At the same time, they felt a sense of sadness in their hearts. They finally knew how terrifying a being they had provoked at this time, and they also knew what kind of trouble they might bring to their family at this time.

"This... how is this possible? How can you own the Temple of Origin?" The fiery old man just couldn't help but exclaimed, his expression full of panic. Even at this time, the old man's face was pale. He began to twitch violently.

Su Ye looked indifferent, shrugged indifferently, and said, "Is this difficult? I have obtained this temple of origin since I came here, but...hey, you sons of gods are not good at it. It has not been recognized for such a long time. If you believe me, a person who has been here, you will be dead inside if you don’t protect all your sons.”

Lingfeng clan:...

The moment these people heard Su Ye's words, they almost vomited blood.

Damn it, do you still listen to someone like you?

Why on earth do we believe that our son of God has died in the temple?

Is this how much he looks down on our Son of God?

The eyes of several people were almost on fire at this time, but unfortunately, Su Ye didn't pay attention to their expressions and reactions at all.

In fact, if they didn't have a special method of checking the life signs of their own children, even if they didn't say anything on the surface at this time, they would really feel worried and scared in their hearts. After all, Su Ye was indeed someone who had been there. .

At this time, Su Ye moved his hand and put the Origin Temple back into his Six Paths of Reincarnation Seal. Almost at this moment, everyone present felt relieved.

It was as if a big stone that was originally pressing on his chest was removed at this time.

"Is it difficult to eat the Temple of Origin? Haven't I easily eaten one before?" Su Ye muttered quietly at this time.

Almost at the moment they heard Su Ye's words, the people of the Lingfeng clan almost went crazy. To be honest, although they were unwilling to believe Su Ye's words at this time, they saw those around them. After people heard Su Ye's last words and showed a natural look, they couldn't help but believe it a little bit. It was precisely this that made them feel more and more worried.

" can't..."


The old man from the Lingfeng clan had not finished speaking, but at this moment there was a burst of thunder in the air.

The five-color divine thunder that had been temporarily stagnated by Su Ye showed signs of activity again at this time, and it was at the moment when they heard this sound that these people were completely frightened.

"Okay, your value ends here. Accept the judgment of Thunder Punishment. Oh, by the way, this is also your own skill. Feel it."

At the end of Su Ye's words, his tone was full of panic.

The next second, five-color divine thunder descended from the sky with a terrifying aura that seemed to destroy the world.

"Huh? Is this the so-called Death Swamp?"

After dealing with the Lingfeng clan, Su Ye, under the leadership of Yao Chi and others, came to the so-called death swamp area.

However, Su Ye was still very unhappy. The power of his five-color divine thunder was more powerful and poisonous than he imagined. The moment the five-color divine thunder fell, almost the entire area was completely boiling, and the people in front of him were directly killed. Completely killed and annihilated.

It's just that when Su Ye used the five-color divine thunder, it cost 10,000 spiritual power points, but the return this time was very little. It can be said that Su Ye suddenly suffered a considerable loss this time.

This is also the reason why Su Ye kept looking blue all the way.

"Hmph, I will definitely squeeze this Lingfeng clan hard when the time comes. No matter what, the losses this time must be made up for by them." Su Ye muttered angrily in his heart, that way of giving people the feeling It seemed as if he wished he could plunder all the members of the Ling Feng clan here.

Er Sha took a deep look at Su Ye at this time. Although Er Sha had no idea what Su Ye was thinking at this time, Er Sha had been observing Su Ye all the way. From Su Ye's understanding, he could also understand that the reason why Su Ye was so unhappy was probably related to the Ling Feng clan.

Er Sha rolled his eyes at this moment, and a smirk suddenly appeared on his face.

"Boss, are you feeling angry about that Lingfeng clan member? I feel angry too. These bastards still think that their bullshit son of God has been recognized by the Temple of Origin, so they can do whatever they want. Huh, I see. Ah, now that we have solved this son of God, we will conduct a carpet-like search to find all the members of the Lingfeng clan. Anyway, the ominous ones will not appear during this period, which will allow us to get things done properly. ”

When Er Sha said this, he looked at Su Ye with an extremely flattering expression. The moment the latter heard this, a look of joy appeared on his face. Su Ye immediately stretched out his hand and put it on his face. Er Sha's bald head was gently rubbed a few times.

