The more you look at the dead, the more you will be lost.

Hearing the question of death, as Marvel's most authoritative travel expert, Yu Hui opened his own shop on the spot and began to introduce interesting worlds and universes one by one.

A few minutes later, Yu Hui talked about Crayon Shin-chan to Family Guy, Han Paopao to the boy who broke off the engagement, Harry Potter to Rudy, and JOJO to the Journey to the West.

Countless flowers bloomed and the colorful world was vividly described by him, which deeply attracted the yearning for death.

Of course, some wonderful worlds that Yu Hui discovered during his previous travels through the world were also introduced.

For example, people who are born with the power of energy can use the energy to adjust the attributes of their bodies at will in the world of the twelve gods. (Original)

Endless worlds where talents can be awakened naturally and technology is highly developed. (Original)

These worlds are also very good. Death began to consider sending clones to more worlds at the same time. Anyway, she didn't say that she would only go to one world.

After thinking carefully for a second, Death decisively chose three worlds.

They are JOJO, Dragon Ball, and a world called Baitai, in which humans focus on immortality.

Going to Baitai, Death wants to seek to improve his authority of death by understanding the rules of the world there.

As for the JOJO world, Death is attracted by the powerful power of the stand that relies on the spirit, and the potential of the stand to breed rules and even causal power.

As an abstract entity of the concept of death in the multiverse, what Death lacks the most is things like spirit and soul. Although the upper limit of the JOJO world is not necessarily very high, it is still necessary to try to go there.

The Dragon Ball world refers to the complete world from Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Super (excluding Z), where there is a powerful force that can destroy the universe without touching the rules, and the Super Dragon Ball that can realize all wishes.

The attraction of the Dragon Ball world is the strongest for Death.

Yu Hui is now in the full-day sky gene state, and can open the portals to the three worlds at any time, but before that, he feels that there are still some things that need to be told.

"Respected Death, the powerful rules in you may affect those worlds and may attract the attention of the strong there, which will cause trouble for you. If possible, please give the clones that need to be sent less rule power."

Yu Hui watched the three clones created by Death, and instantly understood that it was not surprising that she would send her own consciousness clone to represent herself to the other world. After all, if Death herself was not in this world, it would definitely cause an unstoppable disaster.

But he clearly felt that the power of death from the three clones was not much weaker than the original body. This power appeared in other worlds and was likely to take over the concept of death there. Not to mention the people in the other two worlds, even the King of the Dragon Ball world would not allow such a thing to happen.

Death was stunned when she heard Yu Hui's words, and then her clone instantly changed from a completely imaginative image like her to a flesh-and-blood black-haired, black-eyed, black-lipped woman who appeared in the comics.

After returning from the indescribable to the real, Yu Hui felt that the power of death was concentrated on the body of death again, and only the powerful physical strength and majestic magic power were left in the clone.

Nodding, Yu Hui began to say the rest.

"Since the rules of each world are different, individuals who go to the new world need to be infected with the rules of the new world if they want to gain the power of the new world. According to my speculation, living in the new world for a period of time can infect the rules of the world. If you want to speed up this process, you can devour relatively important substances in that world."

"So, if you arrive in the new world, you can live for a while first, and then plan what you need."

After Yu Hui finished speaking, he waved his arm, and three portals leading to the three worlds instantly tore the space open, and purple lightning flashed from it, presenting three different world cultural styles.

One is a classic Italian building, one is a city with high-rise buildings, and one is a simple thatched wooden house.

Seemingly satisfied, Death nodded, and three white rays of light flew out of his eye sockets, merging into the three clones, and instantly made the clones look spirited, and walked towards the portal.

"My connection with them is unbreakable. When my goal is achieved, I will come to you again. From now on, this universe belongs to you, and you can devour it at any time."

After saying this, Death disappeared on the spot. Yu Hui closed the portal and began to concentrate all his mental energy to perceive the things that exist in this universe.

In order to

Then he sensed that Yu Hui changed most of the genes back to humans and changed some of the genes to the genes of the Celestial God Group.

With the cosmic perception ability, it only took twenty minutes to have a basic understanding of the things in this universe.

It should be said that Yu Hui did not lose money in this transaction, but made a lot of money. Although it is unknown how much Death made, Yu Hui got completely beyond what he paid, although he did not pay anything.

The story contained in the Earth-616 X-Men universe mainly expresses the first half of Wolverine Logan's life, Professor X Charles, Magneto and other mutants' life experiences and their contradictions with humans.

Although in this timeline of this universe, they have become a pool of blood and the mutants are almost extinct, but this is nothing to Yu Hui, he can turn back time to any time period with hope at any time.

In addition to mutants, this universe also has the standard things of the Marvel world, such as infinite gems, three alien empires and Thanos, etc.

Although these things are not mentioned in the story, as the standard of the Marvel Universe, these things exist here completely.

Of course, there are some things that are missing, such as various mythological characters, Ancient One, Dimensional Demons and Celestial Gods.

Without these people, it would be better for Yu Hui, as it would make this universe less troublesome in the Jade World, and there would be no resistance.

Ending the perception, letting go of the heart, the pale blue Jade World boundary began to spread in all directions with Yu Hui as the center.

It took three seconds to completely wrap the earth, and three minutes to completely wrap the solar system. The speed at which the Jade World devoured this universe was getting faster and faster. Because the earth had been devoured, Yu Hui's time also began to synchronize with the Jade World, and Yu Hui began to sense the breath of Hela and Kaguya.

Inhale! Inhale! Inhale! Inhale! Inhale! Inhale! Tear~~

The sound of breathing, which was very painful from the sound, sounded from next to Yu Hui. Yu Hui looked over and found that the super alloy skeleton on the stone platform had been basically wrapped by organs and blood vessels. From the horrible picture, people could clearly empathize with the pain of the skeleton owner.

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