Yu Hui did not answer Uchiha Itachi's question immediately, but thought of sharing his joy in a more direct way.

A flash of light flashed through Yu Hui's mind, and Yu Hui thought of a very direct way, which was to share his current memory experience with Uchiha Itachi.

A chakra ball emitting a faint light condensed in Yu Hui's hand. The next second, the chakra ball appeared in front of Uchiha Itachi's forehead and merged into Uchiha Itachi's brain.

When Uchiha Itachi reacted, the light ball had already merged into his brain. He didn't know what it was yet, and wanted to ask Yu Hui.

His eyes became dull for a moment, and his legs softened and he knelt down.

"Ahhh! Uhhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Uhhhh!"


The next second, something happened that surprised Yu Hui. Uchiha Itachi pulled out a long knife, stabbed it into his stomach, and slashed his hands fiercely, as if he wanted to commit suicide by cutting his stomach!

When condensing the memory chakra, Yu Hui added some memories of his life in the ordinary world before the Spirit Whale in addition to his memories of crossing over to the memory chakra in order to make Uchiha Itachi feel his mood more intuitively.

The total information is not much, but the key is that it contains the great thoughts of the great people on Earth that are more than a few streets ahead of the Will of Fire.

Yu Hui did not think that these could have any extraordinary effects that would lead to a person's suicide.

Yu Hui stepped forward and grabbed Uchiha Itachi's body that was about to fall to the ground, and began to treat him with Yin-Yang escape.

Uchiha Itachi cannot die now, he is very useful to Yu Hui.

The ability of Yin-Yang escape is almost omnipotent. It has the ability to create and destroy at the same time. It is easy to use it to simply save the dying and the wounded.

Soon Itachi's injuries were healed, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Cough cough cough!" Uchiha Itachi coughed a few times, sat up, and bowed his head tightly in silence.

After a while, there were a few drops of water, and Yu Hui's keen hearing heard the sound of Uchiha Itachi's tears falling.

Yu Hui put his hand on his head in confusion, and instantly sensed the reason why Itachi was crying.

It turned out that after understanding the thoughts that were far more profound than the Will of Fire, Uchiha Itachi, who was already smart, instantly broke the mask of hypocrisy in his heart towards the Konoha high-level officials.

He realized how naive, immature, and immature his idea of ​​slaughtering the family and only saving his younger brother was.

Thinking of this, he immediately thought of dying to apologize for his sins, and immediately stabbed himself with the knife.

"Tsk tsk, worthy of being a character written by the author of the book, the idea is so extreme."

Yu Hui sighed in his heart.

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi knelt down and said to Yu Hui:

"Thank you for enlightening me! Stop me from committing such a heinous crime! I will definitely answer you with all my strength!"

Uchiha Itachi understood that if it weren't for the person in front of him, he would never see through the false faces of the Konoha high-level officials and would commit such a heinous crime of genocide.

He would also lose the opportunity to make up for his mistakes because of his impulse suicide.

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi sincerely thanked Yu Hui and made up his mind to follow Yu Hui to death.

The next second, a black crow appeared, and the crow's pupils were a blood-red Sharingan.


Under Yu Hui's witness, Uchiha Itachi took off his Mangekyō Sharingan, held it in his palm, and gathered it over his head.

"My Lord! This is my determination to follow you, please accept it!"

Yu Hui didn't expect that Uchiha Itachi would do this to atone for his sins.

What surprised him was that Itachi would think of giving him his own eyes and Shisui's eyes.

Yu Hui raised his hand, activated the divine arts from the divine world, and merged the three eyes in front of him into his body.

Sensing that as he expected, the three eyes merged into his body immediately changed their pupil arts in the direction of divine arts, and the corners of Yu Hui's mouth rose.

"Atonement is not achieved overnight, Itachi, you should know this."

"Yes! I know, sir!"

"I don't call you sir, call me Hui."

"Yes, sir Hui!"

"Since you have understood, I will give you time to think about how to make up for your past mistakes. This world is my exclusive space for divine arts. The current time speed is sixty times that of the outside world. Sixty days here, only one day in the outside world. You have enough time to think of a way."

"From now on, I will give you the first task, and complete it with me. The next world is creation."

Yu Hui tapped Uchiha Itachi's forehead.

In an instant, a diamond-shaped mark appeared on Itachi's forehead. Uchiha Itachi felt a large amount of memories about Wood Release in his brain, and a new search was generated in his body.The chakra attribute is the wood attribute.

"This is it!"

Uchiha Itachi was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He quickly mobilized the chakra in his body and performed a ninjutsu.

"Wood Release: Spring Technique!"

In an instant, countless shrubs and trees began to grow around Uchiha Itachi.

He was terrified. He didn't expect that Lord Hui could give a person a type of escape chakra at once. It was incredible.

For Yu Hui, who has such a bug divine art from the divine world, it is simply too easy to let people awaken a type of escape chakra.

After feeling the wood release chakra, Uchiha Itachi's loyalty to Yu Hui went to a higher level. He immediately nodded and said:

"Yes! Lord Hui! I promise to complete the task!"

"Of course, you are not the only one who can complete the greening work here. I have to do it too."

When Uchiha Itachi was experimenting with his wood release, the three pupil techniques absorbed by Yu Hui had become three new divine arts. After reading the introduction of the three divine arts, Yu Hui felt very satisfied.

『Amaterasu→Fire of Life

Ability: Burn inorganic matter into organic matter and heal injuries. 』

『Tsukuyomi→World of Time

Ability: Expand the domain and control the time of all things in the domain. 』

『Kotoamatsukami→Word of Command

Ability: Use words to set a person's ability, existence and experience. 』


Next, after sixty days in the Magatama Realm, Yu Hui and Uchiha Itachi joined forces to complete the greening of the entire Spirit Star.

Yu Hui used the Fire of Life to burn the entire planet, not only allowing the planet to grow all kinds of plants, but also small animals such as insects, mice, and snakes, which were born on the Spirit Star under the burning of the Fire of Life.

At this time, Yu Hui sat cross-legged on the palace he built, absorbing the natural energy generated by the entire Spirit Star creatures.

Soon, a trace of light blue eye shadow appeared in the corners of Yu Hui's eyes, and he opened his eyes.

"Huh~! As expected, the ordinary Sage Mode only mixes the existing chakra and natural energy in the body to produce Sage Chakra, which temporarily improves strength."

"Although the lower limit is high, you can quickly feel the improvement of strength, but the upper limit is very low, and there is only a certain degree of improvement, and there is not much room for improvement."

"Not to mention that you have to be distracted to mix chakra when using it. It is really a chakra mode with no future."

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