Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 464 Something bad happened!

"Trash, if such a good treasure falls into my hands, I won't be so cowardly in using it."

"As expected, Mr. Ye is the most trustworthy person. Thank you very much for Mr. Ye's kindness and kindness. We will definitely repay you for your great kindness!"

These people started talking one after another. Just hearing these words, Su Ye suddenly let out a burst of disdainful laughter. In his opinion, these guys are really useless, and it is also very realistic. Who has the greatest influence on them? Value, who they stand by.

But it's a pity...

"Haha, you are just a wallflower, right? I hope you can be so happy by then." Su Ye thought of this, and the smile on his face couldn't help but become thicker.

Er Sha and the others immediately relaxed completely after seeing Su Ye's smile.

"That's right, the boss is digging a hole. This smile makes people feel scared. I know that our boss is not a good person. As expected, I still know our boss very well." Er Sha said happily at this time Such a sentence.

Wu Mingyong and others looked at each other at this time, and their expressions were extremely gloomy. After seeing the situation just now, although they did not speak, they already understood in their hearts that this time Jian Tianxin was probably unreliable, and even As far as I'm concerned, this guy will have to answer in this place.

"Damn it, who is this guy and why does he have such terrifying strength?"

"It's all that bastard's fault. Why did he provoke such a master so well? And it hurts all of us. Damn it."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this time. No, even so, I must let others know why I died."

Several people had their own thoughts, and when they looked at Su Ye one by one, their expressions became extremely complicated.

"Suppress and kill!" Jian Tian was so angry that he immediately scolded him and pressed his palm down. He knew very well that if he didn't show strong intimidation today, he would probably lose his face in the future. All will be completely lost.

Following his scolding, a violent roar suddenly erupted in the air. Everyone was shocked to see that the huge tower that was originally flying above everyone's heads emitted a harsh roar at this time. Immediately afterwards, the tower fell with a crash. It was so fast that when they saw the scene in front of them, everyone was so depressed that they could hardly breathe.

Although at this time, there is a light pattern above their heads to protect them. However, although this light pattern can block the pressure from the tower when it falls, the moment they see the tower, everyone's hearts are still An uncontrollable feeling of oppression arose.

Everyone looked nervously in the direction of Su Ye. They knew very well that the only one who could save them at this time was Su Ye.

But what made everyone confused was that Su Ye didn't show too much force at this time. He still just held his palm forward, and then a large amount of thick blood-red mist came out vigorously. The mist quickly covered the tall tower.

There was a violent tremor on the tower. At this time, the tremors of the tower seemed to be unable to offset the blood-red mist. The blood-red mist seemed to have a mysterious aura. Under the influence of this aura, the tower The aura emitted during the tremor was instantly blocked.

Looking at this scene, Jian Tian's heart almost lifted. He never expected that Su Ye could actually do this. This was really terrifying to him. In less than a short time, In a matter of moments, this high tower was completely enveloped in blood-red mist. From a distance, it looked like a blood-red mountain, spinning weirdly in the air.

"Hmph, so what if your bloody mist can cover my Temple of Origin? As long as you can't prevent the Temple of Origin from falling, you will still die." Jian Tianxin glared at Su Ye fiercely, and when he looked at Su Ye , those eyes were full of coldness and severity.



Speaking of the violent trembling sound, almost the moment they heard the sound, everyone felt a pain in their eardrums, and even the weaker people had blood spurting out of their ears.

Everyone saw in horror that the tall tower that was falling from the sky quickly seemed to be restricted by something. The falling figure was completely stopped at this moment, as if it was frozen, just like that. Stuck in the air.

Almost at the moment he saw this scene, Jian Tianxin's pupils shrank. Just now he was gloating about Su Ye's misfortune, mocking Su Ye for his certain death, but what he never expected was that he could actually stop the tower. whereabouts.

Only then did Jian Tianxin become really nervous, fearing that the tower would really be completely destroyed by Su Ye at this time. Jian Tianxin immediately formed a seal with his hands, trying to take the tower back, but what he never expected was , no matter how he formed seals at this time, the tower seemed to be completely isolated from him, and the tower gave him no response at all.

" is this possible? Could it be..." A terrifying thought suddenly appeared in Jian Tianxin's heart. Jian Tianxin was really scared at this time, for fear that his temple of origin would be destroyed.

"Take it!" He formed the seal quickly, and let out a low roar from his mouth, and a large amount of power spurted out from his palm. However, what disappointed Jian Tianxin was that no matter how he formed the seal, no matter how hard he formed the seal, He went to summon the tower, but the tower never gave him any response.

In fact, at this time, he could hardly feel the existence of the tower. The bloody mist had a strange power. Under the influence of this power, his connection with the tower had been completely cut off. .

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of everyone, and everyone was shocked. In fact, when they heard Su Ye’s words at the beginning, many people didn’t take it to heart, and they didn’t think that Su Ye Night can really swallow this tower.

But now this result seems to prove what Su Ye just said.

"Take it? Haha, as long as you can take this thing away, then I lose." Su Ye said this jokingly. The words sounded extremely calm and calm, as if he was talking about something so insignificant. Things were normal, but the moment his words fell into Jian Tianxin's ears, Jian Tianxin's heart couldn't help but "knock".

He knew something was wrong.

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