The words of Squard deeply influenced the will of countless pirates on the battlefield. At this moment, they were eager to know the truth.

"Dad, is this true?"

"Tell us the truth, Dad!"

"We believe you, Dad!"

Hundreds of voices came into Whitebeard's ears like petitions. He did not respond. Everyone was looking forward to his answer.


Marco was eager to rush up to help Whitebeard, but he was worried that if he went forward, Squard would do something stupid again.

Finally, Whitebeard responded. He squatted down and hugged Squard tightly with one hand.

"Silly son, the sins of the fathers cannot be blamed on the younger generation! Has Ace done anything to let you down? You fought side by side, don't you know what kind of person Ace is?"

"You are all the same to me, all my dearest sons, I will never give up any of you! This is my answer, Squard! Do you have any other questions?"

Whitebeard stood up and let go of Squard. He pulled out the long sword from his chest and threw it aside, looking at Squard quietly.

Squard didn't reply for a long time, he kept his head down and didn't move.

"The strategy of the Warring States is still better!"

Whitebeard murmured and took two steps forward, his two arms beat on both sides, and the blue space cracks spread. The ice walls of hundreds of meters on both sides, as well as the ice surface that spread for thousands of meters, were shattered, and the pirates' escape space was opened.

Whitebeard's deep voice rang throughout the battlefield.

"As pirates, it's your choice to stay or go. I won't interfere with you! I will stay here to cover your retreat. Make your choice, my sons!"

Whitebeard's move completely untied the knot in the hearts of countless pirates. They began to raise their weapons again and rushed towards the navy in front of them.

But before they could get excited for long, Whitebeard was about to jump off the Moby Dick to join the battlefield.

A gunshot rang out, piercing Whitebeard's body from behind.

Squard threw away the pistol in his hand, walked a few steps in front of Whitebeard, and glanced at him.

"Everyone listen! If you do this, you will fall into the trap of Whitebeard and the results of the battle again! Akainu Sakaski has told me all this! As long as Whitebeard makes a move that he wants you to stay or go, you will fight for him again. Don't be stupid anymore. Get on the boat and escape from here, otherwise the sea will soon be frozen by Aokiji!"

Squard didn't even call him dad, but called him Whitebeard in front of everyone, and told the truth he believed regardless of his face.

Coincidence after coincidence, just like what Yu Hui, who pretended to be Akainu, said, Squard completely lost respect for Whitebeard, and in his heart he had already determined that everything Akainu said was true.

After saying this, Squard didn't look at anything, calmly jumped off the Moby Dick, and walked towards his own pirate ship.

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo's mouth curled up.

"Well done Akainu!"

Akainu, who was fighting with the pirates, also curled up a sneer at the corner of his mouth. In his memory, all this was done by him. He successfully rebelled against Squard and told Squard more.

But he didn't know that the memory in his mind was edited arbitrarily by Yu Hui's words "from the God Realm".

"Big Fire!"

After solving the captain in front of him with one move, Akainu looked at the pirates who were still fleeing in panic, and the smile on his mouth became stronger. He kicked the ground and rushed to Whitebeard who was on the battlefield.

Even though Whitebeard was hit hard twice, he still had a domineering fighting power. Knowing that he couldn't explain anything now, he no longer had the illusion of rescuing Ace, and only wanted to use his life to help his sons escape.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates are still insisting on the battlefield. They are convinced that Whitebeard will not do such a thing.

As long as Whitebeard is still there, they will never leave their posts without permission. If Whitebeard wants these former companions to escape, they will also help and stand firmly behind Whitebeard.

Luffy also followed Whitebeard. He didn't have the playful smile of the past, but just silently solved the enemies one by one.

"Little devil!"

"Ah? Tell me what's the matter, uncle?"

"It's impossible for me to save Ace. You are the grandson of that bastard Garp. You still have a little hope. I will help you and let you break through the encirclement. You go and try to save Ace."

"Uncle, let's go together! Ace likes you so much, I'm not willing to leave you alone."

"Be obedient kid, I don't have much time left, you are the only chance."

Eat eat eat!

Before Luffy could reply, Whitebeard unleashed his true You Fruit ability. The space in front of him shook and shattered. A large area of ​​the surrounding navy was blown away, and the ground rose up layer by layer, like a staircase floating in the air.

Seeing this, Luffy didn't talk nonsense. He also knew the situation he was facing now, so he instantly turned on second gear and rushed forward.

"Don't even think about running away kid!"

Red magma spurted towards Luffy, but was immediately blocked by layers of shattered space.

"Akainu, you better deal with me! Shock Fist!"

The fist packed with shocking power hit Akainu. Akainu did not show any weakness, and struck Whitebeard's wound with a move of Hell Dog.

The two immediately started fighting on the spot, and the aftermath of the battle could kill people. No one dared to get close.

On the execution platform, Ace was shouting heartbreakingly, and Sengoku gave orders to Aokiji in the audience.

"Ao Pheasant immediately freezes the sea surface and cannot let the pirates escape!"


Qing Pheasant immediately obeyed the order and disappeared, and his figure was blocked by a big blue bird in the air.

"We can't let you hinder the retreat of our friends! Your opponent is me. Don't think about other things when facing me."

It was Marco who rushed over. Even though it was clear that those people were betrayers, because Whitebeard was trying his best to escape for them, Marco couldn't let Whitebeard's efforts go in vain, so he rushed out and stopped Aokiji.

"Kizaru goes to support!"

"Got it~Marshal~"

The next flash of yellow light gathered around Marco, and Kizaru's figure appeared.

"Your opponent has always been me! Brother Ma, you can't just replace someone."

"Lightspeed Kick!"

call out! boom!

Facing the two generals, Marco obviously did not have the strength to deal with them, and was kicked into the ruins by Kizaru's light-speed kick.

Aokiji disappeared again and appeared in the sky above dozens of pirate ships on the sea.

"Ah la la! Ice Age!"

Tiny ice cones connected to the sea surface, and in a short period of time, a kilometer-wide area was deeply frozen, and dozens of pirate ships stopped in place.

"Deploy the pacifists in advance! Annihilate the remaining pirates on the sea!"

Following the words of victory, robots exactly like the Shichibukai Tyrant Bear walked out from countless directions. They opened their big mouths, condensed powerful laser cannons, aimed at the pirate ship, and shot out without hesitation.

(Don’t think that the protagonist’s behavior is too bad, and Whitebeard is too miserable. Who knows how many good things Whitebeard’s sons collected randomly, and how many innocent people’s blood they had on their hands. It’s really hard to describe how many of them can survive without dying.)

(Don’t worry, everyone, the war will end in the next chapter and Pangu City will be destroyed. The protagonist’s purpose is just to integrate the rules of this universe into the magatama world, which is to devour the world. It is inevitable to kill some people. After all, Gu Yi said before that the protagonist will kill many people).

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