Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 391

The seeds have been planted, just wait for them to sprout slowly.

Of course!

Everything that happened in Wano.

Nobody knows.

after all.

Whether it's the Whitebeard Pirates, the Beast Pirates, or the BIG-M.M Pirates.

It is impossible to say such a thing casually.

Everyone just knows.

The Whitebeard Pirates suffered a major defeat.


Who did you lose to?

No one knows!

Nobody knows!

No one knows what happened.


After this war.

The world seems to have returned to peace.

Everyone is waiting for something.

Or in other words, falling into silence.

3 years!

But it was fleeting!

And over time.

Above this calm sea seems to have set off a monstrous wave again.


Already out of peace.

The calm was broken again.

About to sweep the whole sea.

Do the math!

Five years have passed since the founding of Totland.

PS: Sixth more! 4000 word chapter! I beg to subscribe! Kneeling and begging to customize! Kneeling for collection! Kneeling for flowers! Kneeling for a monthly pass! Kneeling and begging for a reward! Kneeling for evaluation! !

Chapter 236: Tarot Sword: Demon!

Haiyuan Calendar: 1496!

After so many years.


This Inhuman utopia is still full of peace.


Ever since the Dragon Palace Kingdom was brought under control.

I thought.

Totland will take advantage of the situation to bring the mixed martial arts club alliance and the giant country of Elbaf into control. result? …

But something very strange happened.

Totland did nothing.

Totland's steady development.

The dark chamber of commerce does business quietly.

What about other than that?

Then there is not much change!


Step on the road.

Three years have passed.

For Joey.

But I didn't see any clear changes.

Three years have passed.

In addition to making the boy more mature.

as if.

Can't see any change in general.


Squinting comfortably.

There was a peaceful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Joey said gently: "It's really a good weather, it looks like a good day!

"Hehehe__" "Hahaha—"

Gentle with a smile.

I am also my younger brothers and sisters who are watching Hee Hee slapstick.

Not much to say.

Just turned around and left.

After three years of development.

Charlotte family.

It has become more stable in this world.


above this world.

The Charlotte family has gradually and truly stood at the top. Snapped! Snapped!

Walk step by step.

Joey stopped suddenly.

"Order!!!" The video call of the system has already rang.

feel here.

Joey answered in the study.


The video call is connected.

"Order!!!" The figure of the Lion King emerged.

Five years have passed.

The Lion King has not changed at all.


The breath became more and more terrifying.


The Lion King is getting closer and closer to gold level 1.

Joey said gently: "Lia, looking at you, if there is no accident, you can break through to the gold level in the past one or two years."

The Lion King said calmly: "It is also thanks to you that I swept the seventy-two demon gods in a row, so that my strength has also been tempered, and I will break through." "Well!" nodded with a gentle smile, Joey He continued: "It seems that you took the initiative to find me, because the seventy-two demon gods have already been arrested?"

The Lion King nodded and said, "All of them have been captured, and I have let Merlin extract them into pure demon power, which can then be traded."

"Okay!" ~ ~ ~ With the fluctuations.

A card appeared in front of Joey.


His 216 Devil Fruits also disappeared.

The Lion King said calmly: "Joey! If you count the time! It's almost 73 years before the time-travel system starts, right?"

Joey nodded and said, "Not bad??? Liya, there are still 73 years before the time-travel system can be activated."

"That's it!" He nodded knowingly.

The Lion King continued: "Then! That's it."

Joey said gently, "Goodbye."

"Order!!!" The two hung up the video call just like that.


There was a smile on the corner of Joey's mouth, and he said interestingly, "Is Liya planning to form an alliance?" Shaking his head.

Throw this idea out.

never mind.

Allied or not, it's not a big deal.


Not the time to discuss this.


Joey crushed the card.

Seventy-two small vials have emerged.

"Hoo??!" "Ow!" "Ah!" followed by a terrifying roar.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a terrifying demon roaring.

Seventy-two Demon Gods!

Called and driven by Solomon.

It seems to be the subordinate of one of the seven demon kings.


The overall strength of the seventy-two demon gods is equal to that of the seven demon kings.

They are the product of God.

Joey looked at the seventy-two small bottles and thought, "What should we do next?" He thoughtfully looked at the situation in front of him.

Directly summoned the silver sword.


78 silver swords emerged.

at this time.

One of them has already stepped out.

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