Su Ye's originally solemn face suddenly showed a smile.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly. Although the killing intent around him was still very strong, Su Ye's heart was no longer tense for the time being.

"Why are you laughing? Come on, kid, even if we are really reluctant to kill you directly, if you don't give us a good explanation for this matter, we will have to kill you even if we don't get anything from you. You were killed."

King Peng's voice was extremely cold, as if coming from the Nine Nether Hell.

Just hearing the sound, Su Ye felt as if a layer of chill had appeared on his skin.

Su Ye smiled jokingly, with a hint of disdain on his face.

"What? It's as if if I tell you everything, you can just let me go."

As soon as Su Ye said these words, King Peng's expression could not help but change slightly, but in the end he snorted coldly without saying anything more.

Indeed, as Su Ye said, even if Su Ye told them everything at this time, they would not let Su Ye go.

"So, you are begging for death now? Huh, boy, even if you really have a relationship with them, given the current restrictions in this world, it is impossible for them to come over for the time being."

"They still can't save you. Since you are looking for death, then..."

The leader of the Golden Crow snorted coldly, and the murderous intent in his body continued to rise. The impact of this murderous intent alone seemed to be able to completely pierce the sky.


But at this moment, a series of deafening roars came out.

As if sensing the murderous threat from the Golden Crow Clan Leader, the black shadows around Su Ye actually let out a series of roars.

However, Su Ye soon discovered that the sound did not come from the outside world, but came from his sea of ​​consciousness.

The voice was full of anger, as if these black shadows wanted to cut the Golden Crow patriarch into thousands of pieces.

The Golden Crow Clan Chief and Peng King looked at each other, and the scene in front of them made them feel a little jealous for a moment.

Although they are confident, if they really fight, they can completely wipe out all these shadows with their own strength.


Deep in their hearts, there is a feeling of "reluctance".

It seems that there is something in these dark shadows that has some connection with them.

"Who are they? If you tell me, I might consider telling you the origins of these shadows." Su Ye also saw the hesitation of the two.

Just now, the cooldown time of his [Great Void Escape] has ended.

If Su Ye wanted to escape at this time, they would not be able to restrain Su Ye unless they directly blocked the void.

But Su Ye was really curious about what the two clan leaders said just now, especially when he thought about the strange battle he saw at the bottom of the lake before, Su Ye was even more curious.

In his opinion, the so-called "them" mentioned by the two clan leaders should refer to the strange enemies with fighting power.

Su Ye was already very curious when he saw these things, so now he could take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions.

As for the so-called "their aura" on these black shadows...

After all, these shadows had fought against weird enemies and been killed by those powerful enemies in the ancient times. It was not impossible that they would have left the auras of those enemies on their bodies.

Su Ye's question made the two clan leaders frown slightly.

"Why, you don't know what you provoked?" King Peng was slightly startled. Originally, they thought Su Ye was a "traitor" and had colluded with those beings, but now it seems that something is wrong.


Su Ye just opened his mouth, but what surprised Su Ye was that the black shadows that were originally guarding him seemed to be unable to appear all the time. Just as he was about to speak, these black shadows roared again, and then they all disappeared, and he replied He arrived at the mark in his dragon claw.

Su Ye:......

Damn it!

Su Ye was completely speechless.

You can come when you want and leave when you want. Do you really think this place is a hotel?

Also, if you leave like this, what will I do?

Su Ye was completely speechless.

"Ignore it. Since this kid doesn't want to speak, just kill him and keep him. I'm always uneasy." The leader of the Golden Crow clan snorted coldly.

"Originally, I was planning to completely erase your sea of ​​consciousness, make your body into a puppet, and make you the only dragon puppet in this era. However, since your body is contaminated with their aura, I can't keep it. Even if you die, I will completely erase your body, lest they use your power to return."

When King Peng heard the words of the Golden Crow Clan Chief, there was obviously some hesitation in his eyes, as if he was still debating whether to kill Su Ye directly.

Although he hesitated, King Peng had no intention of stopping him.

He just frowned slightly and looked at the Golden Crow Clan Leader who had a hot aura next to him.


The leader of the Golden Crow clan scolded, and at the same time, a hot flame burst out from his body, turning into a hot and dazzling sun.

This big sun bloomed brightly in the sky, and the next second, it hit hard in the direction of Su Ye.

"Damn it!"

Su Ye cursed loudly and formed seals with his hands at the same time.

Vision: Chaos gives birth to golden lotus!

Suddenly, countless bright golden lotuses bloomed around him, and the powerful auras intertwined with each other, eventually forming a large net made entirely of golden lotuses, and quickly rushed towards the attack of the Golden Crow Clan Leader.


The two forces collided together, and a burst of earth-shaking sound suddenly erupted, as if under the influence of this force, this space was completely destroyed.

"Hmph, ignorant!" Seeing that Su Ye actually dared to resist his attack, the Golden Crow Clan leader snorted coldly.

He is very confident in his own power, and this is not something that a small three-disaster-strength beast can withstand.

The powerful force broke through the protection of the Golden Lotus at the first moment. Under bursts of roaring sounds with a destructive aura, these forces powerfully crushed Su Ye's direction.


A dragon roar full of unwillingness suddenly came out.

However, within a short time, the dragon's roar disappeared, but the violent aura still raged around for a while, and then slowly dissipated.

After experiencing the bombing just now, the air around them seemed to have a hot aura, and the air was surrounded by this destructive aura.

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