In the tent, Lorraine sat cross-kneeled, thinking about the way Bisiji had built the ability to read to him earlier.

“Unlike those who have the abilities of other systems, the trait system ability cannot be practiced after tomorrow, so the trait system ability is usually attached to the operation system or has the manifestation system ability to appear, and it takes shape naturally.”

“So, do I need to present a system panel as a carrier first?”

“Although I haven’t practiced the Manifestation Department yet, it shouldn’t be troublesome to just manifest a simple system panel as a carrier!”

Lorraine thought to herself, calling out her system panel.

Since it is a system panel, it is natural to have a real system panel as a comparison.

Looking at the system panel in front of him that only he could see, Lorraine’s thoughts surged and he began to imagine that there was another system panel in front of him.

Perhaps Lorraine is mentally powerful, or maybe it is really easy to present a panel without a physical body.

In less than ten minutes, a blank panel condensed by Nian Qi appeared in front of Lorraine.

And the moment this blank system panel appeared, a very mysterious feeling surged into Lorraine’s heart.

The next moment.

Patterns and words appeared on the originally blank panel!

It was a sheet… Hexagonal system structure diagram of the ability to read.

However, unlike the traditional mental ability structure diagram, the top of the structure diagram on this panel is the trait mental ability.

Then there are the embodiment and operation systems on the left and right sides, the change system and the release system, and the strengthening system at the bottom.

And below the word of each series, there are also percentage figures.

They are 100% of the trait system, 80% of the embodiment and operation system, 60% of the change and release system, and finally 40% of the lower part of the enhancement system.

“This is… Formed? Lorraine looked at the panel in front of him a little confused.

It took a while for Lorraine to react.

“Natural molding, good natural molding.”

Lorraine was speechless, finally knowing what Bisiji had said to him before, just think of the rules, and then wait for the reason why the ability to read naturally took shape.

Lorraine could feel that he could now add rules and conditions to the panel in front of him.

The way to add rules and conditions is not special, just as vows and constraints only require swearing in the heart and swearing to obey them.

Adding rules and conditions to trait abilities only requires mentally deciding to add them.

“First of all, the increase and transfer of ability and qualifications…” Lorraine kept thinking in her heart.

Changes began to appear on the panel in front of him, with plus and minus signs appearing around the corresponding qualification percentage below each ability category.

“It’s easier than expected.” Lorraine watched the panel change and said secretly in her heart.

He only formulated the rules that the qualifications of the mental ability system could be increased and transferred, and before he set the conditions, it was already formed.

This means that his qualifications can be unconditionally increased and transferred without any preconditions.

“Try it first…”

Lorraine’s mind moved slightly, so he began to try to adjust the talent ratio on the panel.

The next moment, the 40% below the original reinforcement system became 10%, and the word 30% more in the middle of the hexagonal system diagram.

“Heh, the minimum can only be adjusted to ten percent, and there is no way to continue to adjust it down, is it because the person who thinks must have a system to strengthen the system?” Lorraine looked at the enhanced system that could no longer be lowered, and guessed in his heart.

Then he tried to tweak several other systems as well, and all of them were ten percent immobile.

The only exception is the ability of the trait department to read.

Lorraine did not treat him less.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t adjust, but Lorraine’s intuition told him that once the trait department’s mental ability was reduced, it would become 0%.

Then his current mind ability will simply disappear.

And he will also become a unique… The five major systems are 10%, and the characteristics are 0% waste.

“In this way, the talent value that allows me to move freely is only this 260%!” Rowraine looked at the 260% words in the middle of the hexagonal structure diagram.

“Enough too.” Lorraine secretly said in her heart: “Try to increase your talent again.” ”

Lorraine then tried again to increase his ability to read.


The center of the mental ability structure diagram becomes 260% to 170%, and the bottom of the reinforcement system changes from 10% to 100%.

“Sure enough, the upper limit is only one hundred percent.”

Lorraine was not surprised in her heart.

When the mental ability is formed, he can feel this upper limit.

“Now start adding rules that make qualifications break 100%!” Lorraine looked a little serious, and then began to add in his heart according to the rules he had discussed with Bisiji before.

And yet

After Lorraine has just finished adding the first condition.

Lorraine was stunned again.


Although no one told him directly, the sixth sense in his heart told Lorraine that he added the rule of making the qualification break through 100%… Came into effect.

And there is only one condition.

The maximum qualification limit cannot exceed the trait department.

That is to say, if Lorraine wants to adjust any kind of mental ability system by more than 100%, he must first adjust the trait system ability by more than 100%.

With such a simple condition, the rule for the qualification to break through 100% has been completed.

Originally, the conditions that he discussed with Bisiji tried to break through the upper limit of qualifications without affecting him too much, and they were completely useless.

“So… It is not a difficult thing to make the qualification break through 100%! Lorraine couldn’t help but think.

“Wait… Is my mind ability already complete? ”

Lorraine looked at the system panel that appeared in front of her, and a strange flash flashed on her face inexplicably.


What the hell had he and Bisiji been discussing before!

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