"Hey, old man Xiao, you must not be so angry. You know it yourself. You are an old man now. What if your body is damaged by this anger and you die in the battleship? Then I... …Then I will be very happy, hahaha!”

At the end of his words, the ancestor of the Ling family burst into uncontrollable laughter.

The ancestor of the Xiao family had been very angry this season, and now that he heard this again, he was so angry that his body trembled violently. To be honest, looking at him like this, the head of the Xiao family was a little worried that his ancestor would You won't really faint from anger.

"Don't tremble. What can you do if you tremble again? Let me tell you, old man Xiao, you are too old-sighted to have handed over the fate of the entire family to such a fake. Hahaha, it's very interesting."

"Old man Xiao, do you still remember the way you kept calling him 'Mr. Cai' in front of this kid just now? Tsk tsk, you really look like a bitch."

"I said that the Xiao family is also a big family here. How come their vision of others is so poor?"

The ancestor of the Ling family seemed to be adding insult to injury.

Fortunately, Su Ye didn't hear what this guy said at this time. Otherwise, Su Ye would probably despise him deeply in his heart.

How dare you talk about the ancestor of the Xiao family?

Doesn’t he himself have such a virtue?

When he heard this, even the head of the Xiao family trembled with anger, let alone the ancestor of the Xiao family who was already in a bad state at the moment.


Finally, the ancestor of the Xiao family could no longer stand the squeeze from the ancestor of the Ling family. Under everyone's shocked gaze, the ancestor of the Xiao family spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Tsk, tsk, look at you, I'll tell you that you are already old, why are you so angry?" The ancestor of the Ling family suddenly showed a look of concern at this time, "Hey, what if your Xiao family If there is no good doctor, just come to my Ling family. Considering that we have been rivals for so many years, I have to cure you well. Otherwise, if you die, who am I going to bully? ah."

The ancestor of the Ling family is so happy now. The frustration he suffered from the ancestor of the Xiao family and the depression caused by being betrayed by someone he valued very much are completely gone now.

Ling Tianyun and others looked at their ancestor with some surprise. To be honest, this was the first time they had seen the ancestor of the Ling family behave like this.

That way, he looks like a kid who took advantage.

"You...you...very good, very good, old man Ling, I will remember you, but...if you want to destroy my Xiao family, you have to ask my Xiao family's warships if they agree, kill! Kill me !" The ancestor of the Xiao family went completely crazy.

Now either advance or retreat means death, he is ready to give it a try!

At this time, Su Ye had already brought Cai Shuang back to his spaceship.

"You go and fight on your own. I still have something to ask Cai Shuang." After Su Ye returned to the spaceship, he immediately sent a message to the ancestor of the Ling family.

Now the ancestor of the Ling family is almost obedient to Su Ye, especially after he has completely confirmed that Su Ye is a true disciple of the Void Palace, he is firmly convinced of this.

"Fifth sister, block all communication systems in this room, and do not allow the detection of any external signals, including you, and you are not allowed to detect my conversation with Cai Shuang." Su Ye found a room and left with Cai Shuang. Go in.

After all, what he wanted to ask Cai Shuang this time was important, and Su Ye didn't want his conversation to be spied on.

The fifth sister naturally obeyed Su Ye's words and immediately turned around and left.

"Tell me, what is this void ruin you call? Where is this void ruin?" Su Ye looked at Cai Shuang with cold eyes, and the aura on his body spread directly.

Suppressed by Su Ye's aura, Cai Shuang's body was trembling violently.

"You don't have to think about deceiving me. I will set up a restriction in your soul sea and take you to your so-called void ruins. If you lie to me, you will not die in an ugly way. "

This is not to say that Su Ye is unwilling to directly use spiritual power to explore this guy's memory. After all, Su Ye has no sympathy for this person. Directly using spiritual power to explore this guy's memory will make the memory he obtains more comprehensive.

But Su Ye had tried it before, but what surprised him was that there was already a restriction in Cai Shuang's soul sea. If he forcibly peeked into his memory, the restriction would be directly trigger.

Cai Shuang will undoubtedly die by then, but it is impossible to get the information he wants.

With no choice, Su Ye could only compromise temporarily.

Originally, Cai Shuang was planning to bargain with Su Ye, at least to give herself more chances to survive.

But after hearing Su Ye's words, how dare he continue to act recklessly.

"It was in the Sea of ​​Nothingness. I... I was chased by someone before, so I escaped all the way into the Sea of ​​Nothingness. I don't know what happened. It seemed that some kind of restriction was set, and I was swallowed by a huge black hole. I came to In a small world."

"That small world is what I call the ruins of the void."

Cai Shuang spoke quickly, telling everything she knew about the situation.

"In the Sea of ​​Nothingness?" Su Ye's brows suddenly knitted into knots.

Su Ye also learned about the so-called "Sea of ​​Nothingness" from the previous captain.

According to the legend, the Sea of ​​Nothingness already existed when the ancient starry sky was still intact. However, later on, the Sea of ​​Nothingness was shattered along with the ancient starry sky and sealed in this place.

However, there are also rumors that the Sea of ​​Nothingness has not actually been broken. If you can reach the end of the Sea of ​​Nothingness, you should be able to travel to the big world.

It's just that although the void sea still exists in the ancient starry sky, if you go deeper into it, it seems that part of it exists in the endless void, and its length completely exceeds the edge of this broken ancient starry sky.

Moreover, this void sea is also full of various risks and powerful mutant beasts. According to rumors, even the strong men who are far more powerful than the Three Disasters dare not really go deep into it.

According to historical records, the only person who recently wanted to break into the Void Sea was the previous master of the Void Palace.

After becoming the master of the Void Palace, he no longer has his own name, only one codename: Void.

Thinking of this, Su Ye seemed to understand everything in an instant. His body trembled slightly and he looked at Cai Shuang in surprise.

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