Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 512

The door of the library.

A cute little head has been poking his head out, and his cute head is poking out! Cute face all over!

Joey said gently: "Bray, Bloweye, what happened to you two little guys?"


Bloweye came in lovely.

Bree was very embarrassed.

Bray said obediently: "Big brother! We're disturbing!" Joey said gently: "Where is there any way to disturb and not disturb, do brothers and sisters still need to be called disturbed? If so, then Are they brothers and sisters?"

Mouth with a smile.


Joey asked gently: "Tell me about it, two little guys! What's the matter?"

Bloweye said cutely: "Big brother! I'm just a little bit confused, I don't know what to do next!" Indeed!

In fact, it's not just Bloweye, many ministers are very confused.

Integrate with Totland.

Now there are only a few empires left.

The development of these countries has become a system of their own.


Bloweye and others are very confused and don't know what to do.

Of course.

It's not because the rights have disappeared, but because of other things, they are very confused and well-behaved, what they don't understand is! Obviously everything has disappeared, what should I do next? I can't help the family anymore, which is very confusing for these children!

"Hehehe-?.?" Joey couldn't help but chuckle when he looked at the shy Bree and the confused Bloweye.

Smiling and shaking his head.

Gently said: "You two little guys! There are some things that you can't understand, do you really not know? Or! Do you need to think so seriously about what will happen next?"

Listen to the big brother.

The two little guys were even more confused at this moment.

And Joey continued to say gently: "Obviously! You two idiots don't understand, sometimes, people! You don't need more people to teach you what to do, since you don't need two As a minister, then it’s fine to deal with other work, at least! Isn’t it right to cultivate well?”

Listen to the big brother.

The two little guys fell into silence for a while.

Indeed it is!

The two little guys didn't think about it at all, or rather, for the two little guys.

It's not that they don't know what to do.


They are not good at thinking in this way.

all the time!

From small to large.

They are all under the guidance of their elder brother, and they have always been like this.

They are all under the guidance of the elder brother, whether it is the elder brother who asks them to study or deal with everything else, they are all under Joey's management.

So they are used to routing Joey to arrange before.

This is a good thing!

But it's not a good thing either.


This kind of thing is the most troublesome thing, because! Having experienced this kind of thing all the time, it means that a person has lost his original ability to think.

This is a very troublesome thing.


If it continues like this, a person may even become a crippled person.


It doesn't even matter.

after all!

The Charlotte family has always been distinct.

Joey shook his head gently and said: "Little guy! You two girls! I completely forgot, since there is nothing for you to deal with at this stage, then just deal with other things, okay! Don't worry. Now, everything needs to be learned and dealt with, whether it’s future work or future battles, do you understand?”


Listening to the elder brother's teaching, the two girls nodded obediently.


Actually it is clear.

What are you going to do next.

But? …


If they did not pass the teachings of the elder brother, they would always feel that something was missing, which was something they could not accept for a while, or rather! It feels very strange, this is not a strange thing, but it is very normal.

after all!

From the children's point of view, it is the best thing to do one more thing with the approval of the parents.

So if they can't get the approval of the big brother, even if they do it, they don't feel it is appropriate.


Both girls ran away.

And Joey shook his head and said: "Really! This matter is also my fault. From childhood to adulthood, the planning for the children is very good! As a result, these children can't really go seriously. Think about yourself."


Zkot walked into the study and said with a chuckle: "Brother! That's how it is there! It is because of your teaching that we are growing step by step! Although, there are indeed some The problem, but! As long as you are always here, brother, what kind of problem is this?"

Joey smiled and shook his head.

didn't say anything.

If so one day!

after all!

Just like what Zcot said, if there is one day.

If you have one day.

If there is really a problem!

So? …

The entire Charlotte family will be destroyed, and no one will survive.

It can be said!

He is the backbone of the Charlotte family. As long as he has an accident, the Charlotte family will be destroyed. There is absolutely no doubt about it.


This thing is nothing.

Joey didn't think about it either, but asked, "Zcot, why did you stinky boy come here?"

Zkot scratched his head and said: "Brother! I want to go to the Tower of the Brave for training. My current strength has reached silver level 9, but! I found some small problems, I want to do more. Further, more skills are needed to hone.”


Joey nodded too.


different from others.

The road Zkot took was the road of skill, and he went down this road step by step, and finally returned his skills to the basics, and the power of every punch and kick reached the limit.

By that time.

Zkot is truly reaching an unparalleled level.

at this point!

There is absolutely no doubt about it.


Joey is very clear that if Zcot wants to become stronger, he needs to hone his skills again and again to make his skills stronger step by step.


This is a very important thing.

Joey thought about it: "The Tower of the Brave is not suitable for your progress! On the contrary, the power of the Tower of the Brave is too powerful, and the power of the guardians inside is not something you can compete with. Instead, you cannot learn. Even it will only make you gradually collapse."

be honest!

The interior of the Tower of the Brave is not suitable for Zkot to practice.

Not a level of training at all.

after all.

If the two are completely incomparable, then there will be problems in the end.

No qualifications for sharpening!


What is needed is that the two are similar, or better than being defeated, but not completely defeated and unable to fight back.

if not!

You are not growing up.

"'々This. …"

Zkot was also stunned for a moment, and then understood.


There is no need for people to relax or feed you tricks, this is absolutely impossible.

In this case, everything is completely different. "Um--"

Thinking about the situation, Zcot thoughtfully said: "Brother! How do you think I should continue to practice deeper?"

Joey thought for a while: "I'll let Tsunade teach you, Tsunade has learned all the skills of boxing and master craftsmen, although it's just learning! It's not really honed, but! It's enough for your teaching. Well, if you reach the level that Tsunade approves, then that's enough."

indeed so!

Through the essence of strength, Tsunade can contain all the skills of boxing or master craftsman within himself.

But? …

to be honest!

Just contain it!

in other words!

Just learning.

after all!

Skills This is an endless road, and how far can this road go? This is something that no one knows, or rather! This is unimaginable, and under such circumstances.

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