging up the phone, Pepper immediately ran to the monitoring room.

Seeing the picture from the surveillance camera installed in the elevator, Obadiah had just got on the elevator, and the elevator had started and was rising.

"Stop the elevator immediately and notify the people inside that there is a malfunction. We will repair it immediately."

The monitoring staff didn't understand why, but the popular secretary who was monitoring the president did it immediately.

In the elevator.

Obadiah felt the elevator stop. He thought it was a normal stop. He saw that the iron door had not opened for a long time, and the staff's notification came from above.

"Dear, ladies and gentlemen, there is an emergency problem in the elevator. The staff is going to repair it. It is expected to be normal in 20 minutes. Please don't panic and wait for rescue."

Obadiah immediately took out his mobile phone.

"Hello, this is Obadiah. I have an emergency. Can you send rescuers to open the elevator door?"

In the monitoring room.

The monitoring staff signaled to Pepper with his eyes. Pepper shook his head, and the man immediately spoke calmly.

"Sir, the elevator is in a mezzanine at this time, and the rescuers cannot provide assistance."

Obadiah hung up the phone, a little irritable, and waited quietly.

Although he had the means to break through the iron door and get out, it would be troublesome if it was a mezzanine, and Tony should still be unconscious, so it would be okay if the presentation was a little late.

After all, the only obstacle to his plan to use chakra to create super soldiers and cooperate with the military was Tony.

He couldn't kill him directly, but he could control him. When everything was done, even Tony couldn't cancel the cooperation and hinder him.

Thinking of this, Obadiah calmed down and began to wait for twenty minutes to pass.

The underground garage on the other side.

Happy and Rod quietly waited for Tony to wake up.

Happy was thinking about the love movie he had just watched, in which the hero was in a car accident and went to the hospital, and he didn't wake up for a long time.

When the heroine sat in front of the hero's bed and cried, the hero's fingers moved and he woke up after a while.

Happy stared at Tony's fingers blankly, wondering if he should cry T﹏T for a while. Just as he was about to shed a few tears, he saw Tony's fingers move.

He thought he had seen it wrong, wiped the tears from his eyes, and came to Tony to observe him carefully.

"Are you crying?!"

Rod saw Happy wiping his tears and spoke in confusion.

Happy ignored him and patted Tony's face twice with some force.

Seeing that he didn't move, Happy put his face close to him and observed carefully.

At this moment, Tony's eyes suddenly opened, full of fear.

As soon as he raised his head, he hit Happy's forehead hard.

Immediately, the two covered their foreheads in pain.

Tony opened his eyes and looked around, saw Rod, saw the scene at the door, the broken glass, and the dried red wine residue.

Suddenly, he realized that he had been asleep for a long time, and Rod and Happy should have discovered him not long ago.

"Do you want to kiss me,

Are you going to take off my clothes next?"

Tony said to Happy in a sarcastic tone.

Seeing Tony wake up, Rod immediately ran over and hugged him.

"Oh! Brother, what happened? "

After the pain on his forehead subsided, Tony came back to his senses and told him about Obadiah's attack on him.

He did not say that Obadiah attacked him because he coveted his chakra, but that the two of them had a conflict because of their new invention.

When Rod heard this, he immediately guessed that the new invention Tony was talking about was something related to the new super soldier that Obadiah was going to show today.

He suddenly felt that he and Happy might have done something wrong by blocking Obadiah's display.

He immediately told him everything he had heard about the new super soldier.

When Tony heard this, he immediately understood Obadiah's plan, and he had to stop Obadiah.

If Obadiah shared his chakra with the military, the situation in the entire world would be drastically changed, and countless wars might start, which would make the military's ambitions grow wantonly.

What's more terrifying is that if the chakra is passed into the hands of terrorist organizations, the world is likely to break out in the third world war.

"I must stop him now, and I can't let him succeed! "

Tony's eyes became more serious than ever. He jumped off the workbench and began to call Jarvis.

"Jarvis, are you there?"

There was no response. It should be that the infrasonic attack was too strong and Jarvis' system might have been completely destroyed.

Fortunately, it has a backup on the Internet and he can revive it.

Seeing no response, Tony was not frustrated. He immediately ran to the workbench where the armor was processed.

In order to prevent the sparks from making samples from being splashed out during normal times, the workbench is wrapped with a layer of tempered glass.

Now without the help of Jarvis or the assistance of ordinary computer equipment, the tempered glass cannot be opened normally.

Tony sighed.

"I haven't learned this trick yet. ”


Tony muttered something in his mouth, made three seals with his hands, and mobilized the chakra in his body to operate as he remembered.

One hand grabbed the other arm and moved it vertically downward.

Just as Happy and Rod looked at him in confusion.

Tony's palm condensed violent electric sparks, and the center emitted a dazzling white light, and the chirping of chirps sounded piercingly.

Since it was the first time to perform this, Tony made three seals before performing this no-seal ninjutsu for the sake of safety.

He raised his hand and slashed it fiercely from the lower left to the upper right, and the violent electric sparks shattered the two-centimeter-thick tempered glass without fear.

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