"Hahaha, good, good, your idea is really good, let's go and do it now!"

Su Ye was obviously very happy, and after feeling Su Ye's caress, Er Sha immediately cried out happily "Ouch!"

At the same time, Er Sha was looking in the direction of Gu Lengyu with an expression that seemed to show off.

Er Sha's expression was full of arrogance, as if he was telling Gu Lengyu with his eyes that he was the first gutter where Boss Long sat down.

Gu Lengyu:......

The moment he came into contact with Er Sha's gaze, Gu Lengyu suddenly felt angry in his heart. He naturally understood what Er Sha's eyes meant at this time. He was clearly showing off to himself.

"Hey, it was a mistake, it was a mistake, this stupid dog got the better of me."

Gu Lengyu muttered helplessly in his heart. Of course, fortunately, Gu Lengyu did not express his thoughts at this time. Otherwise, if the second idiot knew that Gu Lengyu actually called himself a "stupid dog" at this time, he would definitely be I want to fight Gu Lengyu desperately.

Gu Lengyu turned his head subconsciously and looked in the direction of Er Sha again. After seeing the bald old dog sticking out his tongue and biting his almost bald tail in excitement, Gu Lengyu looked again I couldn't help but cursed "stupid dog" in my heart.

Su Ye suddenly showed a look of doubt on his face at this time, and he looked in the direction of Yao Chi.

"That's not right. Didn't you say that after the bloody sun appears, there will be a month, so that this ominous thing cannot appear? But my retreat this time has been far longer than a month, but why is the bloody sun still there? ?Ominous has been suppressed?"

When Su Ye said this, his eyes were full of confusion.

After he woke up from the state of seclusion, he naturally understood how long he had been practicing. It was because of this that Su Ye became increasingly puzzled.

In fact, let alone Su Ye, even Yao Chi and everyone in the ancient battlefield were quite puzzled by the matter.

Yao Chi shook his head and said, "It's strange. Under normal circumstances, a blood sun should continue to get darker, and eventually it will completely darken, and then the world will return to normal, but now this round Not only did the red sun not dim, but..."

When Yao Chi said this, he couldn't help but subconsciously look up above his head, "On the contrary, it became more and more heated. The common understanding now is that it should be those keys that destroyed some of the balance of this ancient battlefield. As for the changes that have occurred."

Jiang Rou immediately said at this time, "Normally, in the ancient battlefield, it is considered a great luck for a person to be recognized by the Temple of Origin for trial. Normally, it is normal not once in thousands of years." , but now not only have you been recognized by the Temple of Origin, but the guy before has also obtained a dilapidated Temple of Origin, and as for the divine son of the Lingfeng clan, he has now also been given the opportunity to trial in the Temple of Origin."

When Jiang Rou said this, her expression looked extremely solemn, "I always feel that something is happening in this ancient battlefield. It seems that the sky is about to change. I hope there won't be too much impact on the outside world." Although these words are Even as she said this, Jiang Rou's brows were still knitted into knots, and she was obviously still worried about this matter.

Su Ye's brows also wrinkled slightly, but then Su Ye's face was filled with a calm smile, as if he was quite disapproving of what Jiang Rou and Yao Chi said before.

"Don't worry, follow me, I will keep you safe for the rest of your life." Su Ye said this with great pride.

As for Jiang Rou and Yao Chi, their little faces looked a little red with embarrassment, but they nodded immediately, obviously feeling very useful to Su Ye's words.

A few people were walking forward. There were swamps everywhere in this death swamp. There were very few roads to walk on. In addition, there was a lot of dark green mist floating in many swamps. These were the gases of poisonous swamps. In terms of their strength, Er Sha and the others would feel uncomfortable and dizzy after being exposed to this mist for a long time. Fortunately, this is not a big problem. They can completely force this poisonous gas out of their bodies with their own spiritual power. .

Bodies can be seen everywhere here, as if this place is a burial ground, and there are even wild will-o'-wisps floating in many places.

