Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 493

As for the power of Saint Seiya in the end?

That's just not knowing!

It takes the Pope to create it to know what will happen next.

Respectfully get down on one knee!

The Pope said respectfully: "Sequence 5, Tarot Sword: Pope! See the master!" Kneeling respectfully.

There was an unparalleled piety in the Pope's eyes.

The Pope is a messenger who serves God!

She is a messenger of God and a part of serving God, and there is no doubt about her loyalty and devotion to God.

Joey said gently: "Get up!" "Yes!" The Pope stood up slowly.

this moment!

The Pope and Justice Tarot Greatswords have been created in one breath.

Of course!

In terms of strength, it must be the strength of the clamp gold [level.


Some people think that since it is so simple, why not create a large number of Tarot Great Swords in one go? Create all the Tarot Great Swords so that you have dozens of gold-clamping powerhouses.


It's not that simple at all.

Joey carefully searched for all the energy in the heavens and the world.

after all!

If you want to create a Tarot Great Sword, the ability you choose is very suitable. Not just random energy can create a Tarot Greatsword.

It's like a joke!


The creation of the Tarot Great Sword requires something that is not so simple.

In general!

The creation of the Tarot Great Sword is not as simple as it seems.

To create a Tarot Greatsword, the power required needs to be precisely calculated. Of course!

You may be just a magic book or you can create a Tarot Great Sword.

But? …

Does the Tarot Greatsword created in this way really possess the power of the Tarot Greatsword?

It's pointless!

In general!


Joey is going to create the remaining Tarot Greatsword.


Joey has prepared a lot of abilities.

should say.

Prepare enough power to create four Tarot Great Swords, but is it possible to create it?

Nobody knows!

Justice and the Pope were indeed created.

but? …

Whether the follow-up can be successful is not an easy task?


The creation of the Tarot Great Sword is extremely difficult, and who knows if it will be successful.

"Hu-" Slightly let out a breath of turbid air, and Joey said slowly: "Next, let's continue!" Crash-touch!

The card shattered instantly.

And with the collapse of the card, the dazzling light has bloomed, and it is the power of the dazzling brilliance.

"Hu-" Joey said secretly: "Can it be successful?"


This time!

The power that Joey prepares is not particularly powerful, or a particularly special power 0... But!

This power is the most suitable power.

"Roar!" "Gah!" The nine-clawed golden dragon.

Jiu Ling phoenix.

That's right!

What Joey is preparing is the dragon and the phoenix, what does it represent?

It's simple!

The dragon and the phoenix represent the status of the king and the queen.

Joey bought a lot of dragon and phoenix auras from the world of a certain country.

In general.

The preparation can be said to be quite sufficient.

Get everything ready.


The sound like a beating heart beat again and again, and two figures came out.

It is the two Tarot Great Swords.

They were integrated into it.

~ ~ ~ A wisp of divine power shone in an instant, until everything dissipated its brilliance.

What emerged were two bright rays of light.


Get down on one knee.

The leader wore the king's crown and said respectfully: "Sequence 4, Tarot Great Sword? King! See the master!" The other person was holding the emperor's crown and respectfully said: "Sequence 3, Tarot great sword? The queen! See the master !" Both of them got down on one knee.

In one breath!

Joey created four great tarot swords.

Sequence 3, Queen!

Sequence 4, King!

Sequence 5, Pope!

Sequence gate, justice!


Joey chuckled and said, "I have to admit that the creation of the Tarot Sword is sometimes a game of fate! I can't imagine whether it can be created."

Shaking his head emotionally.

during the two years.

I also purchased some special powers myself.

These powers!

Naturally, needless to say, they are all very precious powers.

My original idea was to transform them into Tarot Great Swords.


This kind of power can't be used at all, and today, he actually created four kinds of Tarot Great Swords in one breath.


It's really not easy.

Shaking his head with a smile, Joey said mildly: "Tarot Great Sword has been created one by one! Mage, the next road can also begin!" The Mage smiled and said: "Master! If you want to try, of course it is It's time to start, start from here?"

"Master!" The power said seriously: "I think it should start from here!" Obviously!

Power said solemnly: "This matter needs the eldest sister to deal with, and if there is any accident in the eldest sister, it will take time to continue to create the eldest sister, so! Come down and try, although the power gem is expensive! It can be purchased at any time. treasure."

Joey nodded slightly and said, "Alright! Let's experiment with strength."


Joey's ability is really like a bug-like ability 4.1.

It is very difficult for others to break through a gold clamp! result……

Joey is great here!

He actually had nearly ten gold clamps in one breath.

Except for Joey himself.

Sequence Magician.

Sequence 3, Empress.

Sequence 4, King.

Sequence 5, Pope.

Sequence 8, Power.

Sequence gate, justice.

Sequence 15, Demon.

Sequence 19, Sun.

This is a full eight Tarot Great Swords!

What kind of concept?

Eight gold-level powerhouses with astonishing power!

This is the most terrifying part of the Tarot Sword.

The abilities of kings and queens are actually very simple.

Follow the law.

The kingdom of kings.

This is the ability of both of them.


It needs further training.

As for the abilities of others?

sun! Justice, strength!

These powers don't need to be said at all, as long as they know a little bit, they know what they mean.

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