Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 264: Jin Yi joins the team!

Su Ye felt a little regretful in his heart. He didn't know why he suddenly became so pessimistic just now, but if he had seized the ten minutes just now, it would not be impossible for him to leave this place.

But now?

Looking at his old body, Su Ye knew in his heart that he probably only had a minute or so left.


Su Ye roared unwillingly.

However, now he really has more than enough energy.

Excessive consumption of vitality has made Su Ye the last of his strength.

At this moment, every step he takes will consume a lot of his vitality. He feels that he has entered the dying stage of ordinary human beings at this moment.

Even speaking, the scream just now made him feel his throat itching, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Su Ye was unwilling.

Just at this time, there was a river beside him, and the crystal clear water flowed continuously in front of him.

"Damn, even if Benlong dies, it doesn't look like he died of thirst."

Su Ye immediately lowered his head, towards the direction of the river, wanting to go to the river.

In terms of the length of his current dragon body, as long as he stretches his neck, he can reach the water surface.

But as a result, the moment Su Ye's head came to the surface of the river, there was a "buzz" in Su Ye's mind, and then his last vitality quickly disappeared.

Su Ye knew in his heart that his time had come.

With a "plop", without the support of his strength, his huge faucet directly smashed into the river.

"Fuck! I finally didn't die of thirst, but my mother was drowned." In the instant of water, Su Ye couldn't help but curse secretly in his last consciousness.

Su Ye felt sad for herself.

As a dragon, soaring in the sky and the sea are all innate abilities.

But what about his dragon?

It turned out to be drowned.

It is estimated that even after death, he would have no face to see the elders of the dragon clan.

Various helpless thoughts kept appearing in Su Ye's mind.

Just thinking about it, Su Ye was suddenly taken aback.

"I'm going? I... Why haven't I died yet?"

Su Ye knew his situation best just now, the last sliver of life had been drained, and his consciousness was about to fall into a blurred state.

But what happened?

He has already stepped one foot into the gate of hell, but he still hasn't died yet?

His consciousness is still very active?

"This... Could this be the world after death? Although the physical body has decayed, the consciousness has been 'lived' alone, but it has always existed in his physical body and cannot leave?" Su Ye began to think wildly.

It's just that this idea was quickly rejected by Su Ye.

"No, I... I'm not dead yet?"

Just now Su Ye moved the dragon body subconsciously, but he found unexpectedly that although his dragon body was a little stiff now, it could indeed move.

However, Su Ye couldn't figure out what happened to him now.

It's just that Su Ye's consciousness is too weak now, and just now he thought about so many things all at once, and he couldn't hold on all of a sudden.

Su Ye soon fell into a coma.


I don't know how much time has passed.

The only thing Su Ye knew was that he was not dead yet.

Even from time to time, he would wake up from the coma.

Of course, after all the previous consumption, Su Ye's physical body and consciousness became extremely weak. Therefore, Su Ye only woke up for a minute or two at most before falling into a coma.

When he woke up, Su Ye really wanted to call the system, and wanted to find out what was going on with his body from the system.

However, Su Ye just called out, and the system did respond.

[Ding, the host is weak in heart, and the system enters a dormant state to reduce the consumption of the host. I hope the host can survive this catastrophe. 】

After that, the system really went dormant. No matter how Su Ye shouted in his mind, the system just didn't give any response.

This made Su Ye smile wryly in his heart. He never thought that the last blessing he received would be this, and it was sent from his own system.

But at this moment, Su Ye's heart was full of hope.

As long as he didn't die at the very beginning, he believed that this place would definitely not be able to take him away.

The only thing to consider is when you can get rid of this weak state.

Of course, what made Su Ye feel lucky was that although he was constantly in a coma, Su Ye also discovered at this time that every time he woke up, his consciousness would become stronger.

Su Ye believed that as long as he gave himself enough time, when his consciousness recovered to a certain level, he would definitely be able to get rid of this damn situation.

after all……

Thinking of this thought, Su Ye rolled his eyes and passed out again.


a month later.

One month after Su Ye made trouble with Ji's house, a scream came out in a canyon.


The one who screamed was the second idiot.

It's just that Ersha is very sad at this moment, and there is a golden-winged roc hanging on his bald dog's tail.

Specifically, it should be bitten by the golden-winged roc.



You silly bird, let go of your fucking mouth, otherwise, this dog will be rude to you.

This dog hurts to death. There is no hair on this dog's tail. If you continue to toss about it like this, it is estimated that the tail will almost lose its shape.

Ersha kept crying out in pain.

But what made Ersha feel helpless was that this golden-winged roc just refused to let go.

What made Ersha even more angry was that Gu Lengyu and the Mowen Yuan were standing aside, but they looked at themselves being bullied by the golden-winged roc without coming to help.


Not interesting enough!

Ersha kept yelling at the magic pattern ape and Gu Lengyu.

Gu Lengyu grinned, shrugged, and said, "Second idiot, don't bark at me, I don't understand dog language, and I don't know what you want to say to me."

"Me too." The magic pattern ape also said with a smile.

Just when Ersha was about to collapse, the golden-winged roc finally let go of his tail completely.

Ersha let out a scream of "Oh", and threw a dog to eat mud on the ground.

"You have the breath of the master."

Ersha just stood up, before he had time to express his opinion, the golden-winged roc directly said such a sentence.

The magic pattern ape and Gu Lengyu looked surprised. To be honest, they were both curious and puzzled about this golden-winged roc that suddenly appeared.

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