Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 111

They stood there silently.

Keep silent.

door age?

The two monsters in front of them, who are nearly two meters away, are only a few years old?


Is this a joke?


Dafu wears a blue padded jacket, short yellow hair and earrings, and the whole person gives the feeling that he is a stubborn man.

Owen has golden-orange hair and a three-bladed hairstyle. He looks like a professional boxer. He has no clothes on, just a cape and orange pants and gloves.

In general.

The feeling of two brothers.

Definitely not what a good person looks like.

The results of it?

The two brothers have only just started at the age of the door?

Not joking.

The people of the three-eyed clan all feel that they have survived to the dog, if not, they will die, right?

this moment.

They all think like that.


Joey turned his head at this time, and said gently: "Sorry! This elder."

The elder hurriedly said: "Patriarch Charlotte, the concubine's name is Le Yu, you can just call the concubine's name, but the word elder is not acceptable! No!" Le Yu hurriedly shook his head.

Can't compare.

Completely incomparable.

The Charlotte family seems to have only just emerged for a while.


Strength, status, means.

Everything is on full display.

It is simply not comparable to a race that is on the verge of extinction like the Three-Eyed Race.

Joey is also polite: "Miss Leyu, then I will be welcome, Ming people don't speak secret words! I don't like to talk nonsense either, my invitation Miss Leyu should have been clear, what is your choice? "

half a month ago.

He has already sent invitations to the three-eyed clan and the snake-head clan.


Compared with the Snakehead Clan, the Three-Eyed Clan is a little bit ignorant.

The Snakehead Clan is very straightforward.

A picture of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

I heard that the head of the ministers of Totland is Armand.

Charlotte? Armand!

Don't care who she is.

She is the identity of the snake head clan!

That's enough.

All the snake-headed tribes were in high spirits, and they were ready to surrender when they rushed to Totland.

Joey deliberately asked Cont to respond to the Snakeheads.


Having some trouble.

It doesn't seem strange to me.

It's nothing strange.

Trouble is very normal.

Many people don't want to watch the Charlotte family rise, of course it will cause some trouble.

After solving the three-eyed clan.

The next stop is the snake head clan.

Look at the silent music and the three-eyed clan.

Joey was not eager and still asked gently: "It seems that Miss Leyu and the Three-eyed Clan still haven't made a suitable choice! In this case, we will leave first, and the follow-up, Miss Leyu It's up to you to handle it yourself."

Although it says so.


According to Joey's character, what if you don't want to be obedient?

Hehehe - what awaits you will be unknown attacks, even endless attacks. Don't think Joey is a good guy.



That's just the side that Joey shows, indifferent, cold and ruthless! This is what a person in power should have.

Positive and negative.

good and evil.

Light and darkness.

all of these.

They all converge on Joey. There is no so-called light and darkness in this man, only absolute chaos. That's all the people in power are supposed to do.

You have all the authority, and you can't let anyone see your thoughts.

That's what those in power are supposed to do.

"and many more!

Watching Joey leave without hesitation.

Le Yu also dare not talk nonsense.

He hurriedly chased after him and said nervously, "Patriarch Charlotte! Patriarch Charlotte! You! You!" Joey said mildly: "Miss Leyu, you'd better understand one thing, I am Charlotte. The Te family does not have to have the Three-Eyed Clan! There are many Three-Eyed Clan scattered on the sea, and the number is not large, but there are also one or two thousand people who are now in the territory of Totland, and you are here. The 100,000 three-eyed clansmen, without my protection, will die without a corpse and become the slaves of everyone."

The voice was gentle, even soft.

It's like I'm joking with you.


Le Yu felt the cold.

this moment.

Le Yu looked at the hands hidden in the large clothes, and the whole person was like a graceful and noble son.

There was a sudden shiver.

She got it.

very scary!

This man is so terrifying that it makes people feel terrified, and that is the horror of everything being controlled by applause.

"Hu-" He let out a deep breath, Le Yu controlled his own fluctuations, and said carefully: "Patriarch Charlotte, you! Can you guarantee the safety of the Three-Eyed Clan?"

Le Yu is not an ambitious person.

What she wants to do is to ensure the safety of the entire Three-Eyed Clan.

Now Totland looks like a utopia.

But the problem is.

Who knew that when Totland was almost done, all the Inhumans would be enslaved right away?

It's not impossible!

That's what makes Le Yu so careful.

Joey didn't mean to be used to music.

Don't want to come?

I am not begging you!

Now Joey leaves.



The entire three-eyed clan will be completely removed from the entire sea, and there will be no bones left.

Do you really think Joey is a great man?

Collecting Inhumans by myself is to fulfill my mother's dream.

Also because he is a perfectionist.

But as long as there are seeds, it is enough, and it is enough for the number of thousands of people to slowly multiply. all the time.

Joey shows a very gentle side.

as if.

in the eyes of the world.

Joey is a very good talker like that.


Don't forget.

As a person in power, even a big man like the flower language of the flower country is polite to Joey.

Is this really something that can be done simply by virtue of tenderness?

Stop it!

Just because this man doesn't need to show his butcher's knife.


Really small?

These titles don't matter to Joey, as long as he does what he wants to do, it's enough.


To Le Yu's answer, Daifuku said sarcastically: "It's really funny, if you want to surrender to our Totland, you even have to ask if our Totland will protect you Three-Eyed Clan? "

Owen said even more tyrannically: "What you should consider is, you guys! Are you eligible to be sheltered by our Totland!" This position is very far away from the Three-Eyed Race.

Le Yu also knows.


Just take it yourself, don't let all the clansmen know about it.

Joey said peacefully: "Miss Leyu, in fact, you don't need to think about it like this. For me Totland, success is a matter of course. If you want to ask why? Totland, it's my Charlotte family. Don't build a country, success is a matter of course?" Naturally.

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