Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 440 Treasured magic weapon!

It's just that silent look that caught the eye of outsiders. To outsiders, it was obvious that these people had given in at this time.

Su Ye glanced at these people indifferently, then said jokingly, "So, your magic weapon has a flaw that is not a flaw. As long as I have enough power now, I can pour it all into this magic weapon at once." In the vessel, the magical weapon will appear to be in a state of being overly stuffed and unable to be digested. In this state, the devouring power of the magical weapon will temporarily disappear."

"At that time, I can use this to escape. As for you guys, if the restrictions on the magic weapon are lifted later than me, then to me..." Su Ye stopped talking, but everyone present knew it clearly. , for a master of Su Ye's strength, facing some immovable targets, shouldn't he just kill them at will?

Thinking of this, the people in the city looked at Su Ye with some changes in their eyes.

As for Jiang Rou and others, their originally solemn expressions also showed some joy at this time.

"Hahaha, I know my boss is awesome, but you still want to trap my boss with a magic weapon like yours? It's really weird."

"As long as the boss comes out, these people will be like chickens and dogs."

Er Sha and Gu Lengyu laughed happily immediately. They were still full of confidence in Su Ye.

The faces of Feng Yue and others became even more ugly at this moment. At this moment, Feng Yue let out a disdainful snort. When he looked at Su Ye, he looked like he was seeing a clown, "Huh, Having said so much, can you really do it? Yes, this is indeed a temporary weakness of our formation, but if you want to gather so much power at once, at least the peak of the Great Three Disasters cannot do it, just What qualifications do you have to do this?"

The onlookers on the city wall had just relaxed, but then they heard these words, which made their originally relaxed expressions become solemn again.

Indeed, as Feng Yue said, even if they know the shortcomings of this magical weapon, what is its use? Even if all of them release their power on this magical weapon, they will not be able to make this magical weapon reach the "eating level". It's a "support" state.

Su Ye shrugged indifferently. After hearing Feng Yue's words, the smile on his face couldn't help but become stronger.

"To be able to say this, it seems that your talents are limited to this. Spiritual power is just a manifestation of external objects. In fact, there is no need to focus on spiritual power now. Even if it is air, as long as I can Gathering enough air and pouring it into this magic weapon can also cause this magic weapon to stagnate for a short period of time. Even if it is just a short second, I can escape directly."

Su Ye's expression looked extremely calm and composed, as if everything was under his control.

Ruan Jie and others looked at each other. They had never thought of the method Su Ye was talking about before, but now that they thought about it carefully, they had to admit that Su Ye's statement was indeed feasible.


"Can you mobilize so much air? I know you know the power of space, but your power of space is completely restricted in this area and cannot be used at all. Otherwise, you can use the power of space directly. Just move around and leave this magic weapon."

"Taking a step back, even if you can use the power of space, you can't gather so much air at once, right? Of course, you can also use spiritual power to gather the surrounding air, but once your spiritual power Outside, do you think you can get rid of the swallowing of this magic weapon? You can't pass the level of swallowing the magic weapon in the first place."

Ruan Jie said this with a gloomy expression, but although he understood the truth, he didn't know why, but when he looked at Su Ye, he couldn't feel completely at ease.

Su Ye nodded slightly, "Of course I don't know how to use air, but... if it turns into sand, I want to operate more easily. Well, it's like the sand in the blood-stained sea outside." As Su Ye spoke, Looking to one side, "After all, the sand in this blood-stained sea is very strange. I don't think even your magic weapon can completely erase it for a while."

You must know that this is a border city. At the junction of two areas, one side of the border is the blood-stained sea.

The sand in this blood-stained sea contains a lot of divine aura because it has been soaked by the blood of the once powerful people. Therefore, given the degree of control they have over their magical weapons, even if they have to completely destroy these It will take a long time for the divine power to be annihilated.

After hearing this, Ruan Jie couldn't help but was slightly stunned, and then looked at Su Ye with an expression as if he saw a fool, "Blood-stained sea? Huh, then you might as well use the air for convenience, you Want to fill this magic weapon with fools from the blood-stained sea?"

"The sand in the Blood-stained Sea is indeed strange, but do you think you can mobilize the sand there? Even if you really want to implement the method you mentioned, unless you mobilize all the fools in the Blood-stained Sea, but... ...Haha, brat, do you think you have this ability?"

At this time, Ruan Jie let out a disdainful laugh. When he looked at Su Ye, he looked like he was seeing a big fool.

Su Ye smiled, but when the smile fell into Ruan Jie's eyes, it made Ruan Jie's heart tremble slightly.

"How do you know I can't? Let me tell you, not only did you get a magic weapon here, I also got a treasure here, and this treasure can just move the sand in the entire blood-stained sea." Su Ye said When he said this, he also used a very mysterious tone.

Almost at the moment they heard this, everyone present could not help but be slightly startled.

The moment they heard Su Ye's words, everyone present actually chose to believe what Su Ye said. After all, in everyone's eyes, it was at this juncture, and there was no need for Su Ye to lie, but soon everyone seemed to react. Come over.

"Have you obtained a magic weapon? Do you want to tell me that the branch in your hand is actually what you call a treasure that can mobilize the sand in the blood-stained sea?" Yu Jie couldn't help laughing at this time, When his eyes looked at the scepter in Su Ye's hand that looked like a dead branch, his eyes were full of disdain and contempt.

"Hmph, if that thing of yours were a treasure, I would eat the whole sea of ​​blood." Feng Yue also laughed at this time.

Obviously, Feng Yue and others would not believe what Sun was saying now. Let alone them, even the people and beasts on the wall at the moment, although they all hoped that Su Ye would have a way to deal with them. Feng Yue and others obviously didn't believe Su Ye's words.

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