"I'll go, this skeleton too big?" Er Sha couldn't help shouting "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" at this time, and then said this in surprise.

It's not surprising that Er Sha was making such a fuss, because the corpse in front of him was too huge.

I don’t know what kind of strange beast this is. Its body is as huge as a mountain range. Naturally, this strange beast has died long ago, and its body has been completely turned into bones. Even at this time, there are still things on the bones. There are a lot of overgrown weeds, and some small scavenging animals are constantly running on it.

Su Ye and others walked over curiously, and they felt that at this time, the weeds on the bones were still filled with the smell of decay, as if these lush vegetation had actually turned into decay. .

Su Ye directly used the system to observe it at this time, but unfortunately, it was obvious that this kind of rotten skeleton was not taken seriously by the system at all, and the system finally just said something lightly.

[Item: Rotten Skeletons (not worthy of attention)]

Su Ye was helpless. As his strength continued to improve, the system's vision was getting higher and higher. He believed that if it were in the past, if he observed like this, the system would definitely give him a detailed introduction.

Several people gradually went deeper, but at this time, everyone also found that the area had become lively.

There are many ghosts in this death swamp. These are powerful alien beasts. At this moment, there are also many evolvers who have entered the ancient battlefield and are constantly fighting against these alien beasts unique to the ancient battlefield.


Su Ye and others suddenly heard a roar at this time. Everyone immediately looked towards the source of the sound, and saw dozens of giant pythons whose whole bodies were rotting and almost only their bones were left. They were chasing after them at this time. There are dozens of evolvers whose strength has reached the level of the Three Catastrophes, and one of them has even reached the late stage of the Three Catastrophes.

But after seeing these people, Su Ye couldn't help but frown slightly.

He didn't expect that he originally came here just to take action against the temple, but he didn't expect that he would see some old acquaintances in this place.


At this moment, I saw several golden crows bursting out from the crowd, blooming with bright golden brilliance.

These Golden Crows were like rounds of golden scorching sun, with scorching auras blooming from their bodies. Affected by these auras, the rotten pythons that were still chasing them hesitated. Obviously, creatures like the Golden Crows were not interested in them. Rotting ghosts have great innate suppression.

"Huh? Can they fly here?" After seeing this scene, Su Ye couldn't help but subconsciously muttered, but soon Su Ye also understood that the reason why the Golden Crow can fly is mainly because...

This big world indeed has extremely powerful suppression capabilities for evolvers. In fact, some powerful evolvers cannot fly in this place.

But this so-called flying mainly refers to using the power of the realm to fly. Similar to flying alien beasts, they can also fly by relying on their own abilities.

In fact, Su Ye can do this.

Now these Golden Crows rely on constant flapping of their wings to fly. At this moment, they seem to have turned into the most primitive birds.

"Haha, aren't these the members of the powerful Golden Crow clan? How come the Golden Crow clan, which once looked down upon the gods and the earth, has now become like a stupid bird and needs to fly in such a troublesome way?"

Er Sha was not someone to be trifled with. He was quite indignant towards the so-called Golden Crow clan, so after seeing the Golden Crow clan at this time, he directly started to mock them.

Even in the outside world, in the base camp of the Golden Crow clan, Er Sha and the others are not afraid of the patriarchs and strong men of the Golden Crow clan. They will directly take action against these Golden Crow and Golden Winged Rocs who are bent on dealing with them. Not to mention this ancient battlefield.

Judging from Su Ye's strength, these two idiots have almost considered this ancient battlefield as their own back garden.

He had done a lot of research before coming here, and he naturally knew that this time a large number of powerful tribesmen from the Golden Crow and other races came, and even those powerful creatures that once slept in the divine source came.

Su Ye also grinned at this time, muttering secretly in his heart, "If I kill all the so-called geniuses, sons and goddesses of these races here, I wonder if the elders of their families will feel extremely upset when they know about it. Sad and uncomfortable.”

As soon as this idea came to Su Ye, he couldn't help but grinned.

The races that Su Ye was thinking about didn't know what Su Ye was thinking right now. Otherwise, they would probably be furious at this time.

