Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 588 The direction of evolution!

Su Ye took a deep look at Yao Chi, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

He naturally knew that if he told Yao Chi and the others about his whereabouts at this time, Yao Chi would probably go with them.


His whereabouts this time are still very secretive, and he doesn't want to cause trouble.

"Huh, you stingy kid. You don't say anything about it, but you act like we really want to know. Let's go, sister Yao Chi." As if she saw Su Ye's hesitation, Jiang Rou immediately wrinkled her cute little face at Su Ye. Nose, glared at Su Ye, and immediately pulled Yao Chi towards the black hole.

Seeing Jiang Rou and Yao Chi leaving, Su Ye couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile on his face.

In fact, he also understood in his heart that the reason why Jiang Rou said this at this time was actually a step down for him.

"Boss, I think these three girls are good." At this time, Gu Lengyu came over.

Er Sha was naturally not willing to lag behind at this time. After all, this Gu Lengyu had always stolen the limelight of filming the dragon fart. "These three girls have three styles. Boss, I think you should be able to win easily."

"Our boss is still the best. Either he doesn't take action. Once he does, it will be three kills."

Gu Lengyu and the others gave Su Ye a thumbs up.

Su Ye:......

Su Ye rolled his eyes at these people speechlessly.

"Don't make trouble, okay? We are all pure."

Regardless of whether Su Ye believed what he said or not, Gu Lengyu and the others didn't believe it at all.

"Okay, after we go in this time, remember to meet up at Dachuan. Also, if you encounter any danger, if you can't defeat it, you must be careful and wait until we meet up, and then take revenge. "Su Ye couldn't help but remind him at this time.

In fact, their main destination this time is naturally the "Abyss of Death". According to the city lord of the Far North, there is a key to the core of Qinglong's secret land on the other side of the Death Abyss.

For Su Ye, who is also a member of the dragon clan, the things inside are obviously of great benefit to him. This time, he will do whatever it takes to get the key.

But Su Ye had learned before that the so-called Death Abyss was a very dangerous place. It would be no exaggeration to say that it was the most dangerous place in the entire ancient battlefield, especially since there were many dangers outside the Death Abyss. If If they went directly to that place to meet up, Su Ye was worried that Er Sha and the others would not be able to really get close to that place and would be killed by the dangers.

As for Dachuan, it is an inland sea. There is a strange ore in it, which can be used to enhance the strength of cultivators. It just happens that this place can enhance the strength of Er Sha and the others.

Now the strength of these people is too weak compared to his own. Su Ye plans to use this trip to the ancient battlefield to solve the problem of Er Sha and their strength. After all, as the enemies he faces continue to Enhancement, once the two idiots are lagging behind, it will still have a great impact on themselves.

Thinking of this, Su Ye directly opened his properties page. 20000-30000

[Host: Su Ye]

[Species: Xiqiong Golden Eye Dragon]

[Level: Mid-term of the Great Three Disasters]

[Basic spiritual energy strength: 23456 (30492.8) Pa]

[Talented magical powers: Creation Spiritual Eye, Breath Simulation] (in progress)

[Bloodline talent magical power: Dragon Emperor Seal (in the process of fusion), Heaven and Earth Return to Origin Dragon Clear Art (in the process of fusion), Kanglong Tribulation (in the process of fusion), Nine Tribulation Eyes (in the process of fusion), Vision: Golden Lotus Born from Chaos (Under integration)]

[Skills: Heavenly Thunder Domain (being fused), "Blue Dragon, Raging Flame, Breaking Ten Thousand Laws", Divine Statue Condensing Thunder Technique (being fused), Ten Thousand Phase Fire Technique (being fused), Void Bell, Divine Phaseless Technique ( In the process of fusion), ever-changing (in the process of fusion)]

[Extremely evil power: 12]

[Weapons: Chiyu Xuanyi (Doomsday), Jue Shanhai (Doomsday), Hanguang Killing Blade (Jinwu)]

[Bloodline Achievement Increase: Golden Dragon Increase (30%)]

[Pressure: Golden Dragon pressure]

[Evolution point: 1230]

[Aura points: 23000/26000 (26/day)]

[Special Item: Dropped from Nothingness! 】

Looking at his property page, Su Ye couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In fact, many of the skills on my attribute page are gray, which means that these skills are in the fusion state and cannot be used, similar to the Dragon Emperor's Seal, and things like [Anomaly: Golden Lotus Born from Chaos]. , although there are also the words "in the process of merging" behind it, the name of this skill is not gray.

In Su Ye's opinion, this should be due to the fact that there are no suitable skills that have been truly integrated with them. They are only in the preparation stage of integration, so they can be used by themselves.

Then Su Ye turned his attention to the [Special Items]. When he killed strange beasts in the past, there was no such thing. This thing was just like a "gift bag". To be honest, when he saw this Su Ye had the urge to open it immediately.

But because it involves "nihility", he is worried that if he clicks on it directly at this time, it will cause unnecessary trouble. If he doesn't save everything, he will be considered to have a constant relationship with this so-called nothingness.

Therefore, Su Ye finally decided to go directly to the Void Clock to study this thing after the incident on the ancient battlefield was over.

Su Ye turned to look at Er Sha and the others. .

To be honest, because he was too busy during this period, Su Ye had not observed them carefully, and he was not very clear about how far they had grown.

[Species: Yin-Yang Heaven-Swallowing Dog (Middle Stage of Minor Three Catastrophes)]

[Basic spiritual energy strength: 14856 Pa]

[Evolution level: There are evolutionary branches, and there are several directions for evolution. 】

The first thing Su Ye looked at was these two fools. After all, the second fools were the ones who followed him in the first place, and this guy seemed to be a little special. Therefore, Su Ye was curious to what extent these two fools had evolved now.

But what surprised Su Ye was that in the past, he could only see the species names and basic spiritual energy strength of Er Sha and the others.

But now I didn't expect that there would be an additional "evolution level".

This made Su Ye a little curious. He didn't know whether it was because he had gained such an ability as his strength improved, or whether it was due to Er Sha's special characteristics.

"How many directions can it evolve? It seems that this guy is really extraordinary." Su Ye sighed secretly in his heart.


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