Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 38

Only my mother is at Silver Level 3. In the future, younger siblings will generally enter the Silver Level.

By that time.

Your own strength can be greatly improved.

In terms of strength, as long as you know how to do it, you can.

The more important thing is to have control over the heart and so on.


That's a violent solution to the problem.



Always show it at the end, don't take it out early, it's not a proper thing to take out early.


The door was pushed open, and Bloweye walked in and said directly, "Brother! Have you rested yet?"

Joey rubbed his brows and said, "It's alright, it didn't take long to arrive at Fishman Island. It's fine to rest after arriving at Fishman Island."


Joey was right.

Never forget.

Fishman Island is located at a distance of 10,000 meters in the sea, and it seems to be a very terrifying place.

But it is 10,000 meters!

This is a distance of 10 kilometers.

How far is this?

That's about two hours at most.

This is still a more troublesome situation in the deep sea.


It's easy to get there.

Bloweye said helplessly: "Brother! Things can come slowly, don't be so anxious, no matter what it is, just deal with it slowly."


Joey smiled and said, "Big brother knows."


some things.

Joey never said that to his brother and sister.

A hundred years later.

Do not.

It has now been 14 years, and the real calculation is that after 86 years, the door to the crossing system will be opened.

By that time.

That's when the real danger comes.

some words.

Joey never said it though.


The smart younger brother and younger sister all felt it. The eldest brother seemed to be very anxious, and there must be many problems.


My eldest brother couldn't be so eager.

Looking at the elder brother, Bloweye said softly, "Brother, are you hiding something from us?"


Joey was stunned.

Looking at Bloweye who was hesitating to speak, Joey said softly: "Little girl! You don't need to think so much, it's enough to grow up well, and things in the future need to be considered in the future. When the time is right, I will I'll tell you all about it."


Joey thought for a moment and said, "That time is not too far away. When Totland is established, my brother will tell you what it is. Knowing too much now is too much pressure for you."


Bloweye wailed cutely, she knew that it was the elder brother who was protecting herself.

Joey stood up, rubbed Bloweye's little head and said, "Okay! Don't think too much, take a good rest. When you arrive at Fishman Island, I'm afraid you won't have time to rest."



Joey trembled slightly and fell directly to the ground.

Rubbing his forehead with one hand.



He was gasping for breath, and cold sweat came out of his forehead.

Joey's whole expression immediately became very ugly.

Browie was frightened by this sudden scene, and hurriedly said: "Big brother! Big brother! Don't you scare me?"

Joey hurriedly stopped: "Don't call, don't call!"


Stopping Bloweye, Joey sat down on the sofa with Bloweye's help.

Rubbing his eyebrows.

Joey felt his heart beating slightly.


Not only his heart, but even his own soul was trembling slightly.

"Are you finally back?"

"I've been waiting for a long time!"


"You just need to come back!"

"I finally waited for you!"

Joey slowly fell asleep, and the voice of a gentle and quiet woman like the sea gradually sounded in his ears.

ps: The new book set sail! Pray for a wave of support! Kneeling and begging for a wave of collections! Pray for a wave of flowers! Kneel and beg for a monthly pass! Kneeling and begging for a reward! Kneeling and begging for a wave of evaluations!

ps: 33000 flowers plus more! Kneeling for a monthly pass, kneeling for a monthly pass

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"If Water" (656618896656618896)

Chapter 40: Hate? Do not! Pure licking dog!

"What's that sound?"

"Who is that?"

"what happened?"

Joey murmured deep inside.


After all, he couldn't resist the intense drowsiness, and fell asleep.

"Big brother?"

Bloweye looked at Joey nervously, and finally let out a sigh of relief after confirming that his eldest brother was only asleep.


Bloweye was very confused.

I don't understand why my eldest brother suddenly fell asleep.


Whatever it is.

Blowier knew that this matter must not be disclosed to others.


That is, the camp is about to be bombed. Anyone in the Charlotte family can have an accident, even the mother can die in battle, but the eldest brother must not have an accident.

That's the real spiritual pillar.


Big brother is the most important, absolutely! absolute! absolute! There can be no surprises.

The young Bloweye began to act.

Take care of everything.

When Opera arrived, he was stopped by Bloweye.

Browie smiled and said, "Brother Opera, eldest brother is resting, I have been too tired recently, let eldest brother have a good rest."


Opera was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "It's true, from Elbaf Warrior Village, Phoenix Island, and Dressrosa Kingdom, the eldest brother is really too tired, although the eldest brother has not fought, he can use his brain. Things are even more tiring!"

For Blowyer's statement.

Opera didn't have the slightest doubt, it was normal for the eldest brother to rest.

after all.

Joey is not ironclad either, and a little rest is normal.


Seeing Opera leaving, Bloweye let out a sigh of relief, and gradually relaxed and entered the study.


Opera commanded the ship to enter the fish-man island and gradually docked.

Stopped at the port.


There was no movement at all.

Brother did not move.

Then, of course, there is no action for yourself and others.

Night has come.

The crowd also began to rest.

Day two.

The sky just lit up.

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