Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 369

Katakuri said calmly: "This road, don't be in a hurry for the time being. What you need to pay more attention to is awakening the devil fruit. Only after awakening the devil fruit will it become stronger."

"Okay!" "Understood!" "Understood!" All of them were full of excitement.

Even more goals.


Fruit Awakens.


Combine the two!

Clap la la - the Queen's chanting trumpet gradually went into the distance.


It corresponds to the considerations of the BIG-M.M Pirates.

At this moment.

in the original battlefield.

"Ah!" "I'm so tired!" "It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!" "Ship doctor, hurry up and help!" "Doctor! Doctor! Help me, help me."

With such a painful cry.

Either pirates or navy.

Injuries are being treated.

Of course!

There is no plan to continue fighting.

Jia Jui lay on the ground and couldn't help but complain: "It hurts! It hurts! That damned dragon race is really ruthless! He almost kicked me to death, and! That physique is too amazing. Bar?"


Haven't really played against the dragon people.

Juice is really unimaginable.

The physique of the dragon people is so amazing.

The strength of both sides is half a catty.


Just because of his own carelessness, the result was an accident.

That's a real headache!


Silent sigh.

Shake your head.

Adding juice is also very painful. "Hahaha-"

Roger said with a smile: "Little devil! You are still too young, the physique of the dragon people! That is quite amazing! If you are not careful, you will really die!" Although he said so.


Roger sat there very indifferent and calm.

Karp sat down beside Roger and said, "Shut up!" Obviously.

The two sides have no plans to continue fighting.

Of course.

That's what happened this time.

next time?

Talking about the next time.

This time.

The two sides ended in such a tie, or a failed capture.


People on both sides of the boat are used to it.

Thankfully there were none of those grumpy guys on the Karp ship.


The temperamental hawkish character is estimated to be in a state of rampage now.

after all!

Roger and Garp are both enemies and friends.

It's not the first time this has happened.

even say.

Both the navy and the pirates were researchers and started drinking.

That's how they are.

on the battlefield.

If it is really encountered, no matter it is a conspiracy or any kind of means, it will never be merciful.

It doesn't matter if you kill yourself.


it's here.

That is completely different.

They are friends.

It is also normal to have a drink.


Karp said calmly: "But then again! Roger, Katakuri is a kid, but his strength is really terrifying!" Polsalino said curiously: "Mr. Karp, Katakuri that What is human ability?"

Karp shook his head and said: "I don't know exactly what the ability is, but I can be sure! If you are hit, you will definitely die, and you will die immediately. It is like the power that represents death. This power Definitely not fruit ability."

"Ah!" Roger said at this time: "I know, that ability, it seems! Everyone in the Charlotte family has it. It is a unique ability, an ability that belongs to the Charlotte family! A kind of ability. A special life form similar to a machine, normal people can't see it at all, even if you see the domineering look, you can only see a prototype."

Garp rubbed his chin and said, "Isn't this ability the same as the strong man who has always protected the Charlotte Patriarch?"

Rayleigh came over and said: "It looks like it! It's not a strong person, but a special ability, and! It belongs to the ability of the Charlotte Patriarch, otherwise, it will not be so special."


Everyone nodded.

It looks now.

Indeed it is.

Jabba considered, "So, does Katakuri combine this ability with the fruit ability?"

Roger said: "Yes! This ability is definitely not a fruit ability, but similar to the ability of the Charlotte family itself, and! Some people are awakened, and some people are not."

Kuzan said: "If you say that, the core is the man named Charlotte Joey?" Karp considered: "The possibility is very high! In the past, Lingling was a crazy woman. There is no such ability, obviously! With the awakening of that man, the entire family gradually awakened this ability."

Everyone nodded in understanding.


This possibility is very large.

Roger thought about it: "However! The biggest possibility is that their family has such abilities, so they awakened on that man.

"Hmm!" "That's right!" "Should be!" Obviously.

In this case.

They could probably guess what was going on.


It's more or less guesswork.

In this case.

What is the specific situation.

Just a guess!

The power of a substitute!

In the eyes of Roger and Garp, it should be the original strength of the Charlotte family.


Normally it should be analyzed like this.

After all, this is a power that this world has never had before.

It could only be the special power of the Charlotte family.


They never dreamed of it.

this power.

It is actually obtained through external forces.

This is something no one can imagine.

after all!

Ghosts know this power.

Is it from another world?

This is something that can't even be imagined in a dream 427!

Karp said with emotion: "However! Katakuri is indeed called the strongest man in the future!" "Ah!" Roger also agreed: "It's really a very terrifying strength, the current I can beat him, and the future words shook his head with emotion.


Roger has one thing to admit.


Even if you want to defeat Katakuri, it is not so easy.

"Humph!" Barrett snorted coldly.


In Barrett's view, it's just another target that needs to be challenged.

and? …

Today's events have a big impact on Barrett.

In my opinion, the technology that most needs to be taken care of.

As a result, he defeated himself.

This is a really annoying thing!

Watching Barrett leave.

Roger chuckled and said, "That's not bad, Barrett! The pressure is too small, this time! It's quite appropriate."

Of course.

Will Barrett be defeated?

That is absolutely impossible!

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