The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

Obadiah's words were meant to provoke Tony, but Tony didn't notice it immediately.

He saw Obadiah retreating, and the chakra input into the chakra cannon became more and more efficient.

Finally, two chakra cannons hit the iron door at the exit of the corridor. As soon as the iron door was broken, Obadiah took it off and raised it high, throwing it at Tony.

Tony was startled when he saw this, and immediately adjusted his position to avoid it. At this time, another iron door was thrown over quickly, hitting Tony in the chest.

The Light Rock Technique is a ninjutsu that does not consume spirit, but requires precise control of chakra. When hit by the iron gate, Tony immediately stopped the circulation of chakra without warning.

Tony was knocked down.

As the heavy armor fell heavily to the ground, Tony's body was severely shaken, his muscles were exhausted, and he could not move.

Obadiah walked over step by step and stepped on Tony's head.

At this time, the only winner in the fight between a group of clones behind was Tony's clone.

It rushed towards Obadiah with Chidori.

Obadiah spit out a huge fireball and solved it in an instant, and was knocked back more than ten meters by another clone flying from the direction of the conference hall and smashed hard against the wall.

The shadow clone helped Tony up and released himself.

In addition to the part of chakra that returned when the other two clones were dispersed, Tony, whose chakra was almost exhausted, now has a lot of chakra on his body, which is 30% of his prime.

"Tony, are you okay?"

Pepper woke up on the way to the conference room, and ran back immediately because she was worried about Tony's condition.

Along with her came a group of reporters who noticed Tony's clone, mistook him for a mysterious superhero, and were shocked by Pepper's anxious words.

The reporters saw Tony's handsome appearance in armor, and the security in this area was lying on the ground, the broken glass, and Obadiah stuck in the wall, and the shutters in their hands were almost broken.

Dense flashes continued behind Tony, he slightly turned his head to look at them, and the big fireball approaching him in front of him formed a classic American superhero picture.

"Be careful!"

Pepper's reminder made Tony turn his head back, and his figure was just submerged by the huge fireball.

Who made this a fireball technique that could not burn people to death? When everyone was either desperate or happy, Tony, who was completely wrapped in steel armor, flew out of the flames intact.

When a group of people didn't know whether to be happy or disgusted, Tony rushed straight to Obadiah, pushed Obadiah who was also rushing towards him to the bottom, broke the wall and jumped down from a building more than ten stories high.

When Pepper ran to the broken wall and looked down, she saw Obadiah lying on the top of a taxi, covered in blood, and Tony floating in the air, looking down, being looked up at by countless people.


Two days later, Yu Hui Villa

"After two days of investigation and confirmation by the police, combined with the evidence that Obadiah Stan, who fled from the Stark Group, contacted terrorist organizations and sold weapons to them, and attempted to intentionally kill people, Obadiah Stan was charged with many crimes such as illegal sale of weapons, treason, intentional homicide and destruction of private property."

"So far, the famous weapons developer Tony Stark's intentional homicide has been determined by the court to be a self-defense counterattack."

"Next we will see is Tony Stark being interviewed at the Stark Group and responding to public questions."

Yu Hui sat on the sofa with the remote control in his hand, watching the host's narration on TV with interest.

On his left and right were Kaguya and Hela, who were now dressed in daily clothes, wearing slippers and pajamas.

The two just came back from the Magatama Realm yesterday. They had been in the Magatama Realm for three months, and spent a warm night with Yu Hui last night.

Today, Yu Hui said that he had something important to do, so he did not return to the Magatama Realm, and enjoyed a warm time with Yu Hui.

The scene on TV quickly shifted to a group of reporters in front of the court asking Tony various questions.

"Sir, do you know magic? This is a question that 80% of New Yorkers are concerned about now?"

A reporter almost put the microphone to Tony's mouth, not paying any attention to Tony's uncomfortable expression.

Tony ignored her and began to listen to several other questions and tried to answer them.

Because Pepper saw Tony by mistake in front of the reporter, everyone was sure that Iron Armor

The person inside is Tony, so all the questions asked here are related to Tony.

"Mr. Tony, New York citizens have given you three different nicknames, namely Magic Man, Iron Man, and Iron Man. Which one do you like best?"

This is a good question, Tony wants to answer.

"Call me Iron Man, the other two are too childish!"

"Mr. Tony, do you really know magic, or are you showing technological means?"

A reporter asked a fatal question.

Hearing this, Rhodes, who was watching the show on the side, was shocked and remembered the military's instructions to him.

Immediately, he silently took out a small piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me, Tony.

Tony took it and took a look.

"We don't want to hear perfunctory answers, sir."

The reporter saw that Tony seemed to be looking at something and urged him.

Tony frowned, and the paper said not to cause excessive panic.

Tony knew what this meant. It was to tell him not to reveal anything about the magical energy chakra, and to let him use other excuses to fool around.

"This is not magic, it's ninjutsu."

After Tony said this, he was exposed to the intensive exposure. He waited for it to pass before turning around and leaving.

After living in the United States for so many years, Tony still didn't know the faces of those politicians? Asking him not to expose these things was just to secretly obtain this power from him.

"I will never let the chakra spread out. It will harm too many people, even the whole world."

Tony silently made up his mind in his heart before turning around, never let others get chakra.

Tony got in the car and headed towards his villa.

Seeing this scene, Yu Hui, who was holding the remote control, felt that all this was shrouded by an invisible model. It was really too much like the movie without his interference.

It's just that the micro reactor was replaced by chakra, and there was no essential difference.

"It's not surprising. After all, my power is far inferior to that of the native bosses in this world. The changes I make are unlikely to affect the plot they have designed."

Yu Hui did not sigh. Instead, he deeply felt his weakness and had the ambition to work harder to seek power.

Unlike Yu Hui's easy agreement when he saw Tony expose himself, the black-faced man in a secret base on the other side looked even darker at the tail of Tony's car on the huge screen.

"Notify the media not to publicize this news too wantonly, and it is best not to demonize Tony Stark too much."

The black man gave an order to the agent next to him.

"Received, Director."

The agent took the order and left. The black man stood there for a long time without moving.

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