Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 378

I am afraid!

No one ever thought of it.

years in advance.

Edward and Kozuki Oden actually met again.

"Huh-" Guangyue Oden let out a deep breath and said, "Newgate! Are you really unwilling to take me out to sea to see?"

Edward calmly said: "It's not that I don't want to take you out to have a look. Our Whitebeard Pirates are going to find a base for development. The original plan was originally the country of Wano!" "Yes!" Saatchi is also emotional. Said: "I originally planned to attack Wano country! In the end, I met Otian and you, and became friends. It seems that I can only choose another place." "Hahaha-"

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates burst out laughing.

even though.

They have awakened ambition.


What if you let them shoot their friends?

That is absolutely impossible!


I'm afraid no one has thought of it.

Edward even took a fancy to Wano Country.

And came to Wano country.

But 0…

Edward and Kozuki Oden also cherished each other and became friends in this way.

Hearing this, Kozuki Oden said with a headache: "Actually, it's not impossible! We can cooperate! After all, the general of Wano country is my father, and I should also be here to inherit Wano. General of the country." "Hahaha"

with a smile.

If it were the former Kozuki Oden.

to be frank.

(.?1;';7:!?) for the position of the general.

Don't pay attention at all.


The current Kozuki Oden is different.

After conquering Jiuli and gradually understanding his responsibilities.


We must let Wano country have a good life.


Kozuki Oden has already planned to become the general of Wano country.

"Master Royal Palace?"

"Master Royal Palace!" "It's really good!" At this moment.

The history of Kinemon, Denjiro, Kiku no Cheng, Raizang, Ashura Douji, and Idai.

has been changed.

The black charcoal serpent, now it wants people and people, and what it wants.

Why should you be afraid of Kozuki Oden?

Of course!

Kanjuro Kurotan was not dispatched to ask for trouble.


Kurotan Kanjuro's aptitude is also very amazing, there is no need to come here to go undercover.

Instead, it was wasted.

Inuarashi, Cat Viper, and Kawamatsu have joined Totland.


There are only six people left of the nine red sheaths in the original book.

Hear the shouts in your ears.

Kozuki Oden said with emotion: "Okay! It's okay! Don't be so nervous one by one! I just want the people of Wano country to live better." Is life better? "

Marco is still very young.

But he thought about it: "If you want to make the lives of the people of Wano country better! Then you must start a country and trade with foreign countries. The weapons cast by the craftsmen of Wano country are very amazing and beautiful." stunned. Then he said in astonishment: Through such a weapon, the benefits obtained will be very huge, even if it is only one or two percent, it can make the people of Wano country live, "Is this true or false?"

Edward thought about it: "Although! The world government and the Dark Chamber of Commerce are all selling weapons to the outside world, but according to Wano's technology, it is absolutely not a problem to achieve such a profit." Hahaha-"

Kozuki Oden immediately became excited.


He really wanted to make Wano country have a good life.


That doesn't mean he's a bad guy.

Quite the opposite.

Kozuki Oden is a freewheeling guy.

such a guy.

You expect him to be a bad guy?

It's just like a dream!

Kozuki Oden thought about it and said: "In this case! Newgate! Let's join hands with Wano country to control it! You come and help me sell weapons, so that the people of Wano country can live a good life on 4.1."


Edward was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "Otian, are you going to give me this huge amount of money?" "Hahaha"

Kozuki Oden laughed and said, "Aren't we friends? Also! If Wano country wants to grow and develop, it definitely needs the help of friends!" Don't doubt it.

Kozuki Oden is not a fool.

He is very clear.

What is the history of Wano country?

Was the former Wano country strong?

Just because it is powerful!


It is destroyed.


What Kozuki Oden wanted was for the pirates to rule Wano.

Only so.

It won't be noticed at all.

It is undeniable!

It is indeed a little bit of calculating Edward's meaning.


The benefits Edward got were real.

as friends.

They are already enough.

"Cuckoo la la la-"

Edward laughed loudly and said, "Otian! Since you said so, then! Let's have a big fight next!


The two held their palms.


Next is going to be a big one.

but? ? ? ? ...

The two did not know.

on the other side.

The Black Charcoal Clan and the Beast Pirates.

The Koyuki Clan and the Whitebeard Pirates.


The situation in Wano country can only be described as chaotic and scary.

PS: Sixth more! 4000 word chapter! I beg to subscribe! Kneeling and begging to customize! Kneeling for collection! Kneeling for flowers! Kneeling for a monthly pass! Kneeling and begging for a reward! Kneeling for evaluation! !

Chapter 230: The third eldest daughter of the Charlotte family! Charlotte Savannah!


that's it.


Earth-shaking changes have taken place.


Joey himself who caused such a change.

are not clear at all.

Time flows.

Four or five months passed in a blink of an eye.

This year.

It is also approaching the end of the year.


This year's Charlotte family is very excited.


It has nothing to do with the level of development this year.

Clap la la - the pirate ship quickly docked!

Katakuri, Cracker and others all jumped down.

Cracker said excitedly: "Third sister! Third sister! Is second sister-in-law really about to give birth?"


Armand was just passing by.

Today is because Perospero and others have just been sent away.


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