However, after seeing clearly the existence that appeared behind him, Su Ye almost made his eyes pop out with fear. For a moment, Su Ye wondered if he was hallucinating.

What appeared behind him at this moment was an extremely huge spaceship. It looked like an alien spacecraft in a science fiction movie from the outside world. Of course, compared with what was on TV, the technology of this spaceship was It's full of feeling, which is completely different from what can be shown in movies and TV shows.

"I...I have traveled through time into a science fiction TV show?" For a moment, such an idea came to Su Ye's mind.

He immediately turned on his system and wanted to take a good look at the spacecraft.

[Item: Class C spaceship, it is a patrol spacecraft with weak combat performance. The combat weapons equipped in it can hurt at most the strongest people at the peak level of the Little Three Disasters. 】

The system quickly gave the answer.

But the moment he heard the system's words, Su Ye was stunned again.

For Su Ye, it is indeed not a very powerful weapon to be able to damage the peak level of Xiao San Disaster, but for the entire god and land, this is very terrifying, and this is only [Level C] Yes, what about the above? There must also be combat-type spaceships, wouldn't their lethality be even more powerful?

What surprised Su Ye even more was where this kind of technologically advanced spaceship came from. Originally, Su Ye always thought that the so-called ancient times should be some cultivation civilizations, but now it seems that he is interested in it. Ancient civilizations had some misunderstandings.

If this spaceship really came from ancient times, then the technology of that era would have been countless times more prosperous than this era.

Su Ye had heard that there had been several batches of human beings in the big world, and that there had been an era of highly developed technology. If combined with this spaceship, I am afraid that such rumors are not necessarily false. .

And it was at this time that several figures suddenly flew down from the spacecraft. They were wearing a piece of armor with a very strong metallic texture, and they were holding a handle in their hands. They didn't know what material it was made of. The broadsword is still emitting bursts of thunder and lightning.

But in Su Ye's eyes, these didn't pose any threat.

With his current strength, if they all exploded, he would be able to kill even the strongest people at the peak of the Three Disasters, let alone these people.

Su Ye didn't move. Now he needed to find out some of the situation in this place from these people's mouths.

These people came over immediately. After seeing Su Ye standing there obediently and not moving, they grabbed Su Ye and at the same time, something similar to handcuffs was directly placed on his hand.

The moment this thing was buckled, Su Ye felt a strange force pouring directly into his body. This force was also like a shackle, directly stuck in his body, sealing all his spiritual energy.

Although this power is still very powerful, Su Ye also feels that if he really wants to take action, he can still easily destroy this power. If he wants to suppress his power, he can only rely on such a pair of handcuffs. It's obviously impossible.

Su Ye was not in a hurry to destroy this power immediately.

"Strange, the data shows that his spiritual energy has been successfully blocked, but why can't he still sense his strength level?" A confused voice came from the mouth of the man in full armor in front of Su Ye.

"Captain, is there any secret treasure on his body that can hide his aura?" At this time, a man next to the captain couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

"The detector shows that this kid is very poor and does not have any valuable magic weapons on him. However, it is better to be cautious. Go and check his body now to see if there is anything else on him."

The conversation between these two people made Su Ye feel funny.

Although his aura has been sealed, his [Changes] are not so easily accessible.

He didn't expect that in the eyes of these people, he was just a "poor person."

Su Ye thought playfully in his heart: It seems that I am really poor. Should I rob the rich and give to the poor?

After thinking about this, Su Ye couldn't help but curiously looked at the spaceship in front of him, making up his mind whether to hijack the spaceship together.

"What are you looking at? Be honest so that you don't suffer any physical pain."

Seeing Su Ye looking around at this time, the man who had spoken to the captain before snorted coldly, and immediately started searching Su Ye for fear of being slapped. He didn't know if this guy did it on purpose or if he had some evil intentions. My hobby, anyway, during the body search, those few slaps are very hard.

If this were an ordinary person, he would probably be beaten to the point of screaming in agony at this time.

As a "Best Actor" level existence, Su Ye naturally wanted to show off his [Su's Acting Technique] at this time. After feeling these few slaps, Su Ye's brows suddenly frowned, and his brows knitted into a frown. The bump looked like it was in great pain, but it didn't make any sound because it had the backbone.

"Hmph, that brat is quite tolerable." Seeing Su Ye's current appearance, the man immediately let out a disdainful laugh and turned to look at the captain, "Captain, this boy is indeed a poor man. Nothing useful."

After hearing this, the captain made a suspicious sound, "Forget it, take him to the ship first and let the captain interrogate him properly."

While they were talking, several people escorted Su Ye onto the ship.

As soon as he entered the ship, Su Ye saw a lot of metal structures, which were also full of technology. Walking inside the ship, Su Ye felt as if he had time-traveled into a science fiction movie. As the mechanical and electronic doors opened automatically, Su Ye and the others continued to penetrate deeper into the spacecraft.

Su Ye also noticed at this time that the interior of the ship seemed to be extending in all directions, with many walkways inside, and there were some guards wearing metal armor walking around in the walkways from time to time.

To be honest, the more this happened, the more unreal science fiction felt in Su Ye's heart.

After a while, Su Ye was sent into a room similar to an interrogation room. There was only one chair in the room. After Su Ye sat on it, his waist, hands, feet and neck were tied up.

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