Although they didn't know what Su Ye was thinking, at this moment, Jiang Rou and Yao Chi, who were standing next to Su Ye, shuddered for no reason. At this moment, they could clearly feel the malice coming from Su Ye.

The two women immediately looked at each other, muttering secretly in their hearts, wondering what Su Ye was planning now.

"You bastard, do you know who we are? How dare you slander our Golden Crow clan like this? We shall be punished!"

At this time, Su Ye and the others were not far away from Jinwu and the evolved ones, and Ersha had almost shouted at the top of his lungs just now, so naturally Jinwu and the other evolved people could hear his words clearly.

It has to be said that the people of the Golden Crow clan are indeed strong and domineering. Even when facing a powerful enemy and their lives may be in danger, they still have to scold outsiders and prevent outsiders from slandering their powerful family. Even one of them At this time, the Golden Crow shot a feather with bright golden flames directly at Er Sha, hoping to kill Er Sha directly.

Su Ye's aura is very restrained. It is precisely because of this that in the eyes of these Golden Crows, Su Ye and the others are just insignificant weaklings. Especially the strength of Er Sha and the others, they can still clearly feel it. At the level of the minor three disasters, it was just like this. At this time, they were even less optimistic about Su Ye and the others, thinking that they were just ants that they could kill at will.


Seeing that the powerful flame feather was about to fall on Er Sha and the others, Su Ye immediately snorted coldly, and the tyrannical power burst out, directly annihilating the flame feather.

The moment they saw this scene, the golden crows looked a little surprised, but they didn't expect Su Ye to be so powerful.

But at this time, they obviously had no way to deal with Er Sha and the others. Just after the golden feathers bloomed, these Golden Crows were shocked to see that a burst of dark green luster erupted from those python-like beings. Under the influence of these lights, the power of these python-like monsters surged, trembling with these evolvers and the Golden Crow.

Although the power of these Golden Crows was powerful, they could not defeat these pythons for a while. Even in the end, these Golden Crows were directly restrained, and they could only barely ensure that their bodies were not corroded by the pythons.


A series of pitiful screams came out. These Golden Crows were able to protect themselves from erosion for the time being, but the other evolvers who followed them were unlucky. At this time, these evolvers screamed one after another, and the mouths of the pythons and beasts A kind of dark green mucus will be continuously sprayed out from it. This mucus also has a strange light on it. For evolutionists, it seems to have a strong corrosive effect.

Almost the moment they came into contact with this luster, those evolved people let out bursts of miserable screams, and the power in their bodies was continuously melted away.

In the end, all these followers were killed under the dark green slime.

"Open it for me!"

And it was at this moment that an angry roar suddenly came out.

The most powerful one, the Golden Crow, wanted to break free from the shackles of the python and beast and escape.

The status of this Golden Crow is obviously very high, and the other Golden Crows are even willing to sacrifice themselves for this Golden Crow, constantly attacking these pythons like moths to the flame.

With this sacrificial attack, the Golden Crow was finally about to break free from the shackles of those pythons and beasts.


But at this moment, a somewhat mean-sounding cry suddenly came out.

Almost the moment he heard the cry, the golden crow felt as if its hair was going to explode.

"Boss, it was this bastard who attacked me just now." Er Sha looked in the direction of Su Ye with a look full of evil smiles.

"Then how do you want to take revenge?" Su Ye asked immediately, and after hearing his words, Er Sha had a mean smile on his face.

At this time, Er Sha stood up immediately, raised his paw, and immediately made a slap in the air, "Just slap him to death and return it, which will save you trouble."


What Er Sha and the others said was not concealed at all, so these Golden Crows could hear it clearly at this time.

The Golden Crow, which was about to break free, was even more furious at this moment.

This Golden Crow was quite angry. Obviously, he never thought that someone would dare to insult the Golden Crow clan like this. After all, in this ancient battlefield, everyone who saw them would treat them badly. Very respectful.

"Hmph, you want to stop us? Do you have this ability? We are... ah!" The Golden Crow couldn't help but roar angrily. However, before he could finish his words, the Golden Crow was horrified. He saw a big hand that seemed to be able to cover the whole area, falling directly from the sky and crashing down on him.

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