Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 169

The number of Angels 500,000 is not a lot.


The original plan seems to need to be changed.

but? ? ? ? ...

There is no need to rush now.

Although I said that the original idea was to have 100,000 people on each island.


Their own islands are large islands, not to mention after the transformation.

Accommodating millions of people is absolutely out of the question.

Joey instructed: "Elder Weimin, go and arrange the long-hand clan to retreat in an orderly manner. If you don't want to leave, don't force it, but! You should be very clear, if the long-hand clan does not leave. what the outcome will be.”

Wei Min respectfully said: "Patriarch! You can rest assured, I know how to deal with it."

She is very clear.

What if you don't agree?

Hehehe - that would be a very painful experience!

This is absolutely without doubt.

To know.

The major forces above the sea are all staring here.

Each of them is very sharp waiting here.

If there is really a long-handed clan who did not leave?

What awaits will be a painful future. No matter how Wei Min dealt with it, "Alas!" Shaking his head slightly, Joey said helplessly, "I want to leave with everyone." "It's a pity! If the situation allowed, I would have wanted to go to the depths of the windless belt, after all! Whether it's Daughter Island or the Dragon Clan, I'm very interested.

Dafu said: "Big brother! Let's go back first, and deal with the follow-up things slowly, after all! Totland's problem is more important."

Joey nodded and said: "Don't worry, big brother, I'm not such an idiot, of course I know what to do when, it's not a problem, I just feel a little pity, but! It's time to return, next This almost a year of time will be the most difficult time for the entire Charlotte family!" "Yeah!!!" Everyone nodded heavily.

a year.


Just this year.

Just make it through.

Then it is a good day to let the birds fly.

So many years of accumulation.

The Charlotte family is a complete accumulation.


If it really doesn't last.

【】Well~~ So the entire Charlotte family will not be destroyed, but it is completely different from the current situation.

The current Charlotte family order is different.

The Charlotte family is affiliated with Totland, Big Mom Pirates, and the Dark Chamber of Commerce to distribute affiliated forces.

If it fails.


The real admission is to disappear, and it is the Charlotte family built by the big mom pirates. The concept of all this is completely different.

This is very clear to anyone who knows a little bit about it.

What is the result of such a concept.

This is a very different concept.

Of course.

Whatever it is.

There are a total of 1.8 million long-handed tribes, which can be sorted out so easily.

It took about five days.

This is all sorted out.

Joey stood at the head of the boat and said calmly, "Let's set sail!" Clap la la - the huge fleet started to set sail in an instant.

at this time.

No one is looking for trouble on the bright side.


is the most important.

Whoever makes trouble at this time is an idiot.

but? …

Whatever it is.

One thing is for sure.

Absolutely cannot be careless.


after all!

From Jianshan Island, you need to arrive at the Chambord Islands for coating, and finally enter Fishman Island and return to Totland.

As for passing through the Red Continent?

Stop it!

That is simply unrealistic. Could the five old stars of the world government give you this opportunity? It's just bullshit!

By that time.

The devil knows what will happen.


Honestly walking down a dangerous road.

It is the safest way.

This is absolutely no question.

That's a super fleet of 1.8 million in total.

No need to say much at all.

The number of people is simply too large.

in particular.

When Joey left from Fishman Island, he left with 1 million murlocs and 100,000 mermaids. Okay!

Now there are no people who shoot Joey.

The total number is already 3 million, all of them are Inhumans.

How many troops will it take to get it?


Just this collision.

But it has allowed the Charlotte family to grow enough.


Growth is so fast.

As long as you show your strength, some people will naturally choose a position immediately.

The Dragon Palace Kingdom immediately made a position.

After slashing.

It took nearly four months in total.

Joey is finally returning to Totland.

Huo - Facing the sea breeze, Joey stood on the bow and murmured, "Everyone has come!" ! ! "this moment.

He is also full of emotion.

It's finally back.

four months.


Very vigilant at all times.

"Is this our future home?"

"What a big vortex?"

"I can see a lot of islands!" "Yeah!" Whether it's a mermaid, a murloc or a long-handed clan.

Everyone is discussing.

Each of them had a very strong smile.

It's finally here.

It took a full four months.

"It's been four months since we set off from Jianshan Island! After all, this dangerous route is 0... asking for flowers??...

They finally arrived at their new home.

"Big brother!" Perospero and Armand had come out, both with very excited smiles.

This go.

But about half a year.

Big brother is finally back.

Joey smiled and said, "Wait a minute if we talk about the old days, and arrange for everyone else to talk about the old days, Armand, how is the island already cast?""Hehehe-"

Armand smiled mildly: "Brother! Of course it's all ready, the Hundred Arms Island of the Longhands? Jianshan Town! The Giant Whale Island of the Murlocs? Hailong Town! Atlantis of the Mermaids? Imperial Town is ready."


Joey nodded solemnly and said, "Arrange people, arrange everyone, and there must be no turmoil."

Armand said gently: "Brother! You can rest assured, I have everything ready."


Armand was already busy.

It's been half a year.

Armand has really grown up.

Everything is handled only in order.

This is true in every way.

from start to finish.

Armand's growth is definitely very fast, after all the long-handed, murloc, and mermaid tribes have been arranged.

It's been four days.

There are still too many people.

This is also because there is no problem in the interior of the Totland Sea.

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