Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 375 The use of space power!

The moment Sun Wan was about to dodge, the bottle that was originally in front of her suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it had already come to Sun Wan's side.


Sun Wan didn't pay attention for a moment and was hit hard on the head by the bottle.

"Asshole! You are looking for death!"

Sun Wan, or rather the void that was now possessed by Sun Wan, immediately let out an extremely angry scolding sound, and the surging murderous intent could clearly be felt in his voice.

Sun Wan immediately stomped the ground, and suddenly her whole body flew out like a stream of light.

After Su Ye saw this scene, instead of dodging, he punched with his right hand and hit him with it.

After the two started fighting, Ling seemed to be completely aloof from the incident, folding her arms in front of her chest, watching the scene in front of her as if watching a good show.

"Hey, kid, don't blame my sister for not reminding you. Be careful when boxing with her. Her power is very corrosive. It's best not to box with her."

When the two fists were about to hit each other, Ling's voice came out.

Su Ye:......

Damn it!

Su Ye was about to curse, what the hell is this?

Is the power of nothingness corrosive?

Did you tell me earlier that you would die?

I have to touch her before you say this?

Obviously it was too late to withdraw his fist at this time, and it was not Su Ye's character to be frightened because of the opponent's weirdness during the battle.


With a deafening sound, the two fists finally collided hard together.

It has to be said that Sun Wan's strength is still very strong. Su Ye's whole body was shaken several steps away by just fighting like this. Of course, Sun Di was not feeling well at this time, and he retreated several times. After six or seven steps, he finally hit the wall hard, and then managed to stabilize himself.

"Huh?" Su Ye frowned. At this time, he was shocked to see some gray mist appear on his fist. When the gray mist directly attached to his fist, Su Ye immediately started to run his Spiritual power, trying to dispel it.

But what Su Ye didn't expect was that at this time, the gray mist was directly integrated into his spiritual energy.


This was the first time Su Ye encountered such a weird power.

After integrating into his aura, the gray mist seemed to have completely disappeared. But for some reason, Su Ye felt a sense of worry when he first looked at the aura on his palm.

In the past, he would have just withdrawn the spiritual energy into his body.

But this time...

He always felt that these auras were a little different.

Su Ye snorted coldly, and immediately pushed his palm in the direction of Sun Wan, directly releasing the spiritual energy attached to his palm at the moment. This spiritual energy turned into a sharp arrow and pierced Sun Wan's face directly. direction.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wan suddenly grinned in a sneer, and saw her snap her fingers gently, and then the spiritual energy that was originally attacking in her direction actually stopped in the air. one time.

"What's going on?" Su Ye was a little surprised, because at that moment, the connection between him and the spiritual energy he released was forcibly cut off.

Regardless of any attack, there is actually some connection between the attacker and his own attack before the attack completely breaks out.

But now Su Ye felt as if his attack had been interrupted, and he could no longer have any contact with his spiritual energy.

Under normal circumstances, the spiritual energy released by Su Ye at this time should also disappear with it.

But the result...


Su Ye didn't frown slightly when he saw that the spiritual energy arrows he used gradually turned gray at this moment, almost exactly the same as the gray mist that had been integrated into the spiritual energy before.

At this time, Sun Wan slowly raised her palm and pointed in the direction of Su Ye, "Kill!" A cold and hollow snort came out.

What surprised Su Ye was that the spiritual energy arrow that was originally parked in the air changed its direction, and now it flew directly in his direction.

Su Ye quickly moved his hands in front of him, and the space trembled. In the end, the attack was frozen and turned invisible.

"Is this the so-called corrosiveness?" Su Ye thought to himself, and at the same time he felt lucky.

The opponent's power is indeed very strange. Just a small amount of gray mist can actually lurk in his own aura for such a long time, and can also directly transform his own aura into gray mist.

What's really scary is that once it turns into gray mist, your own power is directly transformed into the opponent's power and you can let the opponent fly.

If he had withdrawn his spiritual energy just now, then his Dantian would probably be in great danger.

Even if he finally completely cuts off and eliminates the gray mist, Su Ye believes that it will be a very dangerous thing for him.

After all, this gray mist is too weird. If you don't handle it cleanly, it may always be lurking in your body, and it may cause huge harm to you at any time.

"I didn't expect you to be so skilled in using space power."

The fight between the two just now was just a simple test.

However, after testing, they somewhat understood each other's methods.

Although Sun Wan's voice still sounded cold, she was already shocked by Su Ye's methods just now.

She never expected that Su Ye could use space power so skillfully.

"What you just did was not a skill, but the use of the power of space to change the structure of the surrounding space, and finally completely eliminate my attack in the space unit. This can only be done with a high degree of understanding of the power of space. Some small applications.”

From the perspective of both Xu Wu and Sun Wan, they could naturally see what Su Ye had just done.

At this moment, Sun Wan's voice was no longer as hollow as before, and the cold and murderous feeling in her voice became more and more intense.

Obviously, Su Ye's performance at this moment has made the void possessing Sun Wan feel a little worried.

You must know that even those real descendants of the so-called Void Temple may not be able to reach this level. This is already a high degree of use of the power of space.

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