Chapter Eighty-Five: Sudden Change x Removal of Thoughts.

The image disappears.

But the laughter in the secret room of the ruins still echoed for a few seconds before stopping.

In the end, it is the original owner of the ruins, and the treatment is much better than that of people like East Flix who temporarily intervened. Of course.

In terms of technology, in fact, the operation rules that East Flex temporarily inserted into this relic looks more clever.

“Arrogant, it’s really too arrogant!”

Kim looked indignant at this time.

“It is said that the world here is boring, and there are gifts for those who come after… Who can see this little thing from you! Right! ”

Kim said, turning to look at Lorraine.

“You can’t see it? Then I’ll take them all. ”

Lorraine looked at Kim with a look of surprise and said. Kim was silent.

“No, I want to!”

Jin nodded directly and said. Lorraine rolled her eyes.

So, I want you to say a fart!

“Then divide it into three parts!”

Lorraine looked at a few stones on the table and reached out to divide them.

One of the largest stones, a small stone when a medium one, and then the remaining small stones. So three copies should look about the same.

“It’s okay to divide it this way!”

Lorraine looked at Kim and said.


Jin nodded 543: “You pick first!” Then Yinda’s share, I found an opportunity to send it to him. ”

Lorraine nodded: “Good! ”

Saying that, he reached out and touched the second part, a medium-sized stone and a small stone, large and small, comprehensive!

“Speaking of which, Jin, do you know what this stone is?”

Lorraine naturally guessed about this stone, but he didn’t dare to confirm it.

“I don’t know what you want so much?”

Jin pouted, “It should be an unmanned stone, I’m not sure, but I’ll know when I go out and soak in the water.” ”

“In other words, you know what an unmanned stone is!”

“I know this!”

Lorraine nodded and carefully looked at the stone in her hand.

It seems inconspicuous, not much different from ordinary stones, but who would have thought that this was a treasure from the Dark Continent. The uninhabited stone, corresponding to the breeding beast in the five tribulations, is a treasure from the dark continent.

It is said that a bead-sized stone sinks into the water and can release 20,000 kilowatts of electricity in a day, which is commonly known as 20,000 degrees of electricity. Of course, don’t think that 20,000 kWh is very little.

You know, even before Olraine crossed the earth, according to some agency statistics, the annual electricity consumption is 25 trillion kWh, which is about 68.5 billion kWh per day.

And a bead-sized unmanned stone can generate 20,000 degrees of electricity per day. That is to say, 3,425,000 unmanned stones generate electricity.

If the unmanned stone is a beaded size of 2 cm in diameter, it is a cube with a length and width of 2 cm.

That cubic meter of uninhabited stones is 125,000, which means that 27.4 cubic meters of uninhabited stones is enough to supply the earth’s electricity consumption.

And unmanned stone is an ore on the dark continent, which can be called ore, and it can be imagined that there are definitely a lot of them. To some extent, where the hidden treasure is called, it is not an exaggeration to call it endless energy.

“If this is really a no-man’s stone, then the owner of this relic is really generous.”

Lorraine sighed with emotion. The unmanned stone in his hand is as big as an adult’s fist, and the small one is the size of a baby’s fist. If you put water to generate electricity, hundreds of thousands of degrees of electricity a day!

Even if it is just to open a power station, selling Shen will have a lot of money a day.

“It’s not so much generosity as the fact that this stone has little value to him.”

Jin said casually.

“It’s not worth anything?”

Lorraine was stunned, but he quickly reacted.

“You mean that no one stone was needed in that era!”

“That’s right.”

Jin nodded and said, “It is not yet possible to confirm the age of this ruin, but my ancestor Dongfulix was at least 300 years ago, and his message may have been left 400 years ago.” ”

“Electricity, as the world’s main energy source, is a matter of a hundred years, and this thing really has little value to them, no wonder it is a small gift.”

Lorraine said abruptly.

“It is a small gift to them, but it is of great value to us, and a small piece sold to a professional institution can sell for at least a few billion rings.”

Kim threw the unmanned stone in his hand.

It seems that he chose the pile of scattered stones, but speaking of the pile of scattered unmanned stones, it is indeed the most out of the three.

“Boy, the good show is over, the treasures are also in hand, you should leave, right?”

Kim turned to look at Lorraine.

“It’s time to leave, but before that…”

Lorraine looked at Kim with a smile.

“Jin, what conditions do you say this secret realm can be exchanged for!”

Kim: “…..”

“Boy, you didn’t mention the conditions before, so you’re waiting for me here, right?”

Jin’s eyes widened suddenly. Lorraine nodded very crisply.

When he saw the mural of the gate of the dark continent, Lorraine guessed that the value of this relic would definitely not be low. That’s why he was satisfied with the payment of one of the conditions that Yinda and Jin negotiated.

“Abominable! You kid must have recognized the gate of the Dark Continent. ”

Kim reacted as well.

“Treacherous boy, that guy from Yinda didn’t recognize it.”

Lorraine smiled and did not speak.

“Okay, I’ll admit it, say your terms.”

Kim looks like hob meat.

As if to say, if you kid dares to mention excessive conditions, I dare to settle the account.

“The conditions… I remember knowing a kid named Xiaojie who had been looking for his father and brought a good friend of his! ”

Lorraine said with a thoughtful look on his chin.

Jin’s eyes widened suddenly.

“You boy, don’t you?”

“Don’t worry, Xiaojie and I are just ordinary friends, turn back and tell you the news at most, let me exchange conditions for you to see my son, I’m not stupid!”

“And that brainless kid, I’m afraid he doesn’t want to see you in this way.” Lorraine shook her head and said. ”

Kim: “…..”

Can he say that he was actually willing to agree to the conditions of seeing his son just now?

“Okay, no kidding, I want to ask you for a favor, please investigate some movements within the Hunter Association.”

Lorraine said seriously.

“Investigate the Hunters Association?”

Jin’s brows suddenly furrowed.

“You kid should also be a professional hunter, what does the Investigation Hunter Association do?”

“Mainly a little bad hunch, I feel that someone in the Hunter Association wants to target me.”

Lorraine did not tell the truth, but made an excuse.


Kim could certainly see that Lorraine wasn’t telling the truth.

But at this time, he lied, apparently not wanting to tell him the real reason. He didn’t ask, just…

“The investigation is okay, but since you kid doesn’t tell the truth, then I can’t guarantee the details of the investigation.”

Jin said bluntly.


Lorraine nodded.

“I just need to know who’s targeting me? It’s okay to target as hard as you want, but”

Lorraine said with unprecedented seriousness.

“No matter what kind of intelligence you investigate, these two points are the minimum requirements!”


“How do I feel, your affairs are super troublesome, and I will lose a lot on this condition!”

Kim rubbed his chin and said.

“Then you promise?”

Lorraine asked directly.

Seeing Lorraine’s attitude, Jin grinned and said directly: “I agreed.” ”

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