Chapter 96: Powerful Abilities and Defects x Xiaojie’s Call.


“It’s done!”

Even Lorraine looked a little in a trance at this time, plus billions of lost disbelief.

But Lorraine looked at the near-static world around her, and her body that didn’t feel overwhelmed when she moved. There is no doubt that his ability was successfully developed, just…

This ability is not as perfect as he imagined.

First of all, this ability is not the ability he first imagined to strengthen his physical fitness in an all-round way, causing his strength speed to directly skyrocket dozens of times.

That kind of thing seems to be far from the field that can be touched by strengthening the ability to mind.

And the principle of his ability is probably because after upgrading his mental power has greatly increased, he has perceived the complete structure of his body at a more subtle level.

Found the source of his power to be able to operate in that ultra-high-speed field.

Then strengthen it with the strengthening system of mental qi, so that he can withstand the speed beyond the limit, and also use the mental qi to replace the energy consumption of the body.

And this also led to…

Lorraine felt the rapidly consuming thought qi in her body and calculated it a little.

“Forty times the consumption of normal.”

Lorraine thought thoughtfully.

“Is it because I jokingly called the compression time forty times longer, so the consumption has also increased forty times?”

Lorraine couldn’t help but feel amused.

The ability to feel compression is actually a combination of strong mental power and human reaction, which can raise the human body’s reaction force to the limit and there is no so-called multiple.

However, if you have to say it, his current reaction ability is indeed four times higher than at the beginning. After all, because of the upgrade, its vitality has increased from one to four.


“It should be my subconscious that I have matched this ability and the number of vitality and spiritual power!”

Lorraine guessed in her heart.

The vitality and mental power are 4 points, so the physical feeling time compressed to the limit state requires a corresponding forty times the consumption. And this 40 times more consumption is still under the premise of not fighting.

For those who are able to think, after entering the combat state, because they want to use various mental qi application techniques, the consumption rate of mental qi is usually six to ten times that of normal.

Under normal circumstances, Lorraine’s ability to control mental qi is extremely strong, and he can reduce this number to about three times under normal circumstances.

“The “hair” of overload intensity has caused my ability to control Nian Qi to drop a lot! ”

Lorraine frowned.

Even when he first opened the essence hole, the ability to control Nian Qi was not so bad.

In this state, if he enters the combat state, the consumption speed of Nian Qi will probably directly reach ten times the consumption speed. Other words…

“The consumption of fighting in this state is 400 times greater than the norm?”

Lorraine mentally calculated.

And because this ability belongs to the enhancement system and needs to act directly on the body, Lorraine cannot borrow the stored mental energy use ability.

“With a consumption of 400 qi per second, my amount of mental energy is 130,000, which means that I can only use it for about three hundred seconds!”

Lorraine frowned, but didn’t care too much about time and consumption.

Compared to the huge increase in strength, this problem of mental energy consumption is not worth mentioning at all.

Even if it weren’t for the fact that Lorraine herself was a bug-like existence, it would not have been possible to develop this ability. Now the real problem is…

“The air resistance is too great!”

“Why is it that at this time, the rules of physics have emerged!”

Lorraine thought of the air resistance she felt when she was active just now, and couldn’t help but complain.

Obviously, people feel that the speed of the body has been able to keep up with the speed of mental operation, but it is difficult to really increase the speed completely because of the air resistance.

The sonic barrier is binding Lorraine.

Among them, the pressure brought by the breakthrough factor to the body is good to say, Lorraine can easily withstand it. But the consumption problem…

Lorraine really couldn’t hold it.

If Lorraine forcibly broke through the speed of sound as a whole, the consumption of mental qi would be terrifying to the point that he was far from being able to bear it. However, breaking through the speed of sound in terms of shot speed is much simpler than moving the whole person at the speed of sound.


Even Lorraine is currently shooting at full strength, and the consumption of double or even triple the speed of sound is not large.

“To some extent, I still know what Siji said, in the state of somatosensory compression, the benefits and efforts of the rapid movement of the whole person are completely disproportionate.”

Lorraine thought about the discussions she had had with Bisigi. But…

“If I develop an ability that ignores air resistance, maybe I can reverse that.”

Rowraine propped her chin in thought.

He also happens to have a vacant position for the ability of the change department, which seems to be the right way. In that case, his combat system can be regarded as completely formed. Lorraine’s mind couldn’t help but diverge again.


At this moment, a ringing of the telephone interrupted Lorraine’s train of thought.

“Jingle bells–”

Lorraine frowned and pulled out her phone.


Lorraine looked at the caller number with a slight surprise in her heart.

This is the first time Xiaojie contacted him after changing his contact information.

But Leoli, because of health problems, he and the only medical student he knew had a lot of phone calls. After a slight pause, Lorraine chose to connect the phone.


As soon as Lorraine spoke, an urgent voice came out on the other end of the phone.

“Lorraine, have you seen Kim?”

Lorraine raised an eyebrow.

It turned out that he was contacted because of Jin’s affairs, but how did Xiaojie know that he had seen Jin.

“Yes, I did meet Kim, but what did he mean he didn’t let me tell you about him?” I think you should understand. ”

Lorraine said directly.

Of course, Kim didn’t say that. Xiaojie’s side was silent.

Then there was a little excitement in the suppression.

“If you are a hunter, come and get me yourself! Kim he must have meant this. ”

Lorraine blinked.

You say yes!

“How did you know I knew Kim?”

Lorraine asked rhetorically.

Xiaojie said, “It’s on the official website of the Hunter Association.” ”

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