However, as the sound appeared, the space fluctuations that restricted them disappeared strangely.

Although they didn't know what was going on now, Gu Lengyu and the others still ran quickly in the direction of the cabin, nervously wanting to see how Er Sha was doing now.

But as a result, at this juncture, a blood-red shadow suddenly flashed out from the small room.

"You...are you a fool?"

After seeing the true appearance of this "shadow", Gu Lengyu and the others were stunned.

They saw a sturdy Ao beast appearing vividly in front of them at this moment. The Ao beast raised its huge Ao and shook it a few times in front of the magic-patterned ape and others with a show of power.

I don't know what this "Ao beast" thought at this time, but he suddenly raised his huge Ao and smashed it in the direction of the magic pattern ape.

But what he never expected was that at this time, his Da Ao was directly grabbed by the magic pattern ape.

The magic-patterned ape immediately raised his fist and hit the "Ao beast" hard on the head.


With a scream, the "Ao beast" was directly smashed and flew out.

"Damn it, you dare to attack me, are you impatient?" The Demon Pattern Ape snorted coldly. As he spoke, he squeezed his palm and couldn't help but murmured, "But I should say Not to mention, when I hit him, I actually felt a familiar feeling, as if it was very pleasurable."

Fortunately, this "Ao beast" was knocked out by him now, otherwise, after hearing his words, this "Ao beast" would probably vomit blood in depression.

"You...why did you hit him?"

When the "Ao beast" was smashed away by the magic ape, the fox beast also walked out of the room. After seeing this scene, the fox beast was instantly confused.

I don't understand at all why the Demon Pattern Ape wants to "beat" this Ao beast at this time.

"Is he just a fool?" The Demon Pattern Ape had not yet responded, but Gu Lengyu suddenly exclaimed with joy at this time.

"Nonsense, of course I'm an idiot." At this time, the girly voice came in from outside again.

He saw Ao Beast's crab-like red body slowly walking in from the outside. Just when he heard Gu Lengyu's words, he replied with an extremely resentful voice.

But the moment they heard these words, the girly words made Gu Lengyu and the others feel goosebumps standing on end.

"This...isn't this amazing? Your transformation method can actually give Er Sha the ability to speak in advance?"

Gu Lengyu couldn't help but shout in surprise. When Er Sha was talking just now, the fox beast also smiled and nodded, obviously agreeing with his guess just now, but it was precisely this that made Gu Lengyu feel even more excited. Amazed.

You know, after this idiot has evolved several times, his body has been constantly changing, evolving from ugly to even uglier, but he is the only one who cannot have the ability to speak. He has always remained the same and has not changed.

Sometimes Gu Lengyu and the others even wonder if these two idiots can no longer speak.


At this moment, a burst of happy laughter suddenly came out.

At this time, the magic-patterned ape directly hugged his belly, and couldn't help but point at Ersi and laughed.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, you idiot, you would be such a girl after you had a voice. No wonder your voice has not appeared before. If it were me, I wouldn't want this kind of voice either. .”

He and this second fool have always been a pair of "little enemies". Now after seeing that the second fool has changed like this, the magic pattern ape will naturally laugh at the second fool.

Er Sha suddenly had a dark look on his face.

"Ahem, this is because of me, not because of his own evolution." The fox beast also coughed in embarrassment at this time.

The fox alien beast had already spoken. At this time, the magic pattern ape did not continue to laugh, but looked at the fox alien beast in confusion, "What do you mean? You really have such a great ability, you know He has been unable to speak after several evolutions, but you have the ability to make him speak?"

When Gu Lengyu and others saw this scene, their eyes were full of disbelief.

Although the powerful man from the Three Great Disasters is indeed very powerful, he is not so powerful as to be so ridiculous, right? If the peak of the Great Three Disasters could force Er Sha to speak, wouldn't it be enough to just ask the Demon Ape King at that time?

Couldn't these two idiots be able to speak long ago?

Hearing Gu Lengyu's words, the fox beast couldn't help but grinned, then pointed at a position on Er Sha's body and said, "How could I have such ability? The reason why he can speak now is because I put a translator on him.”

"This translator can translate the languages ​​​​of most races. It is just a dog. It is very simple to translate languages."

The fox beast smiled and shrugged, as if he was saying something simple.

Er Sha:......

Damn it!

Er Sha was quite unhappy.

What kind of nonsense is this?

What does it mean to be just a dog?

Are you looking down on our dogs?

But complaining is a complaint, and Idiot only dared to think about these words in his mind instead of actually saying them out.

After all, who makes this guy so powerful?

"It's just that my translator seems to have been broken by me before, and my voice has become girly. There is nothing I can do about it. You can be patient for a while. After all, if you can speak softly, this guy should It’s more capable of attracting hatred.”

The fox alien grinned dryly.

Gu Lengyu and others:...

Bad play?

Several people were speechless, what kind of nonsense is this.

"Okay, you guys go back and prepare your plan carefully. Don't let it slip by then." The fox beast smiled and waved his hand, and there seemed to be some expectation in his eyes.

After Gu Lengyu thanked the four of them, he turned around and left directly.

Looking at the backs of these four, the fox beast showed an expression that was half a smile but not a smile.

"These guys have helped me, but... it's a pity that I won't be able to see the dragon this time. Otherwise, I would really like to see if this guy told that person. Just as powerful.”

After the fox beast said this, a burst of light burst out from his body, and then he actually transformed into a young girl, but her ears were a pair of white fox ears.

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