Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 399

Joey is still calculating many possibilities.

At this time.

A wisp of demonic aura emerged.


A figure has emerged, the big sword: The devil has returned.


It's also appropriate enough to call it a demon.


The demon said interestingly: "Master, you are really hardworking! You just learned about the method of transforming the silver great sword into a tarot great sword, have you already started to calculate all the following possibilities so seriously?"

Stand behind the master.

The devil's smile is extremely strong.

for a short time.

The owner of your own home is not just sketching.

More sure.

"Hu-" busy for such a long time.

Rubbing his brows slightly, he said, "Actually! Everything is calculated, and! I will summarize the Tarot Great Sword a little. Your essence is more a combination of guardian spirits, heroic spirits, and substitutes, born out of me. Spiritual will, but has the power of independence like guardian spirits and heroic spirits, and more!" Listening to the master's summary.

The devil smiled and said: "Master! You are right in your conclusion. The Tarot Sword is essentially the power you were born in the realm of omniscience and omnipotence, but it is impossible to confirm whether you can possess the power of omniscience and omnipotence, and you need to gradually growth."

Joey said mildly: "This doesn't need to be urgent. What do you think about the aptitude and various aspects of the construction with the Infinity Stone, the Power Stone, and the Son of the End?"

No longer discuss this issue.

I have already determined!

Tarot Great Sword!

It is pure sublimation.

The demon considered: "Master! If it is according to your structure, there is no problem in essence. Compared with me in every aspect, it is almost on par with me!" Then. "Um--"

The demon pointed to the last concept and said, "Master! I think this last one is the most terrifying in terms of strength."

Joey shook his head and said, "It's so easy there! As for the Fool's idea, I just have more or less an idea, and I want to get it completely?" "Well!"

Shaking his head helplessly.

Still don't think too much about it.


Essentially represents the beginning and the end.

to be honest.

Light is it.

Darkness is it.

Destruction is it.

Creation is it.

All-knowing and all-powerful aggregate!

This is the fool!

Want to create Tarot Greatsword: The Fool?

It's almost impossible for me now.

The devil said: "But! Master, your structure is not a problem, it's a pity! The material is too expensive, and it is difficult to buy it with your ability. Joey is also helpless: "This is no way. If the calculation is good, it is already a crystal level 9, or even a higher level, that is, a real god-level character! "This god.

Not the joking gods in mythology.


A higher level of existence!

In other words.

In the eyes of gods at this level.


It's just a joke.

It can be created at any time, and it can be subverted at any time.

This is what is called the terror of God.

The demon shrugged and said, "There's no other way! Other than that, everything else is no problem."

Look at the information in front of you.

Joey said gently: "Devil! One thing I'm curious about. Although the power of the seventy-two demon gods is the power of demons, they are gathered together to form Getia! It should be a beast with the principle of mercy, belonging to One of the Beasts right?"

at this point.

is the most curious.


The seven evils of mankind.

It's not the power of the devil at all, is it?


The devil shook his head and said with emotion: "Master! This point is that you are too ignorant, in fact! Evil represents all evil! Not only the evil of humans, but also the evil of demons, or It is the evil of God."

"So it is!" Joey said clearly: "If you say that, I already understand, it's not so much evil! It's more darkness. Is this the essence of the devil?"

The devil said coquettishly: "That's right~~~ Master, the essence of the devil is darkness. If I can transform into darkness one day, I will be a god at that time???" The color of pursuit appeared in his eyes.




This is what anyone is after.

From demon to darkness.

Wasn't the demon at that time at the level of a god?

This should be beyond doubt.


Joey said gently: "Don't think about so many things, let's discuss it a little bit, the follow-up path is more suitable! According to your strength, fuse the seventy-two demon gods, and you can get beasts with the principle of 'compassion' Power!" Mentioned the business.

The devil also said solemnly: "Master! What I have now is the power of the seventy-two demon gods, and! Even if I master all the powers of the seventy-two demon gods, I want to grasp the principle of 'compassion'. Such an easy 433 thing!" Shaking his head.

The devil also said helplessly: "Master! The essence of beast power is love for humans! When this love reaches the extreme, it will want to destroy humans. In other words! If humans have never been destroyed, No matter what time it is, I can't really grasp the power of that beast."

"And!" thought.

The demon thought about it: "Compared to the power of beasts, it would be more appropriate to change some worlds, if you can get the power of the seven demon kings.""Hehehe-"

Joey teased: "Don't think so much, the power of the seven demon kings is so easy to obtain!" "No!" The demon owner Joey all the memories, coquettishly said: "Master, you forgot Is it? There is a world! It is the easiest to get the power of the seven demon kings."


Joey has figured it out.

What the hell did the devil say.

Clearly nodded.


Joey thought about it: "Devil! I will trade this matter in the future, but! Do you think the power of the devil, the power of beasts, these! Is there the possibility of fusion?"

The devil said mildly; "Master! Of course this is beyond doubt, the essence of the devil is the seven deadly sins, the essence of the power of the beast is the seven evils, and even saying! Even if it is the seven virtues held by angels, I can do it. Integrate it into the body perfectly."

Listen to the devil's confidence.

Joey was stunned.



Joey never thought of that.

Demons have such confidence! but? …

If you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong.

Seven deadly sins!

Seven evils!

Seven virtues!



They are all special sins, virtues, and malices separated from human beings!

Master these.


In essence, these forces are all one, as long as the perfect fusion is enough.

but? …

One more thing Joey needs to think about is.

Looking deeply at the devil.

Look at the devil.

He said slowly: "When you transform again, what will you represent?"


The devil smiled charmingly and said: "Master! No matter what your concubine is, it is part of you! Isn't this an inevitable result? You! You are the master of your concubine, no matter what time it is!" Loyal !

This will never change.

PS: Fifth more! 4000 word chapter! I beg to subscribe! Kneeling and begging to customize! Kneeling for collection! Kneeling for flowers! Kneeling for a monthly pass! Kneeling and begging for a reward! Kneeling for evaluation! !

Reward \u0026 I Force to Share I Report

Chapter 241: Hardworking Mom! Steadfast little princess!

The devil has disappeared.


Joey felt it instantly.

Clearly nodded.

Clap la la - open one hand.

Chains have emerged and gone

"Roar!" Indistinctly.

It was the roar of the devil.

this moment.

Joey understood it completely, and said clearly: "Tarot Sword! In other words, it is the embodiment of my spiritual will, and they have turned into entities! This is also the essence of a substitute, in such a situation. Next, when they return to me, I can use all their powers as well."


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