Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 473 You can fly over just by shouting!

"Is this repayment?" Su Ye suddenly had such a thought in his mind at this time.

Previously, Su Ye helped this Temple of Origin to devour the dilapidated Temple of Origin to increase the power of the Temple of Origin. As a feedback, now the Temple of Origin has also enhanced his spiritual power. It can be said that a "win-win" effect was achieved between them.

At this time, Su Ye slowly sat on the huge throne. Considering the current level of Su Ye's spiritual power, the throne no longer looked so huge, and was just enough for Su Ye to sit up.

However, the moment Su Ye sat down with his spiritual power, Su Ye clearly felt an extremely powerful sense of oppression coming from the throne.


Su Ye also exclaimed subconsciously. At that moment, Su Ye had a strange feeling, as if there was an invisible hammer that was constantly beating his body and tempering himself. of spiritual power.

"I understand, my mental power increased too fast just now. Although my mental power has reached an unprecedented height, it is also because the power came too fast, which caused my power to feel empty. Maybe I can't do it now. I feel the disadvantages brought by this feeling of vanity, but... once my spiritual power returns to my true body, it will definitely have a great impact on my true body, and it may even affect my control of my true body."

"That's exactly what it is. Now I need to temper my mental strength."

Su Ye quickly understood the function of this throne, but he did not expect that this seat could have such an effect.

Although this tempering process made Su Ye feel extremely painful, almost every time such a powerful blow dared to fall on him, Su Ye felt as if his mental strength was about to collapse.

However, Su Ye had to admit that this concise technique was still very effective.

As time went on, Su Ye could clearly feel that the floating feeling in his mental power was gradually replaced by a solid feeling, and his mental power became more and more condensed. .

If at the beginning, Su Ye's mental strength was like that of a fat man among giants, then now Su Ye's body has completely become extremely strong, almost smaller in size, and appears more symmetrical.

And it was at this time that the previous beating and condensing effect completely disappeared.

Obviously at this moment, in the knowledge of this throne, Su Ye no longer needs to be "beaten" anymore.


It was at this time that a slight trembling sound came out. Su Ye raised his head subconsciously, and saw that there was originally a dark area in front of him, but at this time, a huge screen similar to an electronic screen appeared. In this area, Su Ye saw a lot of people and strange beasts, and they were constantly fighting.

The scene in front of Su Ye changed, and soon Su Ye saw the figures of Er Sha and Gu Lengyu suddenly appearing in this area.

These two guys were like thieves with a guilty conscience, pacing around the outside of the battle, as if they were discussing something.

"Is this the Duanhun Slope?"

The moment he saw this scene, Su Ye couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise on his face.

She already knew from Jiang Rou that these two guys should be looking for the key at Duanhunpo, but what Su Ye never expected was that this place could actually feed back the situation there. .

If he hadn't known that this place was the Temple of Origin, Su Ye would have wondered if it was a spaceship that could monitor everything nearby.

"Can you let me know what they're talking about?"

The only thing that disappointed Su Ye was that now he was just like watching a silent TV and couldn't hear what Er Sha and the others were saying at all.

Su Ye just tried to say such a sentence, but to Su Ye's surprise, at this time, there was actually a sound coming from that area.

"Four fools, aren't you a fortune-seeker? Hurry up and use your special physique to attract the keys." Er Sha's mean voice came out suddenly. As he spoke, Er Sha's eyes were still He looked towards the fighting area in the distance with a thief look.

Looking at the scene of shouting and killing and rivers of blood, Er Sha's cheeks twitched.

"Are these people crazy? They work so hard for a key? It's not like this place only has one key. It's not worth dying here for a key."

Er Sha's words obviously made Gu Lengyu agree with him very much. Looking at the bloody scene in front of him, Gu Lengyu felt a chill.

"If we have this little strength, we will just be cannon fodder. It's really crazy."

Upon hearing this, Er Sha rolled his eyes at Gu Lengyu angrily, "So, hurry up and use your ability to attract wealth. Whether we can get the key depends on you." Er Sha Stupid to say such a thing right away at this time.

If Gu Lengyu didn't have the ability of "lucky boy" and his escape ability was very strong, he wouldn't have dared to team up with Gu Lengyu and come here to die.

Gu Lengyu's complexion instantly turned into a bitter look.

This so-called "lucky boy" is just a joke. Do you want to "luck in money"?

He doesn't even know the method.

"I...I don't know what to do?" Gu Lengyu looked at Er Sha with a bitter look on his face. He didn't agree with Er Sha's approach just now. If Er Sha hadn't said "If I get the key, "You can flatter Boss Long" as an excuse, he meant that it was impossible to come here.

"This..." When Gu Lengyu said this, Er Sha didn't know how to respond.

After hesitating for a moment, Er Sha coughed dryly and said, "How about we try? With your strong fortune-making boy's physique, you just need to shout 'I want the key', I think that will The key should fly over automatically, right?"

Can you fly over just by shouting?

The moment he heard this, Gu Lengyu looked at Er Sha with a speechless look in his eyes. He always felt that the "dog" in front of him was playing tricks on him.

The feeling of being played by a "dog" made Er Sha feel quite uncomfortable.

"Otherwise? Is there any other way you can do it? You've already come, and you're willing to leave without giving it a try?" The two fools stood up and looked at Gu Lengyu with their front feet on their hips.

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