Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 42

Joey has to be involved.


You can get a lot by yourself.

Joey said calmly: "Come to an auction, Perospero told me that this auction will have the devil fruit we need."

Opera immediately understood, and said clearly: "Big brother! I understand!"

Some things cannot be said.

Otherwise, it would be bad for anyone to hear it.

Five younger brothers.

Opera is arrogant, but smart and brave!

Contra is irritable, but he knows how to use his brain at critical moments!

Kadanci is calm and loyal!

Cavalette this is purely a fool!

Gala's character is very mature, not the top in both wisdom and bravery, but a calm character!

The five younger brothers have different personalities, but they combine very well.

Cardantz can hold Conte and Cavalette.

Gala can control Opera.

"All right!"

Joey suddenly said: "Don't think too much, have a good rest! I will have a good rest in the Chambord Islands today, and this time is quite tiring."


Compert scratched his head and smiled and said, "Big brother! No problem!"

Compart narrowed his eyes and looked around, not daring to be careless at all.

big brother!

Absolutely no accident.

Smiling and shaking his head.

Joey didn't say much either.

Playing around for a day.

Everyone sat in a bar and tasted fine wine, while the four little girls were tasting food and desserts.

It is worth mentioning that.

Akakubo Momo also followed.

Regarding the attribution of Akane Kubo Momo.

The family almost got into a fight.


In the past ten years, Akane Kubo Tao has also taught a group of students, and there are still six successes.

Otherwise, a group of people who like desserts in the Charlotte family will be able to hit the dog's head.

"Heavenly Dragon is here!"



Listening to the commotion outside, Joey narrowed his eyes slightly and thought, "It seems that the Tianlong people are coming."

as predicted.

Soon, as a male Celestial Dragon swaggered past, Joey asked, "Kadanci, how many Celestial Dragons are there in the Chambord Islands now?"


According to Kadanci's ability, the information should have been collected.

Kadanci said in a low voice, "Big brother! There is only one Heavenly Dragon in the Chambord Archipelago. It's this guy, whose name is Zwart. I heard that he is here to participate in the auction tomorrow night."

Auction tomorrow.

Joey squinted his eyes and pondered, looking at the gradually dimming sunlight outside, smiled and said, "The moon is dark and the wind is high to kill the night!"


Listening to Joey's words, the Opera brothers immediately understood what they were saying, and they all nodded solemnly to Joey.

ps: The new book set sail! Pray for a wave of support! Kneeling and begging for a wave of collections! Pray for a wave of flowers! Kneel and beg for a monthly pass! Kneeling and begging for a reward! Kneeling and begging for a wave of evaluations!

ps: 15 people are rewarded and updated! Kneeling for a monthly pass! Kneeling for a monthly pass! Kneeling for a monthly pass!

Chapter 44: General! Do you need to speak without evidence?

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

The blood dripped to the ground, making it impossible to imagine what happened here.


Cyborg? Empty!

One of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters.

At this moment.

When he arrived, he felt his arms tremble slightly.

Dragon people!

actually died.

This is something that can shake the world.


As the nobles of the world, the Tianlong people have unimaginable rights.


The Tianlong people actually died in front of him.

this moment.

Sora really didn't dare to know how to deal with it.



Taking a deep breath of turbid air, Kong said with a solemn expression: "Block the entire castle, check all the assets, look it up, and see if there is still life! Quick! Quick! Quick!"


A large number of naval soldiers immediately began to act.

Kong is murmured: "Who did it? To actually attack the Tianlong people?"



While Sora was muttering and thinking, the soldiers had already returned from the search.

The soldier reported solemnly: "Mr. Kong, there is no living hole in the entire castle. From top to bottom, including the CP organization, everyone has been swept away, and everyone is killed with one blow! The weapon is a knife, None of the treasures inside the castle have been lost, and the other party's purpose is very clear, it is for the Tianlong people."


Sora clenched his teeth deeply and said solemnly, "Are all surveillance and videophone bugs without any surveillance?"

The soldier looked ugly and said: "Mr. Kong, everything has been destroyed, there is no evidence at all, it is even said that in this castle, apart from the traces of the dead, there is not even a trace of the murderer. ."

Another soldier reported: "Mr. Kong, the other party's purpose is the Tianlong people, and everything has been planned."


Sora nodded.

Although his original idea was to make money and kill his life, after all, the wealth of the Tianlong people is there, if it is the kind of really crazy desperadoes, it is also possible.

But now it seems!

This is not to seek money and kill at all, it is purely to kill this Tianlong person.

Then the problem is the real trouble.

Who did it?

after all!

Even if the Tianlong people are protected by the CP organization, most of the CP organizations are the Tianlong people who protect Mary Joa. The Tianlong people in the Chambord Islands are in charge of the navy, and now they are dead? The pressure on the Navy will be enormous.

Gritting his teeth, Kong's eyes flashed a sharp light, and he said savagely: "Catch me! The entire Chambord Archipelago, all the possible, recent dishonest forces will be caught by me."


Under this beautiful night, the navy has begun to act frantically.

And what happened?

No one knows!

Sitting in the office, Sora also looked at the information in his hand over and over again.


Holding the information in his hand, Sora murmured, "Charlotte Joy! He came to the Chambord Islands, and..."

Arrived during the day.

The dragon man died at night.

this moment.

Sora also finds it very difficult.

this matter.

Sora knows.

I have to act myself, and others can't move this person at all.

According to my intuition, this is definitely what Joey did.

But the problem is!

Joey didn't have to kill the Draco at all.

No matter what, Sora had to go there in person.


In the Japanese-style room, the beauties serving beside him slowly filled the tea, and Joey tasted the bitter tea slightly.

than fine wine.

Joey prefers to drink tea. Drinks can dull his brain, while tea can refresh himself.



The sound of rapid footsteps came, and the door was suddenly opened.

The sky strode in, looked at the man deeply, and said indifferently: "Charlotte Joy! The navy suspects you..."

Joey interrupted Kong's words directly, raised his head and smiled and said, "General Cyborg, you'd better think about what you want to say, don't you say, General! Can you speak without evidence?"

(,1"".7::) "..."

All Sora's words were directly stuffed back.

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