The old man was very angry.

"Okay~_~ It's a preparation for magic, but it's not some evil magic!"

"I also want to try if this can work, after all, it's too incredible!"

Muttering, in order to make Pepper and Happy understand what he was doing, Tony simply opened the cage and picked out two rabbits of different colors, one white and one brown.

Take out a rope, tie the white rabbit's limbs, and put it in front of the Impure World Reincarnation Talisman.

Then, grab the brown rabbit with your right hand, condense lightning at an angle that Pepper can't see, and electrocute it with high voltage current.

Pepper watched these things happen carefully and exclaimed when the brown rabbit died.

Tony pulled out a handful of brown rabbit hair with a little force, held it in his hand and walked to the side to look at the hand seals and chakra operation sequence of ninjutsu that he had read all night.

He returned to the talisman on the ground and placed the hair in his hand in the center of the talisman.

Taking a deep breath, Tony began to make seals with his hands and began to circulate chakra in his body.

With the help of the talisman, Tony did not need to make too complicated seals. After making two seals in two seconds, he pressed his hands on the talisman and began to input chakra.

With the injection of chakra, the hair on the talisman turned into a pool of ink in the surprised eyes of the three people, and began to flow out of the talisman and spread in the direction of the white rabbit.

In two seconds, the place where the white rabbit was was surrounded by a black circle, and outside the black circle was a larger rune pattern.

A faint white light rose from the ground, followed by pieces of debris that looked like paper and soil.

After enough debris rose up, it quickly attached to the surface of the white rabbit's body. The white rabbit was struggling when it came out of the cage. Watching this scene, it struggled harder, whether because of fear or pain.

But it was useless. After a while, the shredded paper was peeled off from its body, and what appeared in front of the three people was a rabbit with some cracks on its body that were unique to the land...

"Brown rabbit!"

Happy and Pepper exclaimed at the same time when they saw this scene.

Tony was very happy to see that he succeeded in his first performance. He stood up and was hugged tightly by Pepper.

If you need to control the target of reincarnation, you need to prepare an extra talisman paper and put it in the body of the reincarnated body.

But Tony didn't think about controlling a rabbit, nor did he prepare talismans, which caused the brown rabbit, who had recovered his consciousness, to become terrified and start running around in the garage.

"Happy, catch it! Don't let it mess around here!"

Tony said, and Happy had no choice but to chase after the rabbit, knowing that he couldn't stand here as a light bulb.

The rabbit's physical strength seemed endless, and his hands and feet were more flexible than Happy's. Happy was playing around in this place full of various equipment.

Tony and Pepper watched this scene with a smile, and the three of them looked like parents watching their children play.


A universe that belongs to the same multiverse as the Earth-199999 movie universe.

There is a throne in the starry sky, and on the throne there is an indescribable existence.

Opposite him is the Thanos of this universe, who is looking at him with full of admiration. In Thanos' eyes, his image is so beautiful and so attractive.

If he is allowed to spend his whole life just to please the woman in front of him, he will tell anyone without hesitation that he is willing to, and he is willing to sacrifice the life of the entire universe for her.

(In comics, Death is usually a female, whether it is just a skeleton or a body, so I will use her to represent Him.)

Although Thanos looked at her with his infinite affectionate eyes, Death did not show any emotion. Instead, she looked in one direction and murmured softly.

"It's still the same universe, but this time it doesn't seem to be that outsider..."


"So what do you need this magic for?"

Happy finally caught the rabbit, not because the rabbit was tired, but because Happy attacked the rabbit with the help of Jarvis.

Pepper asked her last question. She knew that Tony didn't have any mental problems, so now she only cared about why Tony stayed up late to study magic. Pepper felt that it was not just to demonstrate it to her.

After hearing Pepper's question, Tony fell silent. There were some things he wanted to say, but he didn't dare to say them. But in the end, he chose to tell the person who was closest to him now.

for a moment.

"I want to know...the truth about their death..., or more directly...I miss them..."

When Pepper first heard Tony's words, she didn't react to who he was talking about, but Pepper, who had liked Tony for a long time and had carefully understood Tony's past, immediately reacted.

"It's...Mr. Stark and Mrs. Stark!"

Pepper asked to confirm.

Tony closed his eyes silently and nodded.

The people he wanted to resurrect were his parents, Howard Stark and Maria Stark.

When he learned that his parents died in a car accident, Tony, who knew his parents well enough, had already felt something was wrong. His confusion came not only from the fake scene, but also from his understanding of his father's driving skills and reaction speed.

Tony clearly remembered that his father often practiced fighting at home when he was a child, and also taught him two moves. With his father's reaction speed at that time, if it wasn't for special circumstances, he would never make the low-level mistake of crashing on the roadside.

Although Tony had doubts before, he could not do anything without any evidence. But when he saw the forbidden technique of Impure World Reincarnation last night, the first thing Tony thought of was to resurrect his parents and get the truth directly from them.

Looking at Tony's eyes, Pepper understood everything instantly. Her eyes became firm, and she hugged Tony tightly and kissed him on the face.

"Let it go! I'm always behind you!"


Tony smiled and nodded, and took out a chicken and a rabbit directly from two cages.

"The tutorial of that magic does not describe that the container and the reincarnated body must be the same, so I have to confirm whether this ninjutsu can be performed across races... uh, magic!"

With Pepper's support, Tony decisively strangled the rabbit in his hand, put a little of its blood on the rune, tied the chicken and threw it in front.

Pepper watched this scene silently, with only expectations for her lover in her eyes.

With the first performance, Tony completed two seals in one second this time.

As he inputted chakra, everything went smoothly. Three seconds later, the chicken lying on the ground turned into a rabbit!

PS: (In the original Naruto, Orochimaru used White Zetsu to resurrect the Fourth Hokage, and that White Zetsu was not a human being. White Zetsu was only a White Zetsu born through fungi and chakra. It should have nothing to do with humans, at least not the same race, so I can say that I set it up and fill in the gap. It is also possible to use animals as containers to resurrect humans.)

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