Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 48

Of course.

The Opera brothers are all training.

The three girls, Castard, Angelo, and Bree, were also training.

There is absolutely no doubt about the progress of the Charlotte family.

Everyone in the family needs progress.

And Joey's seventh stop, which is the penultimate stop, is the Kingdom of Germa.

The voyage lasted nearly three and a half months.

It's finally coming to an end.

Opera's voice came from outside the door: "Brother! We have found the trace of the Kingdom of Germa, shall we go directly?"

Joey put down the book and said, "You can directly trade with the Kingdom of Germa. This is not a big problem."

"it is good!"

Opera left, and Joey rubbed his eyebrows to let his brain gradually relax.


Just then, a private chat came.

Patriarch Joestar: Patriarch Charlotte, 5 Devil Fruits, you can take all three.

Joey naturally saw the private chat.

After thinking for a while, Patriarch Joestar recovered.

Patriarch Charlotte: Yes! 5 Devil Fruits, but I don't have time to trade right now, how about trade in three days?

Patriarch Joestar: Yes.


The corners of his mouth twitched, and Joey said softly, "Finally, the deal is confirmed, which is really exciting! According to my spiritual power, what kind of ability will be born?"


With a chuckle, Joey's expression felt very funny.


Among the many abilities, the one that can be purchased, the one that he most wants to get is this ability.


Bloweye said cutely: "Big brother? What's wrong?"

Joey shook his head and said, "It's okay! It's okay!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Joey said mildly, "Let's go and see the king of Germa Kingdom."


Bloweye followed Joey to get up, and both brother and sister left the room.

With Bloweye and Opera, Joey landed on the island.

This is a small island.

look carefully!

It is no exaggeration that the island has been transformed into a military base.

Kingdom of Germa.

Germa 66.

The Vinsmoke family.

These names are all acceptable.

should say!

It's called a person.

The entire nation is a tech nation, and the only one without a homeland.

even say.

It gives the feeling that it has always been a legend.


This is not a legend, but a real existence. Only the underground world knows it well, and others don't particularly understand it.

And even without a country.

The royal family of the Germa Kingdom, the Vinsmoke family.

It is still possible to participate in the World Conference, and even modify the bounty and so on.

Just as the world government has 170 member states.


Of the 50 decision-making countries, only a few are truly powerful.

There are probably less than ten countries in all of them.

Except Dressrosa and Alabasta have a lot of younger brothers, the others are just big countries.

The Kingdom of Germa is one of them.


Joey's original idea was to grow the Charlotte family.

That's enough, everything else?

It doesn't make any sense at all!


My mother's wish is to build a utopia where all races can live together.

Since this is my mother's wish, Joey naturally wants to help realize it.

And build a country.

Of course, it is impossible for Joey to build one casually, even as a low-level country that is not recognized as a pirate.

Quite the opposite!

If Joey wants to build, then he must build a very terrifying, powerful, special, country with absolute status.

That's what Joey thinks.


For Joey, the things that were traded add up to 200 family coins, which is 20 achievement points. Could that be a good thing?

It's just something that doesn't matter at all.


When he had the idea of ​​​​building a country, Joey also began to have more ambitious goals.

ps: The new book set sail! Pray for a wave of support! Kneeling and begging for a wave of collections! Pray for a wave of flowers! Kneel and beg for a monthly pass! Kneeling and begging for a reward! Kneeling and begging for a wave of evaluations!

ps: 42000 flowers plus more! Kneeling for a monthly pass! Kneeling for a monthly pass! ! !

Chapter 51: Interesting deal! Healing Fruit!

have a thought.

have goal.

Charlotte Joy!

This man's character is very twisted.

He likes to be casual.

Can be the same.

When he can't refuse, he likes to be the best.

In some people's view.

Do you need the approval of the world government to build a country?

be honest!

This man can clearly say that there is no need at all.

With his own strength, with his mother's strength, with the talents of his growing younger brothers and sisters, who would dare to say more?


Joey would never do that.

That's not Joey's character.

If this man wants to do it, then he must reach the extreme.

The world is created by my mother, so it is the country created by the pirates.

No matter what the future is.

All are inferior.

the reason is simple!

No matter how powerful and terrifying pirates are, those powerful countries and world governments have never taken them seriously.

Pirates are just thieves! ! !

What Joey's Wan Guo has to do is not only to become a member country recognized by the world government, but also to become a decision-making country, and even a privileged decision-making country.

That's what Joey thinks.

and this.

It's just the beginning.

From Dressrosa, Alabasta.

This man has gradually gathered 28 countries.

Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Kingdom of Germa.

The same is the strong country.

Don't look at the Dragon Palace Kingdom as if it never participated in the World Conference. In fact, it was because of many problems.

It's not because the Dragon Palace Kingdom is ineligible.

The same is true for the Kingdom of Germa.

If these two countries participate in it, two countries will inevitably be excluded.

the reason is simple.

They are like monsters who can score more than 100 points in the exam.

They don't bother to take the test, you can get 100 points and become the first place at will, and when they come back, your number one will disappear.

This is the main reason.

Kingdom of Alabasta, Kingdom of Dressrosa, Kingdom of Germa, Kingdom of Dragon Palace.


When the four major powers all support this decision.


Even if anyone wants to object, it needs to be considered, and the final result may even be agreed by 50 countries.

Under such a decision, even if the world government wants to veto it?

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