Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 305: The Meat Grinder of the Golden Winged Roc Clan!

Su Ye frowned slightly. Sure enough, there is still no free lunch in this world.

"Since this ancient battlefield has existed for a long time, is there any horror beyond the level of the three major disasters?" Su Ye couldn't help asking curiously.

"I also said before that there are many ancient battlefields, and the ancient battlefields we opened this time are mainly at the level of the three major disasters. There are indeed strong people who surpass the level of the third disaster, but after all, they are only a small number. As long as you don’t take it too far, you probably won’t encounter it.”

Afterwards, the Flame Sparrow told Su Ye a little bit about the situation in the ancient battlefield, at least giving Su Ye a general understanding.

"The Demon Ape King asked me to come here. Is there any information about the Empress in this ancient battlefield?" Su Ye murmured to himself.

And it was also at this time that waves of extremely tyrannical aura surged out.

Immediately after Su Ye and the others saw four figures approaching them quickly, three of them were the Patriarch of the Golden Crow, King Peng, and Ji Daohai. These three were almost old acquaintances of Su Ye.

So Su Ye naturally didn't set his eyes on them at this time, but turned to look at another woman in a black gown.

There is always a black mist on this woman's body, making it impossible for people to see her appearance clearly.

It's strange to say, but whenever they see this woman, everyone will have a "stunning" feeling in their hearts, as if the person in front of them is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

"Huh?" Su Ye murmured in his heart, the moment he came into contact with this woman just now, Su Ye felt as if a sharp gaze was cast down from the mist.

The moment this invisible gaze fell on him, Su Ye felt as if his body was about to explode.

"She... did she recognize me?" Su Ye muttered in disbelief.

You must know that he didn't feel any fluctuations in mental power just now, but the city lord recognized him in the end?

Even if Ji Daohai and the others want to find themselves, they must perceive through spiritual power.

"Maybe she left some mark on my body before, so that she could find me in the first time." Su Ye murmured inwardly.

Accompanied by the appearance of the city lord and the three patriarchs, a large area of ​​dense vitality suddenly surged around. Affected by this vitality, the ground below them loosened for a while. Su Ye was surprised to see that at this moment, tender shoots grew out one by one. , In less than a moment, these buds grew into thick vines.

It seems that there is a strange force controlling these vines, and the large vines are twisted together, forming long tables and long chairs made entirely of vines.

Afterwards, everyone also saw that there were countless flowers blooming around them at this time, forming a sea of ​​flowers.

After seeing this scene, Su Ye finally understood the origin of the so-called "Back Garden".

Immediately afterwards, many strange beasts who looked like attendants came with all kinds of delicious dishes. For a while, the smell of wine and vegetables wafted out of the nostrils. Just smelling this smell made people feel a burst of appetite.

"Everyone, take your seats, our Linglong Banquet has officially begun."

The voice of the city lord came out coldly, and everyone took their seats immediately. At this time, a group of human dancers came out and began to show graceful dance postures. At the same time, bursts of graceful music sounded from all around. It's like a fairyland.

"Everyone is the leader of our godland. Once you enter the godland this time, I once again congratulate you all for obtaining the inheritance you want." While speaking, the city lord couldn't help but raised his wine glass and compared it to everyone. Compare.

Immediately, all the invited people picked up their wine glasses and toasted together.

The Linglong Banquet has just begun.

In fact, for Su Ye, apart from the news about Qinglong, this Linglong banquet was just an ordinary banquet, but it was different for most of the beasts and humans.

This is a place for them to make friends with each other, and they are constantly in a group, hoping to have a better performance in the ancient battlefield.

"I heard that this time the golden dragon is here too? Now that they are all here, why do you need to hide? You are a man, so come out." At this moment, a loud shout came out.

This voice came from the Golden Winged Roc clan.

These are the three golden-winged rocs with the same strength standing next to the third young master Gu. These three golden-winged rocs have a terrifying aura blooming here. An unbearable sense of oppression.

"Is it them? According to legend, the meat grinder of the Golden-winged Roc clan?"

"I've also heard about them. It is said that in the last era, the three of them united and almost wiped out a big clan in the ancient starry sky. The main reason was that someone in that big clan contradicted them."

"I really didn't expect that they also came out of Shenyuan. It seems that there is a lot of excitement to watch. Based on what Jinlong has done during this period, it is estimated that once Jinlong meets them, he will never die. situation."

There were bursts of exclamations from all around, and Su Ye also knew the identities of these three from the words of the people at this time.

After hearing these three words, many strange beasts also looked around curiously, wanting to see if the so-called golden dragon had come.

What makes them a little regretful is that they originally wanted to watch a shocking battle, but they didn't expect that the golden dragon didn't appear at all at this moment.

At this time, Su Ye rolled his eyes speechlessly. In his opinion, is it possible that the Golden Winged Rocs are all brainless?

Who am I?

The only dragon in the Evolution Era.

His identity and bloodline are very noble. Could it be that I came out after you bastards said it?

Then how shameless I am, and you don't have the qualifications to let me do this kind of thing.

As soon as this idea came to mind, Su Ye suddenly felt a gaze fall on him not far away.

It was the city lord who looked over, but the city lord's gaze was only fleeting, but in the short moment just now, Su Ye could clearly feel that there was a kind of forgiveness in the city lord's gaze. Feeling interested.

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