Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 1

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Author: Red Stone

My name is Joey, a traveler, and my mother is the aunt of one of the four emperors! But I'm only sixteen now, as for who is the father? this……

As the eldest son of the Charlotte family, my mother went to be a pirate, and I also obtained the family system, directly binding the Charlotte family.

Grow your family, nurture members, and you can be promoted!

Even an interdimensional family battle?

Under his own training, Snug fights Akainu! Smoothie disdains Kaido! Cricket Challenge Country! Katakuri defeats Whitebeard!

As for mom? One person swiped Garp, Sengoku, and Zefa alone!

"No way! No way! Does anyone still think that the power of one person can change the tide of battle in this era?"

Chapter 1: Me! The eldest son of the Charlotte family? Patriarch!

The year 1470 of the Haiyuan calendar.

This is an era when nothing started.

The Rocks Pirates never dominated.

The future One Piece is just out of the sea.

A future naval hero who has only just joined the navy.


It is an era that is about to begin.



"Slow down, the young master has just been born!"

Two cute little maids chased the tall, giant-looking woman in front of her.



"Mom's favorite cute Joey!"

"La la la~~~"

This beautiful girl with pink hair is holding the baby in her arms, full of tenderness and joy.

Charlotte Lingling.

One is only 16 years old.

He has already made his name on the sea, and is a very strong pirate in this era.

He went to sea at the age of 5 and is now 16 years old.

In just 11 years, she has been offered a reward of 500 million Bailey.

In this era when the bounty has not gone wild.

A reward of 500 million for a 16-year-old.

in the future.

It is already equivalent to a reward of 1 billion yuan.


Step on the window.

Lingling jumped out of the luxurious castle and said, "Zeus."


A white cloud directly expanded into a thunder cloud and appeared at Lingling's feet.

Lingling sat down cross-legged and looked at the baby in her arms tenderly.

The pirate who burns, kills and robs on the sea.

However, very few showed a gentle look.



"You said, Mom can realize the plan of the nations? Mom wants to make all races and all people live together happily and peacefully!"

Holding the baby in her arms, Lingling kept chattering as if she had opened a chatterbox.


This is Lingling's original character.

She was a gentle girl.


Abandoned by his parents as a child.

Then the companion disappeared.

After being led by long bread to become a pirate.

Joined the Rox Pirates.


After walking down this set of experiences, any normal person can still maintain kindness and gentleness.

That is simply God.


Joey waited for Dead Fisheye to be silent.

As a traveler + rebirth.

He directly transmigrated into a ray of soul.

The results of it?

This ray of soul was caught by Lingling.

I don't know what high-end operation Lingling did ten months ago.

He even combined his own blood through a ray of soul.

Abruptly pregnant.

This is not.

Ten months later, he gave birth to himself.

As for who is your father?

Joey thinks.

Shouldn't this situation be called an artificial human?

It seems to understand so much.

Lingling was still chattering and Joey couldn't help but complain: "Mom, give it up! If there is no hope, under the guidance of a guy like long bread, can you still be a good person?"


Joey was stunned.

Lingling was stunned.

The mother and son stared at each other, you look at me, I look at you.


As a result, without waiting for Joey to speak again, Lingling screamed and hugged Joey tightly, and jumped up on Zeus with joy.

"As expected of the old mother's son, he can speak as soon as he was born!"


Smile and laugh.

Lingling stood stupidly on Zeus.

Joey silently raised his dead fish eyes and said, "Prometheus, Napoleon, how long has Mom been like this?"

"Master Joey! Mum's always been like this."

Prometheus and Napoleon answered.


With a helpless sigh, Joey didn't know what to say.

It's unfortunate to have such an escaped mother on the stall.


There is nothing to deny.

Lingling gave birth to herself in October, and then she didn't even admit it?

That's crap, scum.


At this time, Lingling returned to her senses and asked, "Joey, what did you mean just now?"

I felt Lingling hugged tighter and tighter.

Joey felt like his little face was about to twist.


Joey is the son of Lingling's blood.

how to say……

Dragon begets dragon.

Feng Sheng Feng.

The mouse's son will burrow.

As the son of Lingling's pure blood, he really inherited Lingling's physical fitness.

How did Kozuki Oden throw out the nurse at the age of 0, catch a rabbit at the age of 2, and kill a giant bear at the age of 4...

Joey felt that his body was only stronger or weaker than Kozuki Oden.

"Mom, it hurts!"

Joey couldn't help crying.

Physical fitness is good, but the one who can't hold himself is also a monster.



Lingling was in a hurry, and finally sat down on her knees and carefully placed Joey on her lap.

Joey said helplessly: "Mom, think about it, you have always been a pirate under the guidance of long bread, you are a pirate, how can you establish a kingdom? Even if it is rule, it is forcibly ruled. !"

What happened to my mother.

Joey is also clear.

Abandoned by his parents, his companions disappeared, taught by Long Bread, and joined the Rox Pirates.


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