Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 176 The Eerie Pond! (Don't watch at night)

They walked in the land of the gods, and this withered land gave people an indescribably gloomy feeling.

And Gu Lengyu was walking beside the red-eyed ape, looking around in fear, isn't this place called God's Land?

Why does it give people such a strong sense of gloom?

It feels as if all the vitality has been emptied, which is really a bit too frightening. Walking on it has a gloomy feeling, and I can't help trembling and frightened.


A gust of wind blew slowly, it was indeed gentle, but a layer of mist rolled up, the mist curled up, the smoke and dust were vast, everything in front of me became blurred, and it made people tremble all over.

They felt more and more weird as they walked.

Su Ye frowned slightly.

"There seems to be something ahead?"

However, at this moment.


Ersha suddenly yelled, startling Gu Lengyu, Gu Lengyu looked at Ersha with an unfriendly expression, what's wrong with this silly dog?

However, Su Ye discovered something was wrong.

"Huh? Did you feel something?"

And Ersha hurriedly raised his front paw, pulled Su Ye, and pointed to the front, as if there was really something in front of him!

"What's ahead?"

They continued walking forward.

And gradually, there seemed to be the sound of water waves coming from the front!

a lake?

Su Ye was surprised, and after dispelling the fog ahead, there was indeed a huge lake ahead!

The blue waves are rippling, like a huge mirror, but the lake is green as a whole, covered with dense aquatic plants and winding vines, giving people a gloomy feeling.

"This lake seems to have a problem..."

"Nonsense, anyone with eyes can see it."

Su Ye glanced at Gu Lengyu angrily.

Gu Lengyu was stunned for a moment, but found that what he said seemed to make sense.

But the strange thing is that although the pond is covered with aquatic plants, there is no unpleasant smell. On the contrary, there is a strong fragrance spreading around. The lake water seems to be transpiring, and the mist keeps rising!

It can be seen.

Everything in the surrounding fog is caused by the pool in front of me.

Su Ye frowned slightly, and glanced at Ersha who seemed eager to try.

make a prompt decision.

"Go to the lake!"

"Huh? Go down?"

Gu Lengyu looked at the gloomy green pool full of water and plants, and suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Su Ye felt that there seemed to be an indescribable fluctuation under the pool, slightly rippling and rippling, attracting him, and he and Ersha both felt it.

And he didn't feel any threat in it.

So he decided to go down and find out.



Su Ye jumped into the water directly, and the second fool on the side couldn't wait, and plunged in directly. At this moment, only Gu Lengyu and the red-eyed ape were left on the shore.

"Really... do you want to go down?"

Gu Lengyu swallowed his saliva, and the red-eyed ape directly flipped Gu Lengyu over. Gu Lengyu fell into the pool, took a big gulp of water, and his stomach twitched immediately.

"This water smells so good! But it tastes so disgusting! It smells of rot! Vomit!\

,"Gu Lengyu couldn't help but want to vomit, but a huge shadow appeared above his head.


The red-eyed ape jumped down like a hill! It's like thunder on the ground!

Gu Lengyu didn't care about the nausea this time, he just plunged into the water and swam frantically down!


As soon as Su Ye entered the huge pool, he realized something was wrong.

With their level of existence, even if they can't breathe underwater, it's no problem. Hanging with a breath of spiritual energy, they can stay like this for ten days and a half months.

The water in this pool has a foul smell!

It smells like rot!

And the water in this pool is extremely deep, surrounded by aquatic plants and vines, which dye the surrounding area in a dark green, giving people an unspeakable sense of depression. The deeper it goes, the dimmer the light becomes, as if swallowed by some magical power.

And at this time, Gu Lengyu and the red-eyed ape also rushed to the back. With the huge body of the red-eyed ape, they can move freely in the pool, so the bottom is really very wide.

Gu Lengyu looked left and right, and always felt a gloomy feeling, as if there was a pair of eyes watching him around him.

Suddenly, he frowned, as if he saw something on the surrounding wall surrounded by aquatic plants.

what is that?

Gu Lengyu was curious.

He swam slightly over, stretched out his soaked and white hands, and fiddled with the aquatic plants on the bank wall towards the surroundings.


The water plants were pushed away, a pair of black eyes staring at him like black holes, a pale face with a vicious expression, the face was swollen with blisters, without a trace of blood!

Gu Lengyu's hair exploded all over his body, and his heart twitched violently!

Thrilling madness back!

However, his movement was good, his hand inadvertently touched the pale face again, and he scratched the face, bringing up layers of blister fibers, which floated away like sawdust!

Su Ye noticed it and swam over in a hurry!

It was a woman's face, hanging, no, it should be tied to the wall by vines, the eyeballs had been soaked, leaving only the empty eye sockets, the face was hideous, full of hatred, the mouth opened like Like a hungry ghost.

And this face has been scratched by Gu Lengyu who was startled just now, like a torn rag, extremely horrifying.

At this time, Er Sha and Chi-eyed Ape were also found nearby.

They vigorously pulled down all the surrounding vines and aquatic plants, and the entire lake became cloudy in an instant, with countless bubbles rising.

And when they saw that there were no aquatic plants blocking their vision, the scene on the bank wall really made them gasp.

Surprisingly, all the corpses were tied up with wire and water plants on the surrounding walls, all of which were women's faces, all soaked white, and some of them could still see their eyeballs, but all of them had hideous faces.

It was as if countless dead bodies were staring at them all around.

Let them feel cold all over.

"Oh my god, I don't want to play anymore, I want to go home."

Gu Lengyu shivered coldly, his heart was trembling.

What surprised Su Ye the most was not that there were corpses at the bottom of the lake.

But these corpses.

The woman's face was lowered, and it was actually connected to the animal's body!

It is yellowish and full of lines, but it has been soaked and turned white, and there are still a little bit of black, which swells up.

human face.

Leopard body!

What the hell is in this pool?

Originally, Su Ye thought that there should be no threat in this pond, but now he felt that there were dangers everywhere.

However, the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up.

"In this way, it's interesting. Human face and beast body, weird pool, I suddenly became interested in the things deep in the pool